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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. I really didn't have a problem with drafting Maybin, but I wasn't aware of the problems we had at tackle, and expect the bills should have put that into their assessment. I expect Maybin to be a real asset. I just find the Ravens interesting as they drafted the guy I had hoped the Bills would draft (Ngata) and just picked up a guy I've expected (so far hasn't panned out as I expected) to start in Kelly Washington. The Ravens are becoming my second favorite team...after the Bills of course.
  2. I say go for it. Tampa doesn't have the kind of offense to go 90 yards quickly, our defense is good, a 13 point lead doesn't exactly put the game much more out of reach than a 10 point lead. I can't get awfully excited a bout the decision to go for the field goal, but I think going for it makes more sense.
  3. My dad took me to the parade when the buffalo bills came to town. I've followed them from the beginning but became a huge fan in 1965. I remember going to preseason games and worrying and arguing about why we should keep Pete Gogolak, Butch Byrd and someone else. Obviously we were wise to keep at least those two!! I loved the Kemp Lamonica battle, "golden wheels" Dubenion and Cookie Gilchrist. Tom Sestak was a monster lineman and very underrated.
  4. At the moment of selection, with Peters gone and looking at what we had at tackle...oher may have been the better choice. http://www.nationalfootballpost.com/Wilson...uick-study.html
  5. i've said all along that the only thing keeping us out of the playoffs is the offensive line (Leodis not taking a knee didn't help matters much..but, hey..stuff happens.) The line has played at the lower end of mediocre and I think will improve. Beating the Saints would make me very optimistic. I'm not too star struck as we are 1-1 losing to a team we were supposed to lose to and beating a team we were supposed to beat. Beating the saints would show some capacity to win against playoff caliber teams. I guess an AFC East win would really get me going.
  6. I don't see any point in firing anyone right now. I think DJ is on the block but will continue to be until the season is over, because there isn't anyone else who is going to come in and make a change during the season. April is considered one of the premier special teams coaches, AVP is looking find and the defense is good. Nah...I think we play it out and see if DJ earns himself another year. I suspect he will be fired when the season ends if we don't make the playoffs.
  7. I think we should be a little higher. Funny but if we had actually won I don't think they would have ranked us in the top 12 teams despite a win over the pats. If we want love we're going to have to go out and earn it.
  8. Good points...maybe we actually won? Someone call Roger F-ing Goodell.
  9. GREAT GAME/...yup...better than the comeback game against Houston, greater than any of our games. That was sooo wonderful. Best game the Buffalo Bills ever played. The score really doesn't matter. I'm so satisfied right now. I thought I would never be satisfied until the bills won the superbowl, but this is really better. GREAT GREAT game.
  10. I agree...if we can only lose all of our games like that we'll be 0-16! Losing is losing. We gotta go out there and win, against anyone...any time.
  11. On the other hand. The left tackle position is still a major problem, the middle linebacker injury can be very concerning, and our collapse in the final two minutes results in a loss. Did we play better than expected? yes. Have AVP, most of the offensive line, and the defense shown to be better than expected? Yes. However there is a name for what happens when you have fewer points than your opponent and the clock runs to zero. They call it losing.
  12. Good analysis. I'm still wary of the offensive line although (with the exception of Bell...but who needs a left tackle?) they held up much better than I thought they would. AVP called a nice game. Players played like losers the last two minutes in a hundred different ways. I'm revising the prediction of a 3 win team to perhaps even a 7 win team as of right now. That being said the o-line will improve (remember Jim Kelly calling out Howard Ballard?) and there may beven be further revisions in coming weeks.
  13. I'm nervous, but excited. TO andEvans are as good as they get, and if we can just get the time I think we can do major damage. IF we do major damage with the vertical game early, it should open up the run game, which I don't think the patsies are at all afraid of, with Marshawn out. I for one think we have an under the radar running option that might be good. Defense and special teams have to be huge tonite, and if they go for blood, and we get a little bit of luck...who knows.
  14. I guess there really are more questions about an opening game than almost any season I can remember (and that goes back to when Richie Lucas was drafted.) 1. Is the offensive line going to come together? Belichek is no fool and he will test the new o-line from the get go. If the line doesn't come together...to and evans don't get vertical, the running game is hindered, and TE spends a lot of time horizontal (to the earth). 2. Is AVP going to install something new and different, and how will he gear the offense to deal with a questionable offensive line? Tight ends, fullback, screens, short and midrange quick passes? 3. Are we going to stay with the no huddle? A few three and outs and our defense may be exhausted? 4. Do we get some surprise playes from the special teams? I have hated the patsies since Gino Cappelletti kicked and received for them and Babe Parilli passed for them. Go Bills.
  15. I was going into a very tense meeting on an employment law situation, and turned on the computer and read a post here (as I like to do to get ready for the day!) and read about a plane (piper cub, I thought) crashing into WTC. All during the meeting people kept interrupting with news reports. My brother was supposed to be at a breakfast meeting at windows of the world that morning, canceled that Friday. Years ago I used to try cases in the WTC as many of the offices were state offices. I thought the NYC Attorney Generals offices were still there and worried about a lot of people I knew to find out that they had moved out when the WTC became premium space.
