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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. Ayers was likely until they traded Peters. Don't be surprised if one of the three top OT's slips into the 11 spot and we go for him. If one of the three doesn't make it, we might go for Ayers.
  2. I see seven or eight more attractive players in positions of need just above and just below #28. Let's get one of them.
  3. I see one of the three top OT's slipping to us at 11. One of the Smiths or Monroe. I would be surprised to see Pettigrew last to 28, but at 28 and if he's still there...good choice. If not..a Defensive End or another O lineman..maybe a center. Gotta shore up that O-line or we aren't going anywhere.
  4. The prep was the worst part of it. I was out cold, so there really wasn't any discomfort from the procedure itself.
  5. years ago...more than a decade...I trained for it through the winter in Brockport, and then got terrible shin splints. I remember saturdays finishing my long run with my beard and stache caked in ice. Pain was dam near constant. I stuck to 5 and 10 k's and an occassional 15k (Boilermaker in Utica and Gasparilla down in florida.) for years after. Those days are long gone and I do some work on the exercycle and weights a few times a week. Enjoy it while you've got it!
  6. I agree with Bills Vet...although I suspect we'll find Peters wasn't all THAT great by the middle of the season. Did we get the better of the deal? We'll know when we see what we do with the draft choices.
  7. His conviction in Israel involving activities he alleged participated in at Treblinka was overturned. The Germans are accusing him of 29,000 deaths at Sobibor with the argument that "all gaurds" are to blame, apparently for all killings. Ok..but I think the engineers on the trains, the officers who knew about this, the people who lived in proximity should all suffer the death penalty as well. Pretty hard to draw the line in these cases. “Riddle” by William Heyen From Belsen a crate of gold teeth, from Dachau a mountain of shoes, from Auschwitz a skin lampshade. Who killed the Jews? Not I, cries the typist, not I, cries the engineer, not I, cries Adolf Eichmann, not I, cries Albert Speer. My friend Fritz Nova lost his father – a petty official had to choose. My friend Lou Abrahms lost his brother. Who killed the Jews? David Nova swallowed gas, Hyman Abrahms was beaten and starved. Some men signed their papers, and some stood guard, and some herded them in, and some dropped the pellets, and some spread the ashes, and some hosed the walls, and some planted the wheat, and some poured the steel, and some cleared the rails, and some raised the cattle. Some smelled the smoke, some just heard the news. Were they Germans? Were they Nazis? Were they human? Who killed the Jews? The stars will remember the gold, the sun will remember the shoes, the moon will remember the skin. But who killed the Jews?
  8. I think one of the top three OT's will be available at 11 and we will go for a Smith or a Monroe. Although i'm a huge Ayers fan, I think we need a starting tackle more than anything else, and any one of the top three will be the wisest pick.
  9. I saw it this morning. We looked like a playoff team and primarily because the lines played well. Let that be a lesson for us as we go into the draft.
  10. Peters had an off year this year. I question whether he will ever be the pro bowler he was a few years ago. I think we should have gotten more in the trade, and I question trading him because of our lack of good linemen on the O-Line, but in the long haul we are probably going to come out ahead in this deal.
  11. he was no pro bowl/hall of fame player last year. He may turn out to be another Jonas Jennings. That being said we are now TRULY hurting on the offensive line and had better be making something happen there with the draft.
  12. There are a lot more than gaurds who share blame. Those people got there on railroad cars driven by someone, the lists were typed by folks who knew what they were doing, the police who rounded them up knew what they were doing, and people living near the camps knew what was going on. In Kyiv the jews ran to the Dnipro river to welcome the Germans as they thought they would treat them better than the Russians did...until they were taken to Babi Yar and shot. We could have our own little holocaust punishing those culpable in the last one. And then the next generation could punish us.
  13. it will be OT Andre Smith or DE Robert Ayers. A center with the second pick, a gaurd with the third. We'll be going big in this draft.
  14. I see him as a later first round pick, and definitely a stretch pick for us. I really feel that he was underrated given that he has only had the two good years on a less than great team. Moving up to 11? I'm a little surprised.
  15. http://www.extremeskins.com/showthread.php?p=6307484 Apparently someone else sees the henderson haynesworth comparison...note the next post predicting he goes to Buffalo!
  16. F8ulmer was a lineman (offensive) and Tennessee has always looked aggressive linemen, especially on defense. If you want a defensive end I could mention Reggie White, but Ayers would have a LONG way to go before being mentioned as cmparable to a guy who was probably even better than Bruce Smith. No..he's aggressive in the mold of haynesworth and henderson and could be the force on the defensive line. Smith or White? Probably not.
  17. he's been my "sleeper" since the end of the season. After the season I thought of him as round 3...then I thought of him as Round 2 after the senior bowl. Now he's moving away from us in round 1. He's a Henderson/Haynseworth kind of guy, and from UT..I would think it a gutsy (risky) move to take him at 11. If we traded down I'd say go for it anywhere after about 17.
  18. nobody thinks I'm a terrorist when i wear it...just an old fat half blind guy in a black t-shirt! The one I have is from Ukraine and is the traditional AK 47. Got to fire on in Kiev..nice to be on the other end of those f-ers.
  19. yup..but I'm not all that interested in tight end as a priority while the defensive and offensive line are such obvious areas of weakness. I think we have to go defensive line and offensive line through the first five rounds unless there is a major slipup and a first rate tight end shows up after round three.
  20. I think they should forfeit the game. It would be a good pr move and improve our standing in the AFC East. Everyone wins!
  21. My favorite T-shirt: http://www.cccp-shirts.com/popup_image.php...or=&pID=286 Having had people try to kill me with that thing in three different countries, I gotta admit to some admiration for it.
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