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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. We have lousy pass protection, had it in training camp and had it throughout the year. Right now we are looking at pretty much a bunch of guys who just don't have it. Its time to revamp the offensive line. The inability to stop the run is the big problem on D, hence a DT in Round two. Free agency will bring us linebackers. The one position I wish we could address is tight end, and might go with Pitta the BYU TE in round 3 if available. Round 1 Offensive TackleBruce Campbell, Maryland Height: 6-7. Weight: 310. Let's make it clear here. We begin and end with a good left tackle. We passed on Oher last year for Maybin. Round 2. Defensive Tackle Dan Williams, Tennessee Height: 6-3. Weight: 327. Stroud is no spring chicken and this guy could help against the run. Okay..so he's a homer pick. However remember where Haynseworth, and John Henderson played. Round 3. Offensive Tackle Gabe Carimi, Wisconsin Height: 6-8. Weight: 320. Possible right tackle. I'm hoping Wood comes back at gauard and Levitre is doing okay, so I passed on a few interesting guards here. Round 4 OLB Stevenson Sylvester, Utah Height: 6-2. Weight: 225. Yeah...kind of light, but a good player and good diet and training program should do him some good. Round 5. Guard Jon Asamoah, Illinois Height: 6-4. Weight: 315. We need a little insurance with Wood coming off the injury and furthermore you can never have enough offensive linemen. I can see the Bills throwing this out. No Defensive backs, no Stanford qb's no wide receivers....Note to Bills FO. YOU BUILD A TEAM FROM THE LINE OF SCRIMMAGE BACK!
  2. I like DC Mom's idea but I don't think they are exclusive. Department of Labor and Small Claims Court as well as unemployment. He fired her and even if he contests it she might argue constructive discharge on the issue of drug usage and other general harassment, from how you are saying employees are treated. He has money...you have time ...he probably wouldn't want to fight this in three different forums. You might or might not get the money you are owed, but you certainly would be letting him know you are going to attempt every possible legal remedy. If he is also hiring (as many do) illegal aliens that should be brought to the attention of the proper authorities.
  3. he doesn't fit our mold. He's big and mean and very nasty and ill-tempered and hits very hard. Our offensive line has been a mix of gentle fellows who play the game in such a way that the cleaners don't have to work so hard to get their uniforms clean. Further I know from listening to the audio on most offensive players the linemen yell "Watch Out!!" very loudly as the defensive linemen rush by them. Incognito does not fit...He should be on some team that wants nasty offensive linemen so that they can go to the playoffs and superbowl. Not the Bills.
  4. TO conducted himself well this season, but I don't think the Bills will be looking to him for future planning, and he would be expensive and keeping other receivers from moving up. I think it is best for him and for us to let him go, but with thanks for his help this year. Quite frankly I was surprised at the number of drops he had, and surprised we went out of our way to get him given the fact that even at the end of LAST year we should have known that we would not be very good at pass protection. Its like buying a Ferrari for your grandmother to drive. Not a good experiment all in all.
  5. This would be a good time to bring up the fact that the obvious pick for us was Michael Oher, who is being touted as offensive rookie of the year, and played a position where we desperately needed help. However I am not the kind of guy who will bring that up. Maybe Maybin will show us some greatness in the playoffs when it really counts....oh....never mind.
  6. I was sitting next to a couple from the hills of East Tenn. at this flick. When the movie ended the husband very loudly said "What the F?" I agreed wholeheartedly. Wierd flick.
  7. He wins a few more games and he is probably in contention. I don't think the "established" NFL coaches such as Shanahan, Haslett and Schottenheimer are interested in the job, and with the possible exception of Schottenheimer, are right for the job. Fewell has the opportunity to showcase his coaching skills, knows the team and would be worth a year or two while the new GM and front office assesses the decision and decides to re-sign him or go in another direction. The presentchallenge is to get a new GM.
  8. I agree.. we got rid of LaMonica BECAUSE he was pretty much one of the better qb's in the league at the time and made a deal for what LOOKED LIKE (it turned out to be not the case) two very good players. LaMonica/Bass was far better than Flores/Powell. As it turned out Kemp was injured pretty severely shortly thereafter and we went into a very long tailspin. LaMonica was far, far, far better than Losman and we knew it. If I were to compare I'd compare Plunkett (who with the Pats was in a similar situation) who came to the Raiders, sat for a bit and then took them to the Superbowl.
  9. I'm going there for a family reunion and we had not planned on going to the game...but those ticket prices are impressive.
  10. i always enjoy DC-Tom's analysis on history of warfare. Obviously a well read student. I'm going on a plane trip tomorrow and was looking for a good book to read, and might see if I can get the Wilmott and Van der vat book.
  11. Congrats...isn't that a Florida State cheerleader on your avatar?
  12. the firebombing referred to tokyo. Hiroshima and Nagasaki were payback as a result of the fat man and the little boy.
