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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. I said first CHOICE, not first round. We picked Maybin (and I suspect you've heard of him). While Maybin fits a need we had five very good offensive tackles in the pool and a BIG gap with Peters gone. Frankly I gave the benefit of the doubt assuming they knew something about existing tackles that I didn't. We have what we have and I hope they gel soon. If not we are going to be thankful for those god awful teams in the late sixties, as this bunch might compare with them. If they gel and TO and Marshawn perform, I think we might make the playoffs. As someone said earlier, it begins and ends with the offensive line.
  2. oh..mike williams..the character guy we went with while passing up the football player Bryant McKinney? Whatever happened to McKinney? Ask Brett Favre or Adrian Peterson.
  3. whatever...wallow in your own beliefs.
  4. I finally sat down and watched the Buffalo Pittsburgh game all the way through. The offensive line is not doing the job, and at least at this moment is crippling every other element of the offensive game. Losing Peters, not drafting an offensive lineman as a first choice are the worst decisions the bills have made in years, and that includes a lot of bad decisions. It is a wonder Edwards LIVED through that game. TO and Evans could have been open downfield, but TE would have been lying on his back long before he got a chance to throw. I was buying the argument of many that it was TE...but it ain't so. I have to LAUGH that we think bringing in another RECEIVER will help. Randy Moss, Jerry Rice and Andre Reed won't help if the quarterback doesn't have time to throw. Jim Kelly would be on his ass with this line. Joe Montana would be on his ass with this line. Unless we see better play from the o-line i'm seeing four wins as a major achievement.
  5. so much for perfume and aftershave. What about people with medical conditions? Sounds a little overbroad to me.
  6. I'd be reluctant to put in a pool in Western New York. Had a very nice one in Brockport and used it a little in the summer and had all kinds of problems with it. The kids loved it, but we could have done beaches, the lake, and visited my parents in Florida to provide at least as much use. The pool came with the house and I've never had the desire to get another one with a pool or build one. Here in Tennessee the pools are open a few more months of the year, and the very short season in Western New York is a real consideration. I share the concerns about liability, maintenance and resale value appreciation. On the other hand..you gotta do what makes you happy!
  7. I was a 9-7 guy at the beginning of training camp but my earlier worries about the o-line have not been allayed, TE hasn't shown all that much and the defensive line is anemic. I would say four wins but with TO being productive and team oriented (a big if if we are losing) and Marshawn coming on strong after his suspension I think we finish 6-10.
  8. hell of a lot of kids. When I grew up in South Buffalo there were families (Irish Catholic..no birth control, of course) with 10 and 13 kids. They all seemed to grow up okay with the older kids putting in a lot of time with the younger ones. Different era of course.
  9. The Ukrainian jews in Kyiv rushed the Dnipro river to welcome the Nazis as they thought they would be treated better than the Russians treated them (see the Holodor) Babi Yar was a precursor to Auschwitz. The Ukrainians had an army fighting with the Germans, an army fighting with the Russians and a Partisan army. To this day there is a tremendous split in Ukraine among the Ukrainiains who fought on every possible side. Belarus was completely destroyed, and Minsk was Stalin's effort to recreate a great city after the war. Its architecture is so soviet (massive and concrete based) as to be intimidating. The greatest sports story of all time is the Death match (soccer) between the Kyiv dynamo soccer team and the German Luftwaffe.
  10. The only starters to get significant time are the guys on the o-line. They can't get enough reps. I wouldn't even change the channel to WATCH the game if it were broadcast live. I wonder what people are going to waste gasoline and energy to actually watch the game at the stadium.
  11. go ahead, but only if it doesn't interfere with the drinking or the sex. Don't have sex with the dolphin though.
  12. The Great Patriotic War, as the Russians called it. I spent a lot of time in Eastern Europe lately and you really get a sense of how that war affected the people in the most horrific way. We are lucky to have been spared the full weight and horror of that war.
  13. And THAT's from a man who really knows stupid!
  14. A ctually, I'm not dragging Ms. Welch (Bush) into anything and only mention it when you continue to johnny one note the chappaquidick incident. The point is people do things that are questionable and we should give them the benefit of the doubt and move on. What part of "move on" don't you understand? Nice comment about Patrick Kennedy and nice piling on of Joan Kennedy....but hey..its a free country.