  16. BR is one stud quarterback. I'm kind of at a loss trying to find the combination of size and agility and smarts. Maybe Bradshaw at his best is the closest I can come to off the top of my head.
  17. hmmm..so that's what they meant when they said "hard cases make bad law?"
  18. early monday night the bills have little respect. At the end of the night they will either leave with no respect -they get their butts handed to them-or they will win and go with a ton of respect and a lot of people on this board (ESPECIALLY ME) will have to admit they were wrong. I wouldn't mind at all having to admit I was wrong. However I doubt if that is going to happen.
  19. looking at the many teams with blackout problems in "major" markets, and the failure of teams in the LA market (the one I seem to hear the most about looking to capture a team), and the present economic environment, the Buffalo western new york base sounds like a good bet to me for whoever buys the team. Toronto is often discussed but it is a leap to think that the folks in WNY Rochester areas will gravitate to a team where they need a passport to see the game. Cleveland Pittsburgh and New York would probably get a good chunk of whatever fans are left. I am hopeful that the Bills will stay in Buffalo and Western New York because it is a good market and a good business decision. Maybe I'm wearing homer glasses, but I really see us as viable in our own right.
  20. from wikipedia Buffalo Bills 2003 was the first season Spikes played with the Bills, earning his first Pro Bowl appearance and started all 16 games once more. He recorded 126 tackles, with the addition of a pair of sacks, a pair of interceptions, and a pair of fumble recoveries. 2005 On September 25, Spikes suffered a season-ending tear to his right Achilles' tendon while tackling Michael Vick during the Bills 24-16 loss to the Atlanta Falcons in Week 3. 2006 Trying to recover from his torn Achilles tendon, Spikes played in 12 games while missing 4 games early in the season due to a hamstring injury. During the first series of the first game of the year, Spikes made a blind side sack on Patriots QB Tom Brady, forcing a fumble which was recovered by then-current Bills LB London Fletcher for a touchdown. The sack and forced fumble were Spikes' only of the season as he struggled with injury. one pro bowl season and two injured seasons. He was a very talented guy but wouldn't make the top five list of Buffalo Bills linebackers. One MIGHT argue he wouldn't make the top ten.
  21. nah..he's not real..he's a republican. Bobby Jindall who they think is their next presidential candidate. Sorry about the retardation remark. I thought you were engaging in self reflection. Listen..read the post..read the article. I meant essentially that the Ravens were doing it the right way and that their philosophy was something the bills should consider. I said "this is why they suck" in a sarcastic manner...it seemed that if people read the article they would conclude that I actually admired the way the Ravens went about getting players. As to right tackle. If we have so many wonderful right tackles, why is TE getting tackled by all those defensive ends coming from that side? I like having wonderful right tackles and so many of them...but I'd also like it if some of them Ihell if even ONE of them) could pass block a little. As to Oher, he starred at left tackle at Ole Miss, and his natural position is left tackle. http://www.baltimoresun.com/sports/ravens/...,0,177147.story "Oher, 6 feet 4 and 310 pounds, has been exceedingly quick coming off the line of scrimmage after the ball is snapped. With his strong hands and solid base, he has been a point of attack for the ground game and formidable in pass protection. One of the more memorable moments of the preseason occurred in the first game against Washington, when Oher pancaked Redskins defensive end Renaldo Wynn during a fourth-and-1 inside Washington's 10-yard line. Bloodied and helmetless, Oher got three stitches in his forehead and returned to the game. Oher stood his ground in the team's third preseason game against the Carolina Panthers, in which he battled four-time Pro Bowl defensive end Julius Peppers to essentially a stalemate." and "Oher has excelled despite switching positions. A left tackle who surrendered just 2 1/2 sacks on 340 pass plays in his senior year at Mississippi, Oher has adapted to manning the right side of the offensive line. Matsko said the most difficult aspect of the position change is the footwork. "I really believe the young man is learning every day," Matsko said. "He's like a sponge. He takes everything in and really wants to try to do it the way that will allow him to have success. ... The thing that is beautiful about Michael is he has the feet of a left tackle who can play right tackle. That's really, really good because it allows him to play both sides." I suppose to be fair I should post an article about our stable of excellent right tackles and their great preseason play...wati a minute...THERE AREN'T any freaking articles praising their play!
  22. With our offensive line? Flutie without a doubt. Bledsoe would not last through monday night. Flutie was mobile and could make a broken play. Teams used to have a man "spy" on him as if there was a wildcat offense. Yeah..with Flutie we might even win.
  23. I'm beginning to suspect he's right as well, but I'll wait until after monday night to get a better idea of whether we are as bad as we look or as disorganized as I think, or as hopeless as DiCesare maintains. Come on offensive line...show us skeptics something to change our minds! PLEASE
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