  13. I would definitely not use a first round pick. I'm thinking of Tebow as round 2 or even round 3. Next year, boys and girls, is going to be a transitional year. The team is not "stupid" as Kyle Williams says...it is just not good and the most critical part, the offensive line...is very bad. A modified wildcat while we build the offensive line concentrating on the run first option is not a bad way to get through the year. Conceivably with coaching Tebow will develop as an NFL qb and as we "transition" he might stay. I happen to think he might do that, but the odds are against it. I can see him moving into the TE position on a pretty good team after the transition year. Put a "franchise" qb in the mix as a number 1 pick? Surefire disaster, not to mention wasting an opportunity to solidify our defensive line with a legitimate franchise defensive end. Look at the Detroit Lions and Joey Harrington, et. al. Keep Fitz and Edwards? I don't think so. Neither is in for the long haul. Fitz might be ok in a transition role and is the safest and cheapest bet ( a very pleasant 5-11 record...maybe.) The passing game presumes a good passing qb, a good pass blocking line, and quality receivers all on the same page. Ain't got that. In my opinion, a gutsy balls to wall run first offense will do a number of things. 1. Eat up clock 2. Give the defense some time off the field 3. Make the run defense the standard and catch them off gaurd for the occassional pass. On the other hand, players like TO will whine.
  14. Guess they didn't see the big picture. We had lend-lease going on and pretty heavy duty behind the scenes support of both England and Russia. What we didn't have was a clear justification for going to war. Thank you very much, Japan. You not only didn't knock out our fleet, didn't effect our morale in any negative fashion, you gave us a reason to get into the war. When push came to shove we kind of ended up on top economically at the end of that war. Not to mention that rather significant payback of the firebombing of Tokyo, Hiroshima and Nagasaki....
  15. He really was a remarkable player. I remember him actually turning in the middle of a long run to collide (unnecessarily) with a safety and to knock him right into the endzone with him. Guy was perhaps the best blocking back ever to play the game. He was an excellent linebacker, could punt and kick field goals and some say he could have been a hall of fame offensive guard. He was a lot of fun to watch.
  16. my mother had a club of women who knew each other since high school, that met every month. They were all married and in 1945 when the husbands came home from war my mother very soon became pregnant with my oldest sister. She went to the club meeting that month and said "I have wonderful news" Turned out that six of the eight women had the same news. Guess the returning vets had something more than mom's apple pie on their mind.
  17. Great points...in the final analysis I think it would be worth positing to the Japanese leaders--WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING? They would have been far better off not screwing with us. And once Hitler declared war, I suspect outcome of the entire war was pretty much decided. We could fight, but better than our fighting was our capability of production. We ought to be thinking about that as we outsource our manufacturing capacity.
  18. As a stupid person, I take offense at that! They can't attribute their play this year to stupidity...it makes all of us stupid people look bad. Nope...they lack cohesiveness, character, will to win, and commitment to excellence. There are a lot of stupid teams still in the hunt. Brains are very over-rated. What this team needs is balls and heart.
  19. get down to basics. "Big Name" isn't the solution (can you spell Bledsoe, TO, etc?) The team starts at the top and that's the GM or head of football operations (Spell Pollian or Butler? Actually I'm not sure I'm spelling it correctly.) The GM should do what John Wooden did at UCLA. Bring the whole staff in and teach them how to put on their socks and tie their shoes. Then find a coach he is comfortable with...who will bring in the players and show THEM how to put on their socks and tie their shoes. Draft and acquire to build a team from the trenches back. Get players who want a superbowl ring and will make every sacrifice to get one. Get the whole operation on the same page. Its not brain surgery, people.
  20. Tebow is being touted by Kiper and others as a tight end or h-back. Let's look at him as the Bills qb. He is a big and durable guy who can run and scramble, and until we actually pull together an offensive line that can pass block and run block perhaps this is what we want. he may or not develop the technique to be a major passer, but as it stands Sammy Baugh couldn't get a pass off with our offensive line, so it isn't an awfully big problem. A jackson, Lynch Tebow wildcat may be the thing we need next year if we are going to be competitive in the AFC East. Kiper might be right and we might move him to tight end or h-back on down the line, but he might be the person we need during the transition as quarterback. Might be a good idea for the rest of the Bills to shed a tear or two when they get their butts kicked, by the way.
  21. I don't see trading down this year. There will be some very very good defensive tackles in the first round and some very good offensive linemen in the second round. In fact it might be good to look at trades of existing players (Parrish, Whitner and Lynch come to mind as possibles) in order to get a second round or two to get this offensive line situation straightened out.
  22. There are a group of very good DT's in this pile and we should draft the best one available. A two down run-stopper doesn't sound bad to me and right now we have a 4 down no stopper defensive line. If there is a better run stopping tackle go for him, but our sights in the first round should be on a top DT. Every other pick should be based on shoring the offensive line, including perhaps a tight end. I for one might take a flyer on Tebow for the tight end spot in the 3rd or 4th.
  23. I'd like Tebow's attitude and leadership in Beyonce's body. Come to think of I am very negotiable on the Tebow attitude and leadership part.
  24. Suh is the number one pick, and no one in his right mind is going to trade out of the chance to draft him. I see Cody as a possible for us, and a very good choice at that. Defensive tackle is a little like OT's were last year...four or five very legit top 15 picks. We should address the offensive line with EVERY other pick.
  25. I'm going to that game. Fortunately the whole family is coming in to KC. We might just skip the game.
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