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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. I think Tebow is worth a 3rd or 4th round pick. I'd play him at tight end. He might also have a place in some wildcat formations. I don't see him as an NFL qb, but think he's a great athlete who could make a difference, and is worth a mid round pick.
  2. I suspect we won't see TO in the picture once a new GM comes in. Too old, and the cost/benefit of trouble versus talent is tipping more and more to the trouble side. That being said, I suspect we will attempt to use him as much as we can in the next few weeks, which is kind of a shame as I think we ought to be evaluating the rest of the receiving corps. It will be interesting to see how Fewell handles the team from this point forward.
  3. Myspeculation is based on the presumption that Fewell will actually win three or four games as head coach of this mediocre team. Easy enough to see whether this is a crazy idea or not. He will be a head coach or he won't next season. I'll happily stand corrected if he isn't.
  4. While we are bidding to get Shanahan and Schottenheimer out of the nursing home, Fewell may perform well the rest of the season. He has a nice background as a defensive co-ordinator, is enthusiastic and would have won with what had been a loser team with no offensive line, a mediocre qb and a defense about as riddled with injury as you can get. He will be an NFL head coach. That being the case Shanahan comes in with a mediocre track record in his last three years as a head coach, nothing to indicate energy or inclination to work with a sub-par team. I for one would hold off on any coaching decisions until we have a new GM and we have a good opportunity to assess Fewell and decide whether to offer him the job and lock him into Buffalo.
  5. TO is running the team? Well its about time someone was.
  6. Boy..I can't believe they skipped this one. HOUSTON, Jan. 15, 1967 -- Joe Namath of the New York Jets, the only rookie on the team, engineered a second-half drive that produced 24 points and gave the American Football League All-Stars a 30-19 victory over the Buffalo Bills, the league champions today.
  7. Oher stepped in and played well at LT but when Gaither got over his injury moved back to RT. In fact he was a stellar LT in college in the SEC, so I believe there is no reason to think he wouldn't be a very very good LT. As far as we were concerned at the time of the draft a very good RT would have been great. Sign Peters for left, Oher at right. I feel bad for Maybin as every time I see hime (which isn't all that often) I think how we could have gotten what we needed. I'm poulling for the guy to be a great player over time.
  8. GM first to design the plan to win the superbowl. Frankly I'd give the young Pollian kid a serious look. GM decides on the coach we need Draft and free agency to fix the trenches first and linebacking this year. T"HERE IS NO PEYTON MANNING in the qb hunt this year. Build the lines and perhaps take a flyer on a qb in the third or fourth round, if that. SIGN our "franchise" players. Hell...we could build a playoff contender with the players we let leave the bills over the last six or seven years. Be aggressive in free agency. That's how it needs to be done. We could have a playoff contender next year and be deep into the playoffs the year after if only we follow this plan. Instead..... Pick a used up big name guy whose best days are behind him...(hmm...Jauron, Chuck Knox, John Rauch) Hamper the coach by creating friction with the non-support of the front office (Phillips, Mularkey, Williams) Draft from the back up....Safeties and cornerbacks, receivers and running backs and ignore the offensive and defensive lines. Let stellar players on board see you pay lesser players top dollars in free agency and let them "test the market" with the inevitable result that we lose them. (Washington, Fat Pat, Jason Peters, Clements, Winfield, Spikes, etc. ) Deming said if you have three men who fail in the same job, you have to look at the job itself. Time to reevaluate and rebuild. Phillips is a head coach and both Mularkey and Williams are hot prospects for a head coaching job right now. The problem may not be the coaching....
  9. when all is said and done we will need three at a minimum and more likely five or six new offensive linemen before ANY quarterback is going to be successful. Fitzpatrick looks like a quarterback moving from low mediocre to high mediocre with some hope of reaching low good. I say its O-line and Linebacker this year through the first four rounds. Even with that I would hope we would be aggressive in free agency.
