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Posts posted by tennesseeboy

  1. I don't think a trade is in the works or would do anything for us. We are rebuilding, with a rookie qb who is going to be erratic. The major screw up? Letting Levitre go without a replacement. The rash of DB injuries couldn't have been anticipated, but the lack of an offensive line to give even minimal pass protection and to open up the run game is on the present administration. Maybe they will learn, maybe not. I figure the first half of the season is kind of up in the air, and I wouldn't judge the team until after game 8. We should expect improvement.

  2. I'm a major critic of the coaching and fo but I gotta go with the need to give the coaching staff and team a little time to gel. Has it been ugly so far? You bet...but I'm hoping for ongoing improvement and will be happy with six wins...ecstatic with eight. It took a decade to make us this bad, and it will take a year or two to turn it around. Patience.

  3. The Bills had no plan B for letting Levitre walk. First it was crazy to let him go, and second IF you have decided to let him go you had better be sure you have quality offensive linemen who can step in and replace him. We'll pay for this all year.

  4. I've been a huge fan of having an effective offensive line to have an effective offense. Letting Levitre go was a costly mistake that will show up all season. Manuel played like a rookie qb who had no time to pass or to effectively read the field. On the other hand...rookies at critical positions, new coaching staff and and a new offensive and defensive philosophy will warrant growing pain games...this was one of them. I'm still saying six wins will be fine, eight a great stretch goal.

  5. On the one hand you have to hit him in the mouth. On the other you have to be sure to tackle him. Let's see...smack him under the chin while you're tackling him with the other arm? I can't imagine Spiller has gotten through Clemson and his years with the bills without getting smacked around quite a bit. Sounds like this Jet might be overthinking the game. If I were his coach I'd be telling him to forget about smacking him in the mouth and concentrate on getting him on the ground before he gets up a head of steam.

  6. I think we I think the media will pay more attention if we win a few in a row. The rookies are playing lights out, and Mario is demonstrating that he is a player worthy of his contract as of late. I'm not too worried about coverage. Right now we are perceived as a dull team in the 22-32 range and a "so-what" team. We'll work our way up from that attitude with a few more wins. Ed.

  7. Interesting and a positive dilemma to have more than one quality player and have to decide which one to franchise. The assumption going in was probably that you would be able to sign a long term contract with the guy you franchised, and that there wouldn't be an injury issue. Me...I'm a firm believer in the adage that great teams are built from the line of scrimmage back, and hence would have leaned toward Levitre. That being said at the time of the decision there was as much reason to keep a quality safety as there was to keep an exceptional offensive lineman. In retrospect Byrd is being a jerk and we should get rid of him for a good tight end and low draft choice if that can be worked out.

  8. In retrospect, was Whaley justified in asking the league for an extension of the roster exemption for Byrd?


    GO BILLS!!!




    That tape on Byrd cuts both ways. And that isn't the gang at Profootballfocus critiquing it, either. He has legit holes in his game.


    GO BILLS!!!

    Byrd is a lot of things...he certainly isn't Revis nor does he have a resume anywhere near the resume the cornerback Revis brings to the bargaining table.

  9. The jets are a bigger test than the Panthers, but I think we can beat them, especially if Geno plays. If the defense keeps up the pressure and our offense develops a little more (turn Manuel loose on running and vertical passes a little more...a few screen passes and utilize Spiller in the short pass game) I thing we'll do just fine. Prediction...Bills 27 Jets 17.

  10. I can't imagine Byrd would play without at least a week of practice. As the season progresses and our defense is playing well, I can see us just staying with Leonhard rather than a possibly quirky and disenfranchised player who is only marginally better. I think Byrd is jeopardizing his position as each week goes by. The Bills can try and trade him but do you want a safety with a quarter of the season over who may or not be physically able to play? What do you give up to get him? This is not working out the way Byrd would like.

  11. What I'm seeing in Manuel is a rookie who has come in and without a lot of flash and "me-isms" took charge of the offense and gained the confidence of the coaching staff and got everyone on the same page. Is it going to get us to the playoffs this year? I kind of doubt it...but it will mean some great football that the Bills haven't had in a long time. Seems the offense has bought into this guy. I have been saying six wins okay and eight wins a stretch. I'm starting to lean in the eight win direction.

  12. My son played hockey at Brockport and they had a very steep hill that they did windsprints on near the family apartments. The team was dying every time I saw them going up and down that hill. Not to talk about "my day" but in my day we had football practice with no water to drink and finished with killing wind sprints. Wow did water taste good after that. Wonder some of us didn't die in some of those practices.

  13. Well...what are the odds of Stevie getting in after the reception? (maybe, maybe not) What are the odds of getting to the line and spiking it? (pretty good) and the odds of not being able to spike it and losing? (not very good) . I think the way it turned out was the best option...get three plays and win the game...doesn't get better than that!

  14. I'm biased, but I don't think the Bills are showing all their stuff yet as they become accustomed to the new system. I don't think EJ has been given the greenlight to scramble, I don't think we are going vertical as much as we will as the year progresses, both things which should open up the offense and help the running game. On defense we just seem to be getting better as the secondary develops and we are putting pressure on the qb. I joshed earlier this year that I didn't think Rex Ryan was doing heavy game planning for the Bills. I think he definitely sees this as a big game against a team that can beat him. Overall, based on our qb who has been performing better than theirs, our receivers who have been performing better than theirs and our run game which is ready to make a statement....I'd favor us.

  15. The kind of money Byrd will be asking for just isn't going to be there if he sits out this season IMHOP. If you are a team looking at him you have to guess whether this was a ploy (bad attitude) or if the guy is going to be a chronic injury risk. I don't see him getting an optimal result no matter what happens if he doesn't actually come out and play and play well for the Bills.

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