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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. Something about fox news and teabagging sounds so....Right....
  2. Wonder if Drew will come to the bills as a late round hometown guy? Remember Drew Haddad? The Bears according to the Chicago Sun-Times were at the UB workout. Interesting to see what other UB guys might get a call in the late rounds.
  3. I like the idea of a "shipping zone" in which merchant flag countries declare it to be exclusively for heavy shipping and patrolled by a coalition of ships helicopters and gunship aircraft. The ships pick up a small military contingent as they enter the lane to hold off pirate attacks and the area is a free fire zone for non merchant ships or boats. Between radar, satellite, tactically placed navy gunships and helicopter and gunship availability it would take a hell of a lot of work to get a ship. Ships using the lane could be charged for the cost of the military contingent. Hell they do that for some tugboat pilots and guides now.
  4. Don't be silly. Look for the guy with the eyepatch and the parrot on his shoulder!
  5. I guess Jackson is the man for the first three games whether he's good or bad. I was very impressed with him last year. I guess the unknown is the man who is going to spell him during the first three games. time for the back ups to really step up or to look for a little help in free agency? I'm sure Jackson's agent is loving this situation.
  6. I've been touting him since before the senior bowl. He will be in the Haynesworth/Henderson mold and will anchor a defensive line. My "mocks" would have taken him as a sneaky steal in the third round in November, in the late second at the end of the season, in the early second to late first after the senior bowl, to someone we would take with a Philadelphia first a few days ago...to now looking like a reasonable number 11 pick. I think he's the real thing. Played on a less than effective Tennessee team and had injuries early in his career.
  7. Well, that's one side of the story. I'd like to hear the other side.
  8. I wonder if the band did not have Billy Bob whether anyone would have wanted to interview them? I guess he takes advantage of the actor director thing to get to the microphone then acts as if the media is interested mostly in this hillbilly band? I suppose the band might be legit, but would it command so much attention without BBT and his notoriety?
  9. Ayers has moved past injuries in the last year and especially late in the year and since the season ended to become a solid later round one draft choice. I think he will surprise people as a player. A bit of a stretch at 11 but he's someone we just might want to stretch for. He's in the Henderson/Haynesworth Tennessee style and could be a force on the defensive line.
  10. I'm not sure if he's a joke or not. I saw his reply to the president's speech and couldn't stop laughing for hours. I guess he actually IS the governor of Louisiana, though.
  11. I've given it some thought. McNabb is getting toward the downside of his prime and the need for a quality tackle who can step right in (not a rookie) is great. Peters is the best available. I think we have leverage and a one and two is doable. A one and three is not a very good deal, but if we need to get rid of Peters that is one we would hold our nose for and let him go. Anything else is a no deal.
  12. owning a gun and pointing it at another human being and pulling the trigger under stress are two extremely different things.
  13. How awful to say we "hate" this bill or that bill. Hate is a strong word to be used only for things that are repulsive beyond belief....nazis, terrorists...dolphins.
  14. very good draft. It will take a cattle car to bring this group to camp!
  15. Good point. There are a number of really good centers in this draft. I'm thinking that trading peters may not be the end of the world, assuming we get two good picks for him.
  16. lots of good linemen there and I would go for a few different fellows. An all lineman draft is not a bad idea though.
  17. Our draft suggestions? Mine.. 1. Andre Smith OT Alabama 1. Robert Ayers DE Tennessee 2. Eric Wood C Louisville 2.Duke Robinson G. Oklahoma 3Sen'Derrick Marks, DT, Auburn 4.Chase Coffman, TE, Missouri I think this is most poundage suggested in the mock drafts so far. I might even be looking for another OT or G in rounds subsequent. Get a cattle car to bring these guys to camp.
  18. Our biggest problem is the o-line..a close second is our pass rush and defensive line. Getting the players we have gotten (TO etc.) doesn't address either problem. Trading peters only exacerbates the biggest problem we have. First we have to stop the arterial bleeding from the o-line and the d-line.
  19. Sad case. Hope he can figure out a way to move beyond where he is.
  20. Remember he only won 2 AFL championships and when he had the chance to go to Superbowl 1 he lost to Kansas City when he perhaps had a team with a much better chance to beat Green Bay...Levy won 4 "AFL" championships AND actually got to the superbowl 4 times.
  21. remember that Cookie also played a very good linebacker in a two way system in Canada and there were those who would have played him on the offensive line because he was such a tremendous blocker. He also kicked field goals and punted. He may have been the best all around player we ever had. Flutie (who could kick and like George Saimes who played safety in the pros but qb for Michigan) might be in the running. Eddie Rutkowske (receiver, quarterback and defensive back is another...but none of them were of the Cookie category.
  22. Cookie Gilchrist is a close second to OJ. I hate having to say this...but OJ actually was the best running back. Awful human being...AWFUL MURDERING HUMAN BEING...but I have to go with him as the best running back. Then Cookie, then Thurman. After those three there are a few more who deserve mention (Bobby Burnett, rookie of the year, who was hurt...Wray Carlton...Cribbs, Hooks et. al. )
  23. Considering that after a poor pass rush our offensive pass blocking was the major reason for our sorry season (remember the TE concussion?) Duke should keep his trap shut.
  24. Got into it years ago with my son. Between the two of us we have over 28 properties in Albany fully rented and some down here. No intention of selling any of them in the foreseeable future. The East Tennessee and Asheville markets seem to be doing very well. (Mountains, lakes, great weather, no income tax.). I'm still in the market, with some bonds and figure I'll weather the tough times and get in with a vengeance late next fall, unless something happens in between to dampen my belief that there will be a slow upturn after November. We'll see.
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