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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. Your obviously thinking of the Ox-Bow Incident where Henry Fonda was well hung. There was a movie where Clint Eastwood was hung, but it wasn't so well as he lived and killed a lot of the guys who hung him. And wasn't Well Hung the chinese guy who beats up Frank Sinatra in Manchurian Candidate? Seriously...I was looking at Julie Christie the whole time. Check with VA Bills about Donald Sutherland.
  2. I think if you're looking at the offense to have to look at the running game (I'd put us in the top ten as far as running back combinations go) and the quarterback pass receiver combinations (TE shows potential and TO and Evans are a pretty enviable combination with Reed and Parrish being no slouches...top ten). The only big question mark that would keep us out of the top ten is the HUGE question mark that is the offensive line. As to defense the pass rush is the defensive line with Maybin Stroud Williams and Schoebel. Schoebel was considered pretty good prior to the injury last year and should be okay this year with Kelsay in reserve. I would have to say low to mid twenties. Defensive backs have to be in the high teens. McKelvin is progressing McGee is good Whitner is okay and we have a passle of guys who can contribute. Linebackers look okay to be in the middle of the pack maybe 12th or 13th. Except for the offensive line I'd say we were in the playoff hunt. The way the offensive line looks with rookies and everyone else playing out of position, I'd predict us to finish in the low twenties. Now if I'm wrong about the offensive line...this could be one very exciting year!
  3. no...our country was founded on the supposition that it had limits as set forth in the preamble of the constitution (and the Constitution and bill of rights.) If it is enforcing MY religious beliefs we might save money and let the pope and the vatican run it.
  4. Thanks...that added a lot to the discussion. Hard to question your logic
  5. The scene in "Double Indemnity" when Barbara Stanwyck is coming down the staircase with the ankle bracelet. I found myself thinking, My God what a sexy broad...then remembering she was the Mom on that tv western. There is another scene where the husband is strangled by Fred McMurray and you hear the sound and all you see is her face. God there is a certain subtlety to those shots that shows what happens when you let the brain work as well as the eyes. The penguin stuff was filthy. March of the Penguins should have had an X rating.
  6. GREAT LIST...I'm going to cut and paste and view and review a number of them.
  7. Moby Dick. John Huston realized that you have to be respectful of the story but you have to adapt the novel to fit the film environment. The Once and Future King was another good one as was Dr. Zhivago (David Lean).
  8. Anything involving Adam Sandler should be remade without Adam Sandler in it.
  9. or hand the pebble to her snatch? There used to be poem about snatching a kiss and vice versa.
  10. V bills and erynthered think Deliverance has the best sex scene.
  11. I'm going through the AFI list and some I have seen before, but really appreciate more now. Lawrence of Arabia, which didn't wow me when I first saw it blew me away, as did Passage to India (which I didn't think I would like). Treasure of the Sierra Madre and Double Indemnity (Fred Mac Murray as a bad guy?) were outstanding. Netflix is what I am using.
  12. red sex or white sex? I've always been a Yankees fan myself.
  13. O-line is a HUGE risk. There is no reason to believe they will be good. Two rookies and players who weren't good at their regular positions being shifted to different positions. Offensive lines need experience working together and this group just doesn't have ANY. That being said, surprises do happen and maybe its our turn for a good surprise.
  14. Join us at Frenchy's next time. I think you're eligible for the Mouth-Breathers discount!
  15. you're cute when you're mad. Stupid..but cute.
  16. I am working my way through the "best 100 films" of all time as a New Year's resolution. Last night I saw "Don't look now" which is a bit of a cult film and alittle artsy fartsy for my taste...however...the sex scene between Julie Christie and Donald Sutherland is really something. Very graphic but well done with interspersing shots of the couple getting dressed. It is a much copied and tributed film, although I think it was a little precious. But those of you into sex and/or Julie Christi might want to rent it.
  17. yeah..but remember I've always maintained that when you are wrong your are right!
  18. Sounds like we aren't very far apart. Abortion is definitely a mortal sin in all cases. (burn in hell stuff). However the government isn't the entity to enforce it when it involves the physical autonomy of the woman.
  19. you raise very good points. I have to fall on the right of the person (including my daughter, who I would advise against abortion in all cases except to save her life...but she's got the right to make the choice). I just don't have much trouble reconciling my religious and moral beliefs with the fact that government does not have to enforce my religious or moral beliefs.
  20. The most sacred human right is the right of personal autonomy, and the right to control one's body is paramount. Suppose you woke up hooked to a person in a hospital with fluids going from you to him. A doctor comes in and says if we disconnect you this person will die. This will last for nine months. Do you have a right to say "no I refuse to have this person here for nine months and to have my life so restricted" I think you do, although it would be a very nice thing for you to stay hooked up. I think that is where the state has its limits. Now Blackmuns "trimester" argument in Roe v. Wade does go a long way to give the state legitimate interests in certain stages of pregnancy. Is the choice of an abortion a bad one? Yes, in my opinion. However I think the person carrying the fetus has the right to make the choice.
  21. I come down in between on this. young and smart and well trained over the course of preseason and preseason games it could serve to limit the defense which would work to the O-line's benefit. You make a good point on the other side as well, but all in all I think its worth the risk. I'm not at all confident about this o-line so any changes that would even the odds are looking good to me.
  22. Actually as a Catholic I'm against abortion in ALL cases, including rape and the health of the mother. You gotta go to hell if you make that choice. However it is still the woman's choice. I just don't think the government has any involvement in the choice that the woman makes. So...I'm anti-abortion (in the go to hell do not pass go sense.) and pro life (in keep the government out of my uterus sense).
  23. Hell..when you were thirteen you were thinking about girls, little boys, sheep, and they had to keep the family dog away from you. We're talking about a kid who might have FAS but falls within the range of normal. Hell...if I were around you at thirteen I'd definitely sleep with one eye open!
  24. As a parent (and grandparent) I understand your concern. However the kid may have fetal alchohol syndrome and obviously is going to have problems. Having friends such as your kids probably makes a difficulty situation a lot more easy and comfortable for the guy. Keep your eyes and ears open and let the kid into your family's life. You get to heaven doing sh-- like that.
  25. we sink or swim on this offensive line. They had better jell quickly and perform. The starting five are either rookies or guys playing new positions and no one yet has talked about depth. I'm not excited...I'm terrified.
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