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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. I see the new coach assessing the o-line and the poor offense and looking for a qb who will be most effective in the wildcat. The new coach also will be interested in getting to the playoffs in the first year which would mean fixing the line in draft looking for offensive or possibly defensive linemen in rounds 1 through 4. In order to do this, and looking at who is probably going to be available I see us trading Lynch for.... Michael Vick The Eagles will keep McNabb or ask for a ridiculously high price beyond Lynch. Vick has minded his P's and Q's and there would be minimal resistance to him (especially if he wins a few games).
  2. Didn't Leonardo star in "The Aviator"? If so he had a ride in an airplane.
  3. nonsense...the ravens won with a rookie tackle who couldn't get selected over Maybin...how did THAT happen? and they had a defensive line with a guy who couldn't get selected over Dante Whitner...This really proves that you don't need an offensive or defensive line to win in the NFL. I hope we remember this on draft day when the opportunity comes to draft a quarterback or another defensive back.
  4. Hitler? Stalin? Jesus? Come on let's make the change that would most benefit the world through the ages: Scott Norwood makes the field against the Giants that leads us to four Superbowl rings!!! Ohhhhh....could the universe get better than that?
  5. We certainly blew it when we didn't renegotiate JP's contract. Losing him is just one more example of our failure to realize the importance of the offensive line in today's NFL. Reminds me of one time coaching pee wee hockey and our goalie was hurt. The other coach wanted to know if we had any "fat kids" who could fill in. The bills seem to think they can just throw out some fat kids and have an offense. Jennings, Peters, passing on Oher and Bryant McKinney and any number of other decisions makes a statement. Actually not going to the playoffs in ten years kind of makes a statement as well. I could do one of my "why the ravens suck" posts (Oher, Ngata and a bunch of other good trench decisions. While you qb afficionados are pleasuring yourselves today while looking at your Sanchez, Warner, Flacco fatheads, take a little time to think where they would be without the "fat kids" giving them time to throw...or for that matter where the running backs would be without the "fat kids" blocking. they would be.............the buffalo bills!
  6. try tipitina's...always a good time... http://www.tipitinas.com/ Cafe Du Monde for beignets and great coffee Galatoire's restaurant Brennan's
  7. I just didn't think Cowher was seriously interested. He would be coming into a turn around situation and is well aware of the minuses (and pluses?) of a cold weather city. I'm surprised he would give it serious consideration in that he has just moved south and had pretty firm plans about being more involved with his family. I like the guy and think he is a very good coach...but him coming here now just doesn't compute.
  8. mass firings were going to happen whether by Nix or by the new coach. April and maybe Fewell might have stayed with a new coach, but better to completely clean house and let the new guy bring in people familiar with his new style. I wonder if this move indicates Nix is leaning toward a head coach with gray hair and a lot of NFL experience who would know the league well enough to put into place his "team". I think Frewell and April will clearly land on their feet somewhere. Fewell has probably jumped to the short list for consideration for a head coach job.
  9. Actually except for the perennial offensive line it is a pretty good team and certainly a playoff contender AS IS. The defense had more time on the field than any other team, more injuries than any other team, and still wasn't all that bad. We come back with the injuries removed and even with fitz we get to the playoffs. Now to be a sure fire division champ or go deep into the playoffs we need a wise draft, signing of veterans, and aggressive free agency, but I think it could be done in one year. Worst team in football? Not by a long shot. I don't think the team itself is as bad as its record.
  10. Before posting check to see that there is not a similar thread posted earlier in the day...
  11. oh..and Charlie "Pork Chop" Warner. I wore his number in high school. Played the other corner to Butch Byrd. Booker Edgerson was in there as well, if I remember correctly. Never forget booker running down Lance Alworth as Curt Gowdy was going on about Lance being the fastest man in all of football.
  12. I think Jim Dunaway went with him. We also traded away Tom Day, starting a tradition of dumping our best offensive and defensive linemen which goes on to this day.... As to the unknown fullbacks, I think I'd like to add Roosevelt Leaks. I remember Bobby Burnett...I think he was AFL rookie of the year and named to pro-bowl. Terrible injury and he was never the same.
  13. I don't see any reason to consider Brohm as the answer. If GB thought he had potential they would have kept him. Sure the kid gets a shot, but don't expect too much. As of now he is number 3 behind two guys who at best would be number 2 (fitz) or number 3 (te) on any other team. Brohm and Hamdan couldn't beat either one of them out.
  14. 1. Jim Brown 2. Gale Sayers 3. OJ 4.Walter Payton 5. Barry Sanders 6. Eric Dickerson 7. Bo Jackson 8. Marcus Allen 9 Cookie Gilchrist http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cookie_Gilchrist 10 Thurman Thomas/Emmit Smith and a few others. You said "at their prime" and at his prime Gale Sayers may have been even better than Jim Brown, but I'm going to have to go with Brown. Gilchrist was a remarkable running back for two leagues, and perhaps the greatest blocking back that ever lived.
  15. I like Fewell, but I think we need a turn-around specialist and only two coaching candidates come to mind. Schottenheimer and Billick. From a "who could do the job" point of view Schottenheimer has dealt with cold weather teams, has a run first, ball control mindset and has taken bad teams into playoff contention. If we can't get either of these two Fewell seems like a serious candidate, but I have reservations about a defensive co-ordinator taking on the job of making something out of our anemic (to be generous) offense. Marty ball is looking good to me.
  16. How about Phil Villipiano and Keith Lincoln? Two good players who we might be surprised were Bills at one time...Sammy Morris of the Pats come to mind as does Sam Aiken and Jim Leonhard of players now playing.
  17. Did you see Woods injury? yeah...lets get the o-line in rounds 3 and 5 and you might like the offseason...the regular season would suck though. At least you'd get to see a lot of McClain and Cody as they would be on the field 2/3 of the time or more. This is HOW many years we have failed to address the O-Line? What was that definition of insanity...doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results?
  18. yeah what the hell..let's get mclain and cody...we can do without an offensive line for another year.
  19. I've had it and am learning more and more Russian with it. I like the fact that I can repeat the phrases and it analyzes my speech for dialect and accent. It frustrated me when I thought I was saying the words properly and the feedback pointed out all sorts of errors. you do have to commit yourself to the time it takes to do the lessons, but in my opinion it was a good investment.
  20. Thanks for clarifying that...I thought it was "in tents and porpoises" Always thought that was wierd.
  21. Boy...when you look at Oher, Orakpo and Cushing being passed over for Maybin it makes you think the Bills coaches and FO should be all be fired.....oh...
  22. I think the decision to release all BB coaches was a good one in that whoever is being wooed as coach has to be given full authority (and a clear deck) to bring in his own team. He might or might not hire back a coach or two, but this is a very good move and speaks well of Nix. However the coach who comes in faces a number of retirements, a team of players who will most likely be anxious to retire or find the door to another team as soon as possible, and a veritable cloud of doom that has sat over two bills drive for a decade. He will find ex players who feel they run the team (or run their mouths like they run the team...sorry Jim Kelly and Thurman) and a media that is pretty jaundiced. On the good side, we fans are desperate and will probably be supportive, but expect