  15. Did ted kennedy go through an unobstructed stop sign to "happen" to kill an ex-lover? Frankly I am willing to give Ms. Welch (Bush) the benefit of the doubt and move on. Others choose not to at least as it relates to Kennedy. I'll chose to remember the good he did...and apparently that is the way most feel. Hell..even George W. Bush AND Laura came to his funeral to honor him.
  16. Point well taken, although it might hold for drafting Cutler as well. The main thing that proves your point is that the coaching staff went with a safety when their most crying need was on the defensive line. I don't want to devalue Whitner, but I am convinced Ngata is going to be a MAJOR contributor, and Whitner will be a good safety.
  17. my point is that most of us have less than perfect lives (I don't actually know much about DC Tom, but I'm guessing he isn't claiming to be perfect, any more than Laura Bush or anyone else. There are sins other than driving sins (although the big ones for Ted and Laura seem to be driving ones as far as I know.) I not only don't have a boyfriend, I can assure you that if I were a woman I'd gaurantee that I'd be lesbian.
  18. I still think the guy we missed in that draft was Haloti Ngata. Water under the bridge though.
  19. My favorite quote along those lines was attributed to Adlai Stevenson from wikipedia.. On another campaign occasion, he was somewhat rudely introduced at a Houston Baptist convention in the following way: "Gov. Stevenson, we want to make it clear you are here as a courtesy because Dr. Norman Vincent Peale has instructed us to vote for your opponent." Stevenson stepped to the podium and quipped, "Speaking as a Christian, I find the Apostle Paul appealing and the Apostle Peale appalling."[9]
  20. This is getting a little old, even for me...but I never did, nor did I drive through a stop sign to kill an ex-boyfriend. I for one however will admit I'm not without sin and I suspect DC Tom will admit the same. Kennedy had failings. We all do. He left significant accomplishments as a legacy. Republicans and Dems alike have acknowledged them. A list of some... The late Sen. Edward Kennedy is credited with several legislative efforts, most notably in the fields of civil rights, welfare and education. He was key to passing Head Start as part of the 1964 Economic Opportunity Act, the centerpiece of the War on Poverty. Kennedy fought for Title IX equal access for women and more student aid for GIs . He proposed increases in minimum wage, championed the Family and Medical Leave Act, shepherded the No Child Left Behind Act, led the fight for passage of hate crimes legislation and sought protections against discrimination for gays and women. He supported nuclear reduction treaties, enlisted labor unions and backed unrestricted access to abortion even in late term and for teens crossing state lines. He is ranked a liberal 95 percent of the time, according to the Almanac of American Politics, and a conservative 0 percent of the time. He received 100 percent ratings from Americans for Democratic Action, the Association of Federal, State, County and Municipal Employees and the League of Conservation Voters. Click here for a a list of the senator's accomplishments from his Web site. The following is a list of legislation molded in whole or part by Kennedy: 1964: Head Start -- Provided meals and early education to pre-school children through the Employee Opportunity Act. 1965: Hart-Cellar Act: -- Changed immigration policy to abolish quotas and lift a 1924 ban on immigration from Asia. 1968: Bilingual Education Act -- Mandated for schools to provide bilingual education programs. 1970: Voting Age -- Lowered the age to vote to 18. 1971: Federal Cancer Research Program -- Quadrupled the amount of money spent by the federal government to fight cancer. 1972: Meals on Wheels -- Strengthened the federal program offering nutritional meals to homebound seniors. 1972: WIC -- Offered food, nutrition counseling and health services to low-income women, infants, and children. 1972: Title IX -- Demanded equal funding for men's and women's athletics on college campuses. 1974: Campaign Finance -- Imposed limits on contributions to political candidates and set up a public financing option, post-Watergate. 1975: Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) -- Guaranteed free and appropriate public education to children with disabilities. 1978: Civil Rights Commission Act Amendments -- Expanded the jurisdiction of the Civil Rights Commission to protect people from discrimination on the basis of disability. 1978: Airline Deregulation -- Allowed airlines to choose their own fares, reducing costs for consumers. 1980: Refugee Act -- Established a U.S. policy for providing humanitarian assistance, admission and resettlement to refugees around the world. 1981: Fuel Assistance -- Provided home heating fuel for low-income and working poor families. 1983: Martin Luther King Day -- Established a national holiday to celebrate Martin Luther King's birthday. 1984: Improved Access to Polling Stations -- Required polling stations to provide physical accessibility for physically disabled and elderly people on federal election days. 1986: Employment Opportunities for Disabled Americans Act -- Allowed disabled workers to receive SSI benefits and Medicaid coverage. 