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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. I do what Turk tells me to do. We have a new offensive line.
  2. You mean like Laura Bush? http://www.snopes.com/politics/bush/laura.asp kill means generally to put to death knowingly or intentionally. Don't think Kennedy "killed" anyone either. And I'm willing to give Laura the benefit of the doubt as well.
  3. now i am a HUGE MLK fan, and don't get me wrong. He was in my opinion one of the great men of the twentieth century. However he had a serial adultery problem. He wasn't as bad in that dept. as Ted Kennedy. but you should have heard the folks in Biloxi. Kind of like some on this board!
  4. Given your posts, I'm surprised the judge isn't grateful when you're late. I'm looking forward to your cast of characters and erudite historians given the tenor of your first reference
  5. precisely. I was in Biloxi Miss. the day Martin Luther King Jr. was killed. Some of these posts remind me of the comments I heard down there that day.
  6. The Senator: My Ten Years with Ted Kennedy, by Richard Burke (St. Martin's, 328 pp., $23.95) A PERSONAL assistant to Senator Edward M. Kennedy in the late 1970s, Richard Burke left his job after he was found to have faked death threats to himself and an attempt on his own life. Now, after business failures and bankruptcy, Burke has written an expose of his years with Kennedy. Why should anyone believe this guy? Burke addresses the problem cleverly by admitting that he told all those lies. But he says it was the booze-soaked, drug-laced, womanizing years with Kennedy that made him crazy and desperate enough to do it. Burke reports that Kennedy not only drank but used cocaine regularly, at least once with his children, and slept with one blonde after another--or, when possible, two at a time. Burke says he wanted to quit his job but was afraid of angering the senator. Finally he snapped and began conjuring up those phony threats. When his emotionally disturbed state was exposed, he had his justification for departing. Burke admits that Kenned, s decadence was limited in scope; the senator was a loving father and often acted out of real political principle. In other words, Kennedy's life, even in Burke's telling, was less disgusting than Burke's decision to write about it. Burke says that even before publication, Kennedy's friends began a carapaigu to discredit his book. This time around, it is hard not to sympathize with them. Sounds like a great book by a really reliable author
  7. 5. The general though is that it was Ralph who completely soured the situation by forcing Flutie to the bench and then starting RJ whom he over-invested in against an Indy team which simply gave up when it became clear from the scoreboard that they were not going to improve their playoff position in that game and Indy LB Bennett ended his season that game. RJ shredded an Indy team going through the motions and lost the last playoff game the Bills have seen this decade. I guess Johnson misplayed that darn kickoff with seconds left and failed to anticipate the Music City Miracle? If memory serves we were winning just before that kick.
  8. Well..it is preseason. I'm waiting to see what they do when the season starts, when they have TO and TE is in for the duration of a game. I think we'll be okay even without ML the first few games. I'm a little nervous about Jackson's injury though. We'll have to see.
  9. I did pre-law advisement for a few years back when and found that some of these test prep courses made a HUGE differe nce in scores. Kaplan seemed to be the course of choice.
  10. Andre is anythbing but a shoo in to get in. For my money I'd put Steve Tasker in before him.
  11. i remember this from his speech withdrawing from his presidential bid. Seems appropriate now...tennyson. There lies the port; the vessel puffs her sail; There gloom the dark, broad seas. My mariners, Souls that have toil'd, and wrought, and thought with me,-- That ever with a frolic welcome took The thunder and the sunshine, and opposed Free hearts, free foreheads,-- you and I are old; Old age hath yet his honor and his toil. Death closes all; but something ere the end, Some work of noble note, may yet be done, Not unbecoming men that strove with Gods. The lights begin to twinkle from the rocks; The long day wanes; the slow moon climbs; the deep Moans round with many voices. Come, my friends. 'T is not too late to seek a newer world. Push off, and sitting well in order smite The sounding furrows; for my purpose holds To sail beyond the sunset, and the baths Of all the western stars, until I die. It may be that the gulfs will wash us down; It may be we shall touch the Happy Isles, And see the great Achilles, whom we knew. Tho' much is taken, much abides; and tho' We are not now that strength which in old days Moved earth and heaven, that which we are, we are,-- One equal temper of heroic hearts, Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.
  12. I like leach. The other guys didn't "build" programs, they took over at schools that had a great program in place and did well with it. Leach developed his own unique system that let him win without the great talent. You gotta build go with a builder. The other guys are guys who know what to do with a great program, not how to build one.
  13. I'm going to wait and see. You don't get TO and all of the downside of TO without an intent to use the upside (long passes). I think the biggest question mark, the offensive line, needs to jell, ML has to be playing and then we'll see long passes. Hell...let's see what the real season brings.
  14. oh...thanks for the information. Geez...and I've been mispelling that all these years!
  15. Fourth quarter? Hell at 91 you are kind of in sudden death overtime.
  16. Do you understand the words !@#$you?
  17. Maybin may not be ready this season if the team is trying to help him "get his legs under him." as reported in the News. Geez...where did he think his legs were supposed to be? In his ear? Sounds like the guy may not be very bright. Hey Maybin...they're the two things connecting your feet and your ass!
  18. look at superbowl SBXXV and try to make the argument. Parcell's game plan was ALL about TOP. The Bills scored, if I remember 19 points in the 19 minutes the offense was on the field. Keeping them off the field was the be all and end all of the game. For you researchers there must be some study that would show how teams do when they maintain favorable TOP?
  19. I think given the new o-line (which is coming along quite well, by the way) and the time needed to gel, I'd be relying much more on the TE as a blocker.
  20. Very high level management at a large institution. Incidentally about two years later we laid off nearly twenty percent of the workforce and I found myself sitting in the chair telling twenty year employees they had to go.
  21. Face it, they have the power and it is an old trick to create a "stress" situation for the interviewee to see how he or she reacts. I've known recruiters to plan interrupting phone calls, to read memos and do other things just to create stress. One that was tried on me (and I got the job) was "I'm a twenty year employee in this place. I'm being laid off because of budget cuts. Sit here in my seat, let me change places with you, and you tell me that I'm being let go."
  22. The US Mexico soccer game made me think of this. Heroic resistance by the Ukrainian team. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Death_Match
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