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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. I like the term cathartic evacuation...please elaborate. Could a burp, a fart or a shyt all qualify for this term? Come to think of it puking might possibly make the cut as well in particular situations. One probably wouldn't maintain that ALL exeges (?) from the body would qualify at all times but that a cathartic evacuation is a particularly impressive one?
  2. I definitely don't think you are a homer. The Bills receivers as a group are without a doubt in the top five in the game. While Evans and Owens are superstars, the group we have vying for the #3 position are strong indeed and we have backups who are very very competitive. Our problems are going to be whether the offensive line (which is sooooo new in that we have a couple of rookies and many guys playing new positions) is going to jell early, and a concern about whether TE is ready to take full advantage of this receiving corp (I for one think he is). For me its a very big risk on the offensive line that keeps us from being a top five offense altogether. That line jells (gels?) we have a shot to go well into the playoffs.
  3. Nah..hitler and the nazis kind of had the franchise on this...that makes me think...shouldn't this post be on the nazi b board? Why don't you goose step it over there eryn?
  4. I'M TWISTED???? I'm not the one who lied about wmd's and I'm not the one who said the people would welcome us...and actually...i'm not the one with the MISSION ACCOMPLISHED banner.
  5. You must mean that long touchdown pass to Eric Moulds that Moulds dropped in the playoff game against Miami?
  6. Vick got a year for abusing dogs? This guy killed a human. I kind of put a higher value on humans so I suspect the suspension will be in the eighteen month to two year range.
  7. As opposed to the over 3000 g.i's dead in our Iraqi war thanks to his predecessor. Give me dead flies any time.
  8. I appreciate the thanks, as do all of us vets, but frankly I felt it was my duty and privilege to serve my country. Part of the deal of being a citizen, I figure. Most of us will admit we got a lot more out of our service than we put in, duty honor country and all that, but also wisdom and loyalty to comrades (eryn and the ppp will probably blow a gasket at the comrade stuff.)
  9. I joined the air force in 1967 to keep from going to vietnam. Ended up flying 135 combat missions in EC-47's (elint) and have a lot of squadron members on that wall. Got the Distinguished Flying Cross and three Air Medals for valor. So much for keeping out of Viet Nam. Also spent a year in Turkey (loved it) Arctic Survival School at Fairchild AFB WA during Christmas of 1969 (COLD...and I'm from Buffalo!) and jungle survival school outside of Clark AFB Phillipines. All in all a very important growing experience, but glad my kids never had to go through it.
  10. I have to go with Stafford, knowing this isn't fair to him. The Detroit Lions are awful and haven't shown the ability to get better. Stafford without protection (like anyone without protection) will be a bust. I'm also factoring the unrealistically high expectations of being a first round pick. This isn't fair to the player..but life isn't fair.
  11. Thank you..thank you...thank you. I LOVED that game. Made my day. Hell..it made my week!
  12. The Nazi board is wondering who Brett Farve is and how Obama could have messed it up.
  13. Sounds like a fine young man. I agree with the poster about the majority of them being decent, but I think it goes on a kind of curve...Mauluga appears high on the decency side. I hope he plays well against everyone but the Bills and finishes second in pro bowl voting graciously losing to a Bill.
  14. The Rendezvous is the best barbecue place in America. You should also visit the Peabody hotel for the peabody ducks, go to the Lorraine Motel (where Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated) and to Beale St. at night for great music. Memphis has a great zoo as well.
  15. You allow yourself to be annoyed. They are enjoying jerking your chain. That type usually reacts very negatively when you jerk theirs. Do what you want, but every time you let one of their attacks go unanswered you encourage them.
  16. When they say your tv is too loud...turn up the tv. When they complaining about your walking, stomp around for an hour. Do this WHENEVER they complain. They are like f-ing pigeons. If the response is always and accelleration of what they are complaining about they will stop complaining or go to the landlord, or move. You just have to be consistent. When they call you...answer with fould expletives...when they call you...call them back and complain that their having sex is keeping you up and making you sick to your stomach. You get pushed around because you allow yourself to be pushed around. They are playing a game. You play your own game.
  17. What about the Pharmaceutical industry? I have lots of people with chem backgrounds go into that and doing quite well (legal pharmaceuticals, that is.) . Another possibility but probably not one you're thinking of is law school. The patent bar is doing very well and a J.D. Phd in chem would be a hot commodity. As to consulting, what do you offer that the company doesn't have? I do a lot of consulting on my specialty in law, but have a day job to fall back on. When I retire I may do a lot more..but I'm not in any rush to retire.
  18. I got my undergrad and law degree from UB and appreciate how its presidents have pretty much bucked the system to make great strides, but I don't think this will fly. If UB does, why shouldn't Binghamton, Albany and Stony Brook? And if they want to be private why not go all the way and get out of SUNY altogether (answer- $$$)?
  19. wow...I'm not seeing any names that don't deserve to be there. I've got personal favorites like Tom Sestak and Cookie Gilchrist ( a bit of a nut but really entertaining and one hell of a fullback, blocking and running.) Maybe Tim Horton going a ways back in hockey. Actually your original list with a few of the names added is the first tier. Nice post.
  20. This is not a bad thing. The federal law suit will make the BK agree that this is a reasonable accommodation and all burger places, McDonalds and Hardy's as well, and folks will cut burgers for one armed folks as they should under the Americans With Disabilities Act. The most wonderful part of this is that attorney's fees will be awarded.
  21. That's the reason its called a hypothetical, moron. The fact is the "life" is connected to the mother by an umbilical cord and actually residing in her body as opposed to on the gurney next to her. Just like I would have the "right" (whether it was ethically or morally correct) to cut the tube and walk out of the hospital, the mother should legally (not necessarily morally or ethically) to cut the cord and walk. We call that the right to liberty. Read Brandeis' law review article on the right to privacy and the line of cases from Griswold and get back in touch, dickwad.
  22. At the end of preseason there will be any number of very good backup quarterbacks available, assuming that Hamdan, Fitz or whoever don't work out. Backup qb is the least of our problems and if there should be a problem the easiest to fix prior to the start of the regular season. I suspect the existing guys will be fine. If you're going to go to the backup with any regularity you aren't going anywhere anyway.
  23. They should check on Uma Thurman. Last movie I saw she was ready to finish his ass off.
  24. There appears to be a great pass by number 7 of the Bills (I'm assuming that his is before Flutie?) later in the clip.
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