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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. Me too. I put Cribbs closer to Bills running backs like Bobby Burnett (AFL Rookie of the year) and Wray Carlton. I see three tiers of very good Bills running backs. the Simpson Tier, the Gilchrist Thomas tier and the Cribbs, Carlton, Burnett group. I believe putting Cribbs on the wall before Gilchrist would be a terrible thing. Well terrible in the context of a Buffalo Bills world.
  2. Reminds me of the lyndon johnson kennedy joke. the two of them were at urinals and johnsonc turns and walks out the door. Kennedy "At Harvard they taught us to wash our hands after urinating." Johnson "In Texas they taught us not to piss on our hands." I think the woman should be judged on her merits, but obesity is a major problem (self disclosure...I fit the obesity measure!) Let's see what she does in office.
  3. And be careful...the feckin protestants are good at shooting starving and stealing from catholics.
  4. I learned of an Irish whiskey called Tulamore Dew. It was a heavenly experience. Haven't seen it in many years. Wonder if they still make it.
  5. Amen. There are a lot of questions to be answered in this case. I wonder what conversations have been going on over the past year between Ben's attorneys and her attorneys.
  6. Seems to be concern about the new Surgeon General being overweight. As someone who could afford to lose a few pounds myself (okay...quite a few). I was wondering what people thought. She seems to have done a lot of good things and be a pretty smart cookie, but should weight matter?
  7. Other than KFC's picks (Even I'm too old to remember them...althought Night Train Lane is a legend) I like all of the picks INCLUDING the homer pick. Bass is soooo under rated as a receiver.
  8. Try Jean Georges. It is not in the financial district but at 1 Central Park W. I've loved it and people who I respect who are much more the gourmand type swear by it. Phone: (212) 299-3900
  9. KRC might correct me on this, but it seems the only times Wilson lets coaches go during the season is where the have had horrid seasons (less than 5 wins) and go out of the gate with horrid games (blow-outs to lesser teams) Joel Collier and Harvey Johnson come to mind. I suspect that Jauron may go 1-3 with a couple of close gamesand still finish the season 7-9. However, I also think that hewould be let go after the season. Hopefully neither of the above will happen and we get into the playoffs...a strong possibility if the o-line gels.
  10. The guys who drive me crazy are the left and right wing guys (Chris Matthews is probably the ultimate) who never let the guests say a freaking thing. Gives me a headache to listen to them. Larry King I always liked as he let the guests talk. Charlie Rose is the guy I think does the best interviews.
  11. http://www.pnhp.org/news/2008/february/10_...about_canad.php Seems like there is a little truth and a little fabrication.
  12. Bottom line is the offensive line is one HUGE question mark going into the season. No area on the team is as questionable and no area can be as determinative as to the success of the team. We'll know what we have before the first third of the season.
  13. This wouldn't have happened in Canada. Actually physician's assistants are highly trained and usually are pretty good. I had one years ago in the practice where I go diagnose a deep vein thrombosis, get the physician in and get me to the hospital right away. The one you got sounds like an a-hole. Not to worry..I've come across a number of MD a-holes in my day as well.
  14. Our running game will suffer somewhat with Marshawn out the first few games, but I'm pretty happy with the backs we have holding the fort until he's back. Edwards has worked with the new line, and has two real heavy duty threat receivers, so I'm not at allconvinced that there will be a qb controversy. Unless of course Fitzpatrick shows us something no one is expecting early on, and I doubt that that is going to happen.
  15. "wow...and to think Republicans are soliciting men in airport bathrooms and chasing male interns when stuff like this is walking around."
  16. But...then we do where Buffalo Bills shirts to games in Miami don't we? Pot calling the kettle black?
  17. Remember when kelly got here and how he harped on improving not only the offensive line but how the existing o-line played? I thought he was unjustly heavy handed with Ballard, but the point is that great quarterbacks like Kelly know that the bottom line is they don't go anywhere without a great offensive line. Its the number one criteria for success. We have changed our offensive line and should hope for a killer draft result with our rookies. Our success depends mostly on how the o-line performs.
  18. Only one way to find out if they are any good. Let's see how they do the first five or six games of the season. I'm crossing my fingers. I'm skeptical because we moved around the veterans and have a few rookies starting. This is a very big experiment, and if it pays off, given our receivers and running backs, we could be in good shape.
  19. i'm excited but until I see how they play I've gotta go with the Lynch, Poz, Edwards draft. THAT is a trifecta draft. Three years from now is about the time to evaluate this draft. That being said I HOPE this turns out to be the best draft in the history of the franchise.
  20. one of the hippies became a very high ranking police captain and retired a few years ago. The other guy was brilliant and good police officer, but shot himself. I don't know the details but was very very sad to have lost him. I lost the hair and mustache.
  21. I gotta go with Jeff George. That boy could whine and point fingers like no one who ever played the game.
  22. I agree. Garcia has always been a gamer. Keeps his mouth shut and does the job. No way he fits the mold. I guess this is because of some of the things TO said about him?
  23. I was in the Buffalo Police Academy in the early 70's and maintained shoulder length hair and a fu manchu mustache (don't go into why). Whenever the detectives did a lineup they got me and two other guys in similar situations and always called for the "f-ing hippies". I was in most lineups and actually got fingered for a few heinous crimes. Ever since I always thought the word "f-ing" was a mandatory prefix to the word "hippy."
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