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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. First...get Jared Gaither, a free agent from the Ravens. He was their starting left tackle and a good one before a minor injury and will be playing right tackle the rest of the season, not because he's bad but because they are so impressed with Michael Oher at left tackle. (I'll avoid pointing out that we might have solved this problem by taking Michael Oher in the first place in the draft, but I'm not the kind of guy to say I told you so...so I won't.) Gaither is too good for RT and is ready to get a passle of money in free agency. Second...get a right tackle from the free agents available. We have little if any hope of any of the tackle turning out to be starters. Third...Draft a quarterback, but we go next season with Edwards and/or Fitz. Final exam for both of them. I don't see any realistic alternative in free agency Kitna, Garcia or some journeyman may come available before the next season starts, but I think we'll have to grow our own replacement out of what's available in the draft.
  2. interesting post. Note that Trent played his games with a brand new offensive line with transitions at the tackle positions while the line Fitzpatrick is playing with has been playing together for five games and are moving from awful to bad to approaching mediocre (okay..to high bad on the verge of mediocre). Neither qb has been all that impressive but we'll just have to see how it plays out in the next few weeks.
  3. Istanbul. Take time to go to Antalya, Prince Islands.
  4. you don't have quality tackles on the offensive line, you are very limited. TO has not impressed when thrown to. Lots of drops and I don't see him doing anything to justify primary receiver status. Evans is the go to guy for now. Byrd is exceptional. Fitz is doing what has to be done to win against weak teams when the defense puts him in position to win. TE doesn't. So far this does not bode well for a better than mediocre season. But given the way we have played overall to date a mediocre season would be terrific. Defense is a playoff defense...despite the rash of injuries.
  5. Let's try this again... I was saying one thing (they suck) to emphasize th opposite (they don't suck because they drafted well, coach well and play well) which in turn should emphasize that we suck because we drafted poorly have been coaching poorly and don't play very well.) I don't think the Ravens suck either. In fact the Broncos may actually play the Ravens in the SuperBowl. We on the other hand will be playing the Rams in the suck bowl if we don't wake up soon.
  6. irony- the use of words to express something other than and especially the opposite of the literal meaning In other words...the broncos don't really suck. They drafted wisely in picking Ayers (who along with Oher of the Ravens was one of my faves for a first round choice) and a very good running back and are playing a passle of rookies who are on a team with considerably more wins than we have. They don't really suck in that they bring their rookies along with regular rookie meetings and heavy duty attention. They don't really suck because they have good coaching. They don't really suck because they have a good offensive line. The Bills on the other hand (and the allusion to suck is supposed to underline that point...suckiness in the context of teams such as the Ravens and Broncos) are the epitome of suckitude. They are commiting suckicide. They should get the Vince Suckardi trophy. They have been the biggest suckcess in the nfl so far this season and if they don't start doing some things right soon, will have one of the worst seasons ever. On the good side. I think we have a good defense, many of the losses were caused by bonehead mistakes and we have the talent to be a mediocre to good team and there is still enough time laugh to salvage the season.
  7. and they seem to know what to do with their rookies. Ayers of Tennessee starting at outside linebacker? Hmm...who did we draft? http://www.denverpost.com/premium/broncos/ci_13591476#
  8. and they seem to know what to do with their rookies. Ayers of Tennessee starting at outside linebacker? Hmm...who did we draft? http://www.denverpost.com/premium/broncos/ci_13591476#
  9. sounds like a typical marriage of long duration divorce. She is going to get the house and very significant alimony and child support. All the trial stuff is typical bull ****. Unless he was sleeping with a goat or she had sex with the Knicks on the floor of Madison Square Garden, the judge is going to engage in a mathematical formula analysis and give an award. Too bad for both of them that they chose to go this way instead of figuring it out. The good thing is the lawyers will make a lot of money out of this misery.
  10. Why don't we charge more for medical care for smokers? Lung cancer, breathing apparatus, and the use of hospital facilities for smokers is very significant. Why not charge more for diabetics? A lot of diabetics don't follow medical advice regarding diet and exercise? Why not charge pregnant mothers who drink more than mothers who take care of themselves? We could easily charge alchoholics who are duffering dt's much more than we do... Wait a minute..I think we are onto a way of dealing with the health care crisis!
  11. main board hell...the PPP guys would get all excited. Not about TO in particular but about the guy with the mustache.
  12. there is a way to measure coaches. its called winning and losing. Jauron was a loser when he came here and has been an at best mediocre coach by the stat that counts. It would be insane to fire him this season and if he's got what it takes hed had better show it throughout the rest of the season. The penalties, abysmal decisions on special teams, poor trades and failure to make good draft choices at positions of critical need should probably show itself in the win loss record and seal his fate.
  13. Why do we think that a suicide and a Halloween display are mutually exclusive? The guy may have offed himself specifically to become a Halloween display. A little much and as far as I've gone is a cut up pumpkin, but more power to the guy for his imagination. Was he wearing a costume?
  14. I once watched a prison tv show called OZ where a bunch of guys had to learn to live together in prison...kind of like a dorm with shivs. Now the point is that when there was a problem you just got one of them alone and sodomized them or shivved them in the yard. Sodomizing sounds a little drastic, and not very healthy :...but shivving one or two of the mo-fo's would almost certainly gain the attention and respect of the other guys. Just a little suggestion.
  15. I saw Double Indemnity a few months back and was shocked to see Barbara Stanwyck as a very sexy babe. I always thought of her as the older mom on that tv western in the sixties.
  16. Interesting New Yorker article. http://www.newyorker.com/reporting/2009/10...a_fact_gladwell
  17. Get you a good lineman and a number two draft choice and its a deal.
  18. let me make a second stab at this.. 1. Boby April 2. Leodis Mckelvin 3. Roscoe Parrish The topic? "What the f... were you thinking?"
  19. Best way to handle this issue is to shyt in the shower every day til they leave.
  20. Actually I get confused. His roomate was Patrick Fitzryan. Led for a lot of interesting comments about Ryan Fitzpatrick and Patrick Fitzryan.
  21. There is the possibility that not only is the offensive line bad, but that TE is also not very good. Hold off on the bust for Canton for Fitzgerald. He wasn't that good, and was helped by field position and all those turnovers, and TE was actually 5/5 when he was hurt. We still look like a 4 win team. The defense looked good, despite the injuries.
  22. Ahhh... Rush... http://www.pli.edu/product/seminar_detail.asp?id=59888
  23. Hmmm...a doped out racist loudmouth who doesn't know football talent? Sounds like the just the ticket.
  24. I was watching tv where a fellow was making that argument and pointed out that the two hottest co-ordinators in the NFL right now were Mike Mullarkey and Gregg Williams. I think I'll pass.
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