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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. But interviewee...who apparently is in the best position to understand what he actually "feels" or "thinks"...disagrees withthe interviewer. Much hoo ha over nothing on a slow news day. Move along..nothing to see here.
  2. Remember that at the time pro bowl tackle peters was watching the purse strings open to bring in mediocre linemen. He was going to get a big contract sooner or later. The Bills had the choice of renegotiating early and avoiding all of the drama and didn't. Now...I don't mind if underpaid probowl caliber bills hold out when they see mediocre new people signing for outrageous sums. A decision that a wise GM should have made.
  3. he was injured most of the time he was here. Great linebacker at Cincinnatti though.
  4. I couldn't agree more. Evans is an outstanding receiver playing on a team unable to utilize him in the past. TE may be an improvement this year if we can figure out a way to avoid the pass rush.
  5. We PLANNED to cut Walker a week before the New England game? Neat idea to wait so long so you didn't give the actual starting left tackle much playing time. I feel so much better given the way the offensive line played all preseason.
  6. like somebody named Lombardi is going to know shyt about football.
  7. hell yeah. A practice or two and all of these rookies will be one of the best offensive lines in history. TE will have so much time to throw that we can maximize TO and Evans. Belichick will probably buy all of the crazy hype that the offensive line is weak and design his game plan around it. Good idea to hold back all preseason and then cut your most senior guy just before your first game, although he might have waited til just before kickoff. That Jauron is one brilliant trickster! I'm starting to feel sorry for the Patriots.
  8. yeah..ratardation came to mind when I read that post...but I didn't want to be mean.
  9. Good point. The Patriots and the Gians both took OT's in the second round who look like they are going to see a LOT of playing time. hmmm...Ravens...Patriots...Giants....what do they have in common? oh....WINNING.
  10. WHOA....I was kidding when I said the Ravens suck. I think they might win the AFC too. And they did it the same wayh the Bills won the AFL with the offensive and defensive lines they had.
  11. The bills needed a left (and right, actually) offensive tackle. Every offensive line position is not fungible. Wood and Levitre are fine, as far as they go. Ngata is and was a franchise type player, Maybin is a light defensive end/linebacker who will contribute, but not change much.
  12. http://www.baltimoresun.com/sports/ravens/...,1417899.column I buy the "best player available" argument to some extent. But when you let an all pro tackle go with no replacement Oher would not have been too much of a stretch. Or they could have traded up for one of the three premier tackles. I like this team's attitude about offensive lines. They didn't do bad with the Ngata pick for their defensive line few years ago either... Dick..it isn't all about the defensive backs!
  13. Geezz...the way many of you were saying the offensive line was playing in the preseason, I'd have thought we'd trade him for a first round draft choice to someone. The fact is, as I've said all along, we are crippled on offense because of the offensive line. AVP will have to work around a bad line to make anything happen. Walker wasn't getting the job done.
  14. No one will cover both to and evans...so the strategy, especially with our bad offensive line, is to make sure Edwards doesn't get time to throw to either of them. And that is what this game will be all about. If AVP is smart he'll pull every trick in the book to buy TE time, from two tight ends or a blocking fullback and anything else he can think of.
  15. Probably true, as long as there's no one in bed there with you!
  16. I guess you think y9ou think you're good in bed since you watch so much porn?
  17. A bad offensive line forced oversimplification. A colt style offense is fine but first you have to be able to execute and we haven't executed the simplest iteration of that offense because we can't pass block. It is time to become simpler and send in reinforcements to help what pretty much everyone sees is a bad offensive line. Don't get me wrong. three rookies and everyone in new positions may be WHY the ine is bad and later in the season it may get much better. However we are insane to go into the season expecting this line to perform adequately. two tight ends or a good blocking fullback are going to be essential if we are going to be able to include a vertical passing game into the mix.
