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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. This isn't going anywhere. The Benjamins will be flying and the cabbie will disremember, the "witnesses" will back up the Kanes and the case will conveniently disappear. The cabbie will be richer, the lawyers will get paid and Patrick will suit up on the United States Olympic Team! What a country!
  2. I think the test cited earlier will pretty much set forth whether you "might" be an alchoholic and is pretty much accepted. The medical definition seems to be whether or not you go through withdrawal when you try to quit. The first test seems to be too inclusive, and the second too restrictive. I figure if the wife and others think you drink too much, you black out on occassion and you haven't been able to quit or moderate on your own you probably need help. AA is fine, but there are lots of in patient and out patient programs. Admitting there is a problem is a HUGE first step.
  3. I agree with pooj. the blazer and tan slacks mean casual in the world of business. In this case you might lose the tie. No tennis shoes. Nicely shined loafers are okay. Many employers make huge judgment and first impressions on shoes, believe it or not. Always dress a little better than the job you want. Nails and fresh haircut as well. You want to stand out from the rest. As to pre-employment testing you don't know who is going to be there, who is going to make the decisions.
  4. come on..the guy wasn't a math major.
  5. Money will change hands. The cabbie will recant and "disremember". Life will go on as usual.
  6. I was, like, going to, like, post another one of those, like, cliches that like pyss me off, but like, I said like, "don't bother" like everyone has like things that get them like angry...
  7. Beating up some 62 year old cabbie at 5 am? If convicted he should be suspended for most of a season. Which would be okay because he would be spending at least part of that time in the Erie County Holding Center. Drunken POS. As for the Olympic team? Let's put this one up as Honor or Disgrace.
  8. Major player in the special olympics. What kind of moron wouldn't like someone who did that?
  9. We'll just have to see. Right now Maybin is no more an effective part of the Bills team than I am. He ain't shyt til he suits up and shows us something. Our second and third round choices as of this minute are better than he is. he ain't even Walt Patulski as of now.
  10. I didn't take away much concern. The jury is still out on the O-Line, but that is a given with two rookies and everyone playing new positions and a no huddle offense. I hope they keep them on the field getting reps all through pre season and they gel by the opening game. First game of pre-season I'm not going to judge much. I share the concern about the defensive line, but there were good points as well. All in all they didn't impress me much either way and hopefully they will warm up and develop by the time the regular season rolls around. Oman was kind of remarkable though.
  11. Every few years Alcoholics Anonymous does a survey of its members. In 1992, a random survey of 6,500 A.A. members in both the United States and Canada revealed that 35 percent were sober for more than five years; 34 percent were sober from between one and five years; and 31 percent were sober for less than one year. The average time sobriety of members is more than five years. According to A.A. World services, the survey is designed to provide information to the professional community and the general public as part of its purpose to carry the message of recovery to those who still suffer from alcoholism. For more information about Alcoholics Anonymous, write to A.A. World Services Got that from a Betty Ford website. I always wondered what "success" was. Someone quits for a year sounds like a success to me. I agree with Dean that there are alternatives, but AA generally seems to be a very good option.
  12. this is pretty much the standard test. http://alcoholism.about.com/od/problem/a/blquiz1.htm
  13. maybe we can get rid of Fitz AND Hamdan and bring back RJ AND Flutie?
  14. Doesn't the former, by definition, require the latter?
  15. Doesn't the former, by definition, require the latter?
  16. It would be nice to see him get in, but I don't see it happening.
  17. Get the kids some Playboys and tell them to lay off the downloads.
  18. What a dumb idea. Guy wasn't the first receiver picked. I don't see the niners caving on this, and once they call his bluff he's got no choice but to show up dragging his tail between his legs. If he does show up and gripes and moans, I imagine he'll have a tough time withe the team. In the unlikely event he sits out, I agree that he won't even be a first round pick.
  19. probably would have slept better on your Rush Limbaugh shaped mattress...softer and full of hot air!
  20. Wow..censoring thought. Who do they think they are...PPP?
  21. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YMr4REbiW-s...feature=related
  22. Having been a cop and from a family of cops and prosecutors...that guy should lose his job. Assh0le.
  23. We don't look like contenders all in all with the raters. Its all about how we play when the regular season starts. No one is going to give you credit and put your players in the pro bowl until you make the playoffs. It is time to make the playoffs and THEN we might get some recognition. "is right on the cusp of being considered a "good starter". That should really inspire us.
  24. You think government workers are bad, try government contractors. http://www.propublica.org/scandal/military-contractor-abuse/ Griend has a son in Iraq and the examples of contractor abuse are worse than you can even imagine.
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