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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. I taught a class there for a couple of weeks a few years ago and am planning on staying there teaching in Galway next summer. So here goes. Dublin...go to the Duke pub and take the Duke Pub Crawl. Great tour of all of the great writers pubs conducted by very talented Irish actors. The GPO and the Castle, Kilmainan Jail, etc. Belfast is a treat and I went to Sinn Fein headquarters and had a nice visit there (but then again I'm Catholic by birth). Galway and Sligo are great visits (Yeats country Sligo) and you have to try the Aran Islands. Near Shannon do the Cliffs of Moher and a night in Kilkenny is quite nice while you do the Ring of Kerry. Cork (Cobh) is neat as the immigration point for most coming to America. Have a pint on me!!
  2. All of our great teams were built from the line of scrimmage outward. Look at the AFL years, the Simpson years and the Kelly years and you see "electric company" or studs on the O Line. The next best thing is a stud D. Line. I think we sink or swim depending on a very unknown commodity this year.
  3. Dated a girl once who had babysat for John Lennon and Yoko Ono's kid.
  4. Hey..its the declaration of independence, not the Constitution.
  5. Hey..she IS dating you isn't she? You didn't kidnap her and hold her hostage or anything? She must see something in you. Don't screw it up or overthink it. She may be hot but she puts her pants on one leg at a time, just like any other girl. Follow the normal rules for not screwing up a relationship. Honesty, Loyalty and a zest for life.
  6. You legitimately raise the major problem the Bills face. I should say greatest "unknown" factor as we just don't know how this bunch will do and have our doubts based on the reasons you set forth. If they get it all together and perform we will have a VERY good season and probably make the playoffs. If they take some time and prove to be adequate we will win somewhere between 7 and 9 games. If they suck...we're at the bottom of the division and perhaps toward the bottom of the league. My prediction? I think the 7 and 9 is more realistic. My "homer" belief? The offensive line will surprise and we'll make the playoffs.
  7. If we aren't pass blocking he won't be on the field at all. I'd put my money on the blocking tight end to get almost all the work.
  8. I'm not sure anyone took a team with superbowl talent down so fast as Collier did. A lot of the loss to Kansas City involved hiw inability to run the offense and his subsequent trade of Lamonica/Bass for Flores/Powell and other bad trades ran the team into the ground. Many of the coaches you mention took bad teams and didn't do anything with them. Collier had perhaps the best team we ever had (apologies to the Kelly era...and turned it into the laughing stock of the NFL.
  9. You are definitely stranger, Tom. I'm not sure its all about what you read!
  10. ..And our greatest weakness is our ability to pass block. That TE had better spend more time learning to pass block or he can run his routes perfectly til hell freezes over and then turn around and help pick the quarterback up. Geez...what is this tight end thinking?
  11. penney's is having a memorial MJ sale...little boys' pants--half off!
  12. I'm sure he was a nice man, but he's got to be in the running for the worst head coach. The loss to Kansas City to miss Super Bowl 1, the trade of Lamonica and Bass had to be the dumbest of all time (except perhaps for the trading of Cookie Gilchrist for Billy Joe), the trade of Tom Day for Keith Lincoln was another bonehead move. Nope...he is high on our list of all time bad coaches.
  13. I'm interested. Just finished an exceptional novel by a colleague, Cutting for Stone by Dr. Abraham Verghese and am reading a kind of interesting book "Nudge" by Cass Sunstein. A separate forum sounds like a good idea.
  14. sure it does. Maybe we could all get together and help you color them! Only kidding.
  15. I was going to talk about erynthered and my tournament, but it was Go Fish and he's kind of sensitive about it...so I won't.
  16. well...do we address you as Dr. Ramius now? Probably too busy with the champagne and celebration to let us in on the experience. Best of luck, although you probably don't need luck!
  17. I could care less about michael jackson, Al Sharpton OR Jessee Jackson. If the media wants to give them space and time, its their own fault. I bet a lot of little boys are sleeping better this week.
  18. For those who can afford it. Everyone else can suck wind.
  19. I like the Travis henry line, although a Willis McGahee line should do well. If I were fathering a little kicker I'm not sure I want his mama wearing a scott norwood maternity shirt.
  20. too bad I got rid of my 1982 mazda rx 7 with the Wankel rotary engine. Now that was one hell of a vehicle.
  21. from an older generation. Beatles White Album Beatles Sgt. Pepper Beatles Revolver Beatles Rubber Soul (are we seeing a pattern here?) Carol King Tapestry
  22. That's a nice way to put it.
  23. I was in Ukraine for the Orangee Revolution. Takes a lot of guts to go out on the streets against armed police, army and militia. Unfortunately the general rule is a tremendously violent reaction and arresting or exiling of leaders and back to business as usual. Its about power more than religion. Still..every once in a while the good guys win one.
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