  18. Seriously, with the Seymour trade the defense of the Pats looks shaky. As Tony Masserotti a Boston reporter calls it: "With regard to the 2009 Patriots defense, let’s not delude ourselves. After the preseason and entering the Sept. 14 opener, the defensive line was the only area that looked to be trouble-free. In Seymour, Vince Wilfork and Ty Warren, the Pats had three first-round picks that were the foundation of the unit. Those three players might very have comprised the best defensive line in the game. Now Seymour is gone in favor of Jarvis Green, Ron Brace, Mike Wright or Myron Pryor -- or any combination of them all -- and the simple truth is that there is enough reason to question every one of them. Meanwhile, the Pats seem to have only two proven and capable linebackers -- Jerod Mayo and Adalius Thomas -- in front of a defensive backfield that seems currently entrenched in a game of musical chairs. Beyond the defensive line, especially, there are lots of new faces and a cast of new draftees, which cannot help but make you wonder if the Pats will need to score 40 points a game through the first two months of the season while Belichick sorts out all the pieces. The point? If the Pats lose another chance at a title this year because their defense proves incapable of making a big stop -- doesn’t that really cover the last three years in a nutshell? – Belichick will have some questions to answer. (Of course, that hardly means he will actually answer them.) For a man with a well-earned reputation as a defensive mastermind, Belichick’s last three teams have been exposed when it came time to make the defining stop, which is the biggest reason the Pats have now gone a full, four-year term without a championship." The pats may not have what it takes to generate a killer pass rush, the defensive backfield may not be able to handle TO and Evans, and if Edwards can get time (and IF he is good enough...still a question). We might be able to do some harm. On offense Brady is coming off the Knee injury and may not be able or confident enough to rely on that knee. We might give them a game.
  19. Seriously, with the Seymour trade the defense of the Pats looks shaky. As Tony Masserotti a Boston reporter calls it: "With regard to the 2009 Patriots defense, let’s not delude ourselves. After the preseason and entering the Sept. 14 opener, the defensive line was the only area that looked to be trouble-free. In Seymour, Vince Wilfork and Ty Warren, the Pats had three first-round picks that were the foundation of the unit. Those three players might very have comprised the best defensive line in the game. Now Seymour is gone in favor of Jarvis Green, Ron Brace, Mike Wright or Myron Pryor -- or any combination of them all -- and the simple truth is that there is enough reason to question every one of them. Meanwhile, the Pats seem to have only two proven and capable linebackers -- Jerod Mayo and Adalius Thomas -- in front of a defensive backfield that seems currently entrenched in a game of musical chairs. Beyond the defensive line, especially, there are lots of new faces and a cast of new draftees, which cannot help but make you wonder if the Pats will need to score 40 points a game through the first two months of the season while Belichick sorts out all the pieces. The point? If the Pats lose another chance at a title this year because their defense proves incapable of making a big stop -- doesn’t that really cover the last three years in a nutshell? – Belichick will have some questions to answer. (Of course, that hardly means he will actually answer them.) For a man with a well-earned reputation as a defensive mastermind, Belichick’s last three teams have been exposed when it came time to make the defining stop, which is the biggest reason the Pats have now gone a full, four-year term without a championship." The pats may not have what it takes to generate a killer pass rush, the defensive backfield may not be able to handle TO and Evans, and if Edwards can get time (and IF he is good enough...still a question). We might be able to do some harm. On offense Brady is coming off the Knee injury and may not be able or confident enough to rely on that knee. We might give them a game.
  20. Bad offensive line. You aren't going to get vertical, aren't going to be able to do anything that takes time to develop. If AVP is going to do anything he'll put in a blocker fullback with the halfback or go two tight ends. we bet the farm on the vertical game (TO and Evans) and we simply need to get Edwards more time. Our offensive line as it exists and in this stage of development isn't getting the job done. I'm going way back to Cookie Gilchrist and Wray Carlton protecting Jack Kemp (with a better offensive line by the way) for Golden Wheels Dubenion and Glenn Bass as primary receivers. Warlick was an excellent receiver but a good pass blocker as well at TE. I have a feeling there is a trick special teams play that will be played early in the game...an unexpected onsides kick or a fake punt. Our defense should be good. I see a final score of 24-17
  21. good movie... a little bit of a stretch on the believability scale. Gotta give Cimino a lot of artistic license. He really blew it on Heaven's Gate a few years later. Took every little fault he exhibited in Deerhunter and multiplied it.
  22. I'm a Leach fan, but I suspect his strategy might be too radical for the NFL. That being said radical might be just what the nfl needs.
  23. have fun. Let me know if you'd like some advice.
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