1986: Anti-Apartheid Sanctions -- Banned the purchase of gold, coal, iron, and other goods from South Africa to protest apartheid. 1987: Even Start -- Offered early education, family literacy and related services to disadvantaged parents and their children. 1988: Fair Housing Act Amendments -- Prohibited discrimination towards people with disabilities in the sale or rental of housing. 1989: National Military Child Care Act -- Established the Department of Defense child care system. 1990: Americans with Disabilities Act -- Prohibited discrimination against any qualified individual with a disability in job application procedures, hiring or discharge, compensation, advancement and training. 1990: Ryan White CARE Act -- Provided assistance to states to develop effective and cost-efficient AIDS care programs, aimed particularly at early diagnosis and home care. 1991: Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty -- Halved the world's nuclear arsenal through cooperation with the U.S.S.R. 1991: Women in Combat -- Lifted the ban on women serving as combat aviators. 1992: Summer Jobs for Youth Program -- Appropriated $500 million to give 300,000 youth with summer employment. 1992: Mammography Quality Standards Act -- Ensured the safety and accuracy of mammograms and promoted the use of the procedure 1993: National and Community Service Trust Act -- Created AmeriCorps and the Corporation for National and Community Service to help expand volunteerism and education grants for students who choose to volunteer for service after college. 1993: Student Loans -- Allowed students to borrow money for college directly from the federal government. 1994: Family and Medical Leave Act -- Provided up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave for family emergencies or after the birth of infants. 1994: Crime Act -- Secured funding for 100,000 new police officers, imposed new penalties for crimes involving gangs and firearms and authorized the Police Corps, a program to award college scholarships to students in return for a commitment to serve as police officers. 1996: Kennedy-Kassebaum Act -- Enabled employees to keep health insurance after leaving their job and prohibited insurance companies from refusing to renew coverage on the basis of preexisting medical conditions. 1996: Mental Health Parity Bill -- Eliminated limits on mental health coverage that differ from other covered illnesses. 1996: Temporary Assistance to Needy Families Act -- Established Welfare-to-Work Initiatives to reduce the number of families dependent on government assistance. 1996/2007: Minimum Wage -- Increased the minimum wage from $4.25 to $5.15 in 1996, and then again from $5.15 in 2007 to $7.25 by 2009. 1997: State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) -- Supported state efforts to provide health insurance to uninsured children in low-income families. 2000: Minority Health and Health Disparities Research and Education Act -- Improved data systems and research on the extent and severity of minority health problems, and authorized significant resources to help enhance the delivery of health care to minorities. 2000 Public Health Threats and Emergencies Act -- Introduced initiatives to control the spread of germs resistant to antibiotics, and to protect the country against bioterrorism. 2001: No Child Left Behind Act -- Required more rigorous testing of public school students and permitted parents to transfer their children from low-performing to higher-performing schools. 2002: Bioterrorism Preparedness Act -- Established plan to help the country prevent, prepare for and respond to bioterrorism and other public health emergencies. 2002: Enhanced Border Security and Visa Entry Reform Act -- Expanded the country's intelligence and law enforcement capabilities to help identify individuals who have violated visas or have links to terrorist organizations. 2003: Up-Armored Humvees -- Provided funding for additional armor for military vehicles to meet the safety needs of American troops. 2003: PROTECT Act -- Provided funding for AMBER Alert notification systems along U.S. highways and awarded grants to states for the implementation of improved communication technologies. 2005: Gulf Coast Recovery and Preparedness Act -- Provided emergency funding to assist in the recovery efforts after Hurricane Katrina. 2006: Family Opportunity Act -- Provided states the opportunity to expand Medicaid coverage to children with special needs and allowed low- and middle-income families with disabled children the ability
  21. Probably have to change the hall of fame waiting rule for him now. Any truth to the rumor that all teams will wear a black armband in mourning this season?
  22. Don't drink anything the bearded nutty future brother in law hands you!
  23. Neither was Laura Bush. Nor me..nor you.
  24. I never claimed the items you referred to did not exist. You offered to get 20, so I said go ahead. I was more curious about whether you were lame enough to get them than I was curious about whether there were 20 negative results. Fact is the grand jury didn't indict, a jury didn't convict, and it is all pretty much your right wing invective after that.
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