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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. I always loved that poem and figured Tennyson must have been an old man when he wrote it, but actually it was one of his first and he was around 23 or so when he wrote it, if I remember correctly. How did a young man get that vision?
  2. Always good to hear from the mouthbreathers on PPP. Actually you could be helpful as we were kind of stretching to find good things to say about Hitler. Any ideas?
  3. Your praise seems rather excessive. He did a lot, but there is still a lot left to do. Hope President Obama picks up the torch.
  4. The o-line is the wild card for this team. We see some indication that they will be okay, but other indications (low scoring, perhaps the reason for TE being unwilling to go deep?) are that we are not. DJ's job and our season depend on the o-line putting it together.
  5. Pwned? Actually the bottom line is that TK did not get indicted or convicted of the crime of murder or manslaughter. E nd of story. And Laura Bush didn't either...end of that story. Second, I'm not seeing any legitimate material that changes TK's significant contributions to the country over the last fifty some years. End of THAT story. Third, the guy wasn't perfect. Hell, nobody is. Fourth, I never said that Bush and Cheney were dead, but from your lips to God's ear.
  6. I'm a huge Greer fan (university of tennessee) and am happy to see him get a chance to start. I have to agree that we have probably at a minimum two better db's in McGee and McKelvin and a strong bunch behind them and that 23 million is more than we should pay for someone who is not the starter. I wish him well though.
  7. We are getting more and mature with each passing day. So far not one mention of the Canadian Ballet.
  8. hmmm..let me get this right. Bestteam in AFL this century...qb has a serious no coaches meeting with WR's goes over practices and plans for each game. Buffalo Bills. Quarterback takes WR's out for burgers, where between beers they break down film. How many points have we scored this preseason?
  9. Yes...but I would have to hit her extremely hard to make her so delusional that I had a shot, probably causing severe injuries or death. I'd feel bad about that and she'd have to be extremely pretty for me to consider her a possible shot after she was dead or incapacitated. I'll take the vicarious pleasure of a whistle and a carefree "f-you" accompanied by a friendly one-finger gesture, thank you very much.
  10. The bay of pigs was a debacle, but a cia debacle inherited from Eisenhower. The Missile Crisis, the Peace Corps, the Civil rights legislation pushed through after his assassination were significant. As to Ted Kennedy, lest the good be interred with his bones. http://www.nytimes.com/2009/08/27/us/polit...tml?_r=1&hp As to murder...sit down with the retired judge and look at the penal law definition and get back to me how you see mens rea or for that matter the actus reus that would justify such a charge...especially since no judge or grand jury made it at the time? Oh...where are those 20 items you promised after the crap you were posting yesterday as holy writ from the whacko right?
  11. I heard Kelley Washington touted on Sirius XM NFL today and looked him up. Stuckincincy and I were of the opinion that he was going to be something coming out of college (Tennessee) but he never seemed to rise to a starter position Maybe he will justify our belief in him with the Ravens. The second thing is the way Tom Brady prepares for a game. Have we had any qb since Jim Kelly who took charge like that? Could TE tell TO, Evans and Reed he was calling pre game meetings to discuss what he wanted? http://weblogs.baltimoresun.com/sports/rav...ew_england.html
  12. I disagree..pretty girls in spandex are created far more equally than heavy guys in spandex. I would brake for a pretty girl in spandex. Depending on the prettiness I might follow her for a bit. In extreme cases I might even whistle. I'd probably turn in front of a guy in spandex...after using an appropriate turn signal. That is my responsibility...braking and following is my right...whistling is my privilege. Her giving me the finger and telling to me to f-off is her right.
  13. JP was a major bust. I think the consensus at the time was he was a very risky pick. Every once in a while (not very often) he would through one of those bombs that made us think he was "that guy". Unfortunately he made the same mistakes over and over and never came close to being a starting quarterback. Live and learn.
  14. Mussolini made the trains run on time. George Bush threw a nice opening pitch. See...its not impossible to find something nice to say. Gotta admit that Hitler and Cheney are a bit of a stretch though.
  15. pretty girl in spandex or heavy guy in spandex? I think it makes a difference.
  16. Point well taken. Meyer is an extremely close second of the coaches listed.
  17. Don't get me wrong on this. Duly respectful, in my opinion, means giving the two of them the respect that they deserve.
  18. well...I guess I'm just anxious to give them the recognition they deserve.
  19. EXCELLENT recommendation. I think its the Royal York though...http://www.fairmont.com/RoyalYork?cm_mmc=icppc-_-Branded-RYH%20-%20Royal%20York%20-%20Canada-_-google-_-royal+york+hotel Great railroad hotel with a lot of history and I've stayed there a number of times. first rate.
  20. I, for one, will be duly respectful when Bush and Cheney pass away, and it really can't be too soon.
  21. Never played QB but had dinner in Albany on Sunday and Eli Manning was at the next table! Good luck to your kid and hope he has a lot of fun!
  22. hmmm...you sure you weren't in Biloxi in 1968?
  23. That's a pretty insulting statement coming from a filthy vagina like yourself. You probably gargle with vinegar and water!
  24. you might want to stop for lunch at Niagara on the Lake. Neat little town and some nifty restaurants. The wineries there have outstanding dinners as well.
  25. I don't know but one could think that going through a stop sign in broad daylight and just happening to kill an ex-boyfriend is a little more mens rea than drunk driving off a tricky bridge at night and not being able to rescue a passenger in a back seat. But hey, we can all have our opinions. As I said, I'd give them both the benefit of the doubt.
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