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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. Bills underrated? Gotta say Butler, Frank Lewis, Bobby Chandler and JD Hill. I think Ernie Warlick gets overlooked although he was a tight end. None of these guys are hall of fame material, but good receivers we don't hear enough about.
  2. Maybe the two of you could set up housekeeping and raise cats?
  3. Thgew problem isn't last year's offensive line. That line is gone. The problem is THIS year's offensive line. Two rookies and no one playing in their normal position. Could be a recipe for disaster. I hope I'm wrong and it is possible that they will jell from the get go...but that is a pretty optimistic view.
  4. I went to high school at the top of that hill in a seminary that is still there. Near the old Seagrams, then Minolta, and now something else Tower. Love the area, especially Niagara on the Lake. Going up there and to Toronto in late June.
  5. Hard as it is to face, you don't really have a viable remedy. Sue him in small claims court and move on. The emergency isn't getting even with the sob, its getting food on the table. Experience is one B word of lesson sometimes.
  6. look at that offensive line. NOT ONE PERSON is a lock as an adequate performer at the position at which he is playing. We sink or swim based on the performance of that group and I just don't see it happening. I'm hoping to be surprised but I have to go with the under. This is the most pessimistic about this team that I have been in years.
  7. Or you could just whup his little dog ass a few times. Take him to the SPCA and show him how they put bad dogs to sleep. A little "scared straight" beats all this effiminate catering to his whims.
  8. If one of the top three left tackles had been available we should have picked an LT. With Oher and Maybin it should have been a close call. I think Oher will be very good, but I think Maybin has the potential to make a huge difference in the defensive line. On the other hand our biggest problem (and reason we will probably not make the playoffs again) is the offfensive line. No pass protection and TE, TO and Evans are pretty much useless. We have a lot riding on a bizarre offensive line set up this year. Still, our second weakest area was the defensive line and we only had one first round pick. I'm okay with Maybin over Oher.
  9. I'm sure they will given that the defensive line is going to allow them so much time to show their stuff in passing situations.
  10. Seems to be a gaping hole in the process. Maybe they can snatch back most of the yearbooks. No point getting all crochety about it.
  11. hmmm...two words come to mind. Darryl Lamonica.
  12. Yard work, trip to Asheville, Rafting on the Nolichucky on Monday.
  13. I am a Trent fan...and think he'll be pretty good. However right now he is no great shakes that one would think we were doomed if he went down. Hamdan has looked okay the little bit we've seen him, we have two very good running backs, receivers who get open. However right now we have a HUGE question mark offensive line. It is possible if this dangerous offensive line experiment fails that we will be wondering what to do after TE, Hamdan, AND Fitz go down.
  14. There are some interesting things we could do with him, and if the offensive line is as bad as I think its going to be he might even be the starter after TE gets a few concussions. Still...looking at the big picture...attitude, controversy, TE as the go to guy...I don't see it as a deal worth pursuing.
  15. We seem to see a lot of upside in Trent Edwards. He has a significant amount of development time under his belt with a lot to show for it. He has one prima donna in TO (who has a major upside) to deal with. Don't you think throwing Vick into the mix (and Vick is no spring chicken) would only screw things up even more? On the other hand we are going into the season with in effect and offensive line where NO ONE is playing his regular NFL position and with two rookie gaurds. Maybe to preserve TE's life it would be worth putting Vick out there to get his brains scrambled and throw some desperation passes.
  16. TO and VICK? No way that is going to work. Set TE back a few years in development. Give Marshawn a couple of great role models for when things go south.
  17. I agree that with one exception the bills are set to shock, but that exception is the offensive line. Not one truly seasoned player on the line playing in his regular position, two rookies and an offense that almost HAS to rely on the outside receivers getting open and TE having time to get the ball off. I think they will shock, but not in a positive way. I think Maybin will help a bit on defense,but I'm going on a lick and promise regarding our passing game. By the fourth game of the season if TO is getting open and not getting the ball, Evans noticing what gets attention (and trades) Lynch back off suspension and vying with Jackson for playing time...I could see things getting extremely toxic. God I hope that doesn't happen.
  18. Good for Norway. I guess there are lessons to be learned here, but I share the concern that what works for such a peculiar (and not necessarily in any negative sense) country might or might not work here. I think socialism is a dirty word here, although I'm convinced it works there. I'm sure the investment bid was a big risk, and that pinhead who used to be President here wanted to invest Social Security just like she did and probably would have had extremely different results. Remember "lockbox?" Anyway this does belong on the Nazi board.
  19. I think he (and we) have to be excited given the guys history in playing football games. His history in and out of the locker room has to be seen as "the price you pay" and you hope his performance makes up for it. I guess we could say the same to a lesser degree about Marshawn. I think Jackson is really excited and I bet TE is excited. I would be excited but we have what actually amounts to a brand new offensive line that has never played together in the positions they are assigned and two rookies at gaurd. Given my belief that all good things start in the trenches...I'm not optimistic.
  20. As opposed to their predecessors, the moron and the war criminal.
  21. comes from watching William Shatner. Try teaching integrative bargaining in Belarus or haggling in the Grand Bazaar in Istanbul or buying a rug in Baku. Now THAT's negotiating.
  22. Who is the least informed about what? The office transaction? Probably the governor but then the governor isn't a person within the transaction, but rather the object of which they speak. On the theory its the two people and the informed is related to the governor's availability there is the knowledge transmitted by the clerk (which may be true or false). The is most "informed" in that he either knows or doesn't know of the governor's availability, is telling the truth or lying, and consequently is most informed. The vistor's knowledge is derivative of what the clerk has imparted. Ergo..the visitor is the lesser informed of the two. Another reason the governor would not be the least informed is that he or she is in fact the governor and has full first hand knowledge of his availability.
  23. When the bills win the superbowl the city will go crazy. Unfortunately that city will probably be Toronto.
  24. I'm not surprised. I bought a box once and when I poured them out into the bowl the things had freakin' HOLES in them!
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