  10. you can't "take away" the last three years the guy was a head coach. I can see taking a young coach who had a few bad years early on, or got fired because of a personality issue and making accommodations. With Shanahan it is far more likely that he is on the downward swing of his career. Not a guy to face a challenge like this. I say go with a GM, draft to fill in the trenches on both sides of the line, and let the GM find a quality and energetic coach.
  11. Its not that Maybin is bad, although I don't see him as a dominant player by any stretch of the imagination. Its that we went into the draft knowing that the weakest spot on the team and the one most critical to be filled was the left tackle position, there were five outstanding tackles avaible in the draft and two of them were available when we picked. Baltimore picked Oher who started at right tackle and made a very successful move to left tackle. On those rare occassions when I actually see Maybin on the field I think about what a dumb move the front office made. This makes me more and more certain that we should make it our first order of business to get us a good GM BEFORE we go after a coach.
  12. Exactly. It is what it is. The fact is that Dick Jauron and Trent Edwards were part of the Bills who lost to New England and Cleveland. Hopefully they have taken some actions that will improve the team in what's left of the season. The idea that we "should" have won games is a loser mindset. We lost. We have to learn how to win.
  13. Thank goodness someone else is looking past this inexplicable love feast with shanahan everyone is having. We need a GM of the first order and the GM should find the next coach for the Buffalo Bills.
  14. Well...we could finish with a winning season. The playoffs aren't mathematically impossible but EXTREMELY unlikely. The colts game should be against the reserves as they will have home field advantage and all that goes with it and will certainly not risk players getting injured in god forsaken weather conditions. Kansas City and the Jets are winable, the Colts are a strong possible (resting Colts, that is.) but the Falcons and Patriots are extremely unlikely wins. I would be very pleased with seven or eight wins.
  15. I've maintained from day one that shanahan is overrated on this board. If Fewell coaches well the rest of the season, he's the man. I think we have had enough of NFL head coach retreads with Rauch and Knoll etc. Shanahan was on the downward side of his career in Denver and I don't see why anyone would believe he is going to have a rebirth in Buffalo.
  16. whoa...so shanahan is taking us to the superbowl? I think many on this board have very unrealistic expectations.
  17. I was in the stadium for that game. It was one for the ages. In fact if you had to have the top ten regular season game the bills ever played, I think that would be one. I bet the game Jim Kelly won against Miami with a quarterback draw would be another. There was a game against Houston with George Blanda at QB where Hagood Clark intercepted a Blanda pass with almost no time left and returned it for a touchdown. Come to think of it I'll bet the Ferguson Hooks game would have to be in the top five.
  18. Shanahan was batting about .500 in the last three years of his coaching. There is a reason guys get fired. I'm not saying he will be a sure bust (I didn't say Jauron would be a sure bust)...but I'm very very sceptical about whether he is the answer.
  19. Sure..let them score and put the game in the hands of our remarkably productive offense.
  20. I'm not all that convinced that Shanahan is what the bills need. I would much rather have them decide on a GM as soon as possible and let the GM pick the coach. Having a coach with a GM beholden to him is a recipe for eventual disaster and that is what would happen if they pick shanahan and appoint a "shanahan" GM. As usual the bills are going at this bass ackward.
  21. yes...it is obvious that Maybin would be an all pro OLB in a 3-4 because he is such a bad Defensive End.
  22. The movie "the blindside" opens with a detailed showing of that injury and an explanation as to why the posiiton of Left Tackle is the second most important position on the team. Too bad DJ didn't see that before last year's draft. The injuries to McCallum and Thiesman are the two worst broken leg injuries I've seen. There are more serious injuries (Everett and Darryl Stingley come to mind) but those leg breaks are hard to look at.
  23. what is the four letter word I'm reaching for to describe Maybin...? oh...yeah BUST. Not that we had a need for a great player at other positions..like left tackle or anything. Not that there were any left tackles available when we drafted...like maybe..oh..Mike Oher...Not that even a MORON couldn't have figured out that we were going into the seaons with NO FREAKING OFFENSIVE line. Coach ought to be fired...Oh ...wait a minute...the coach has been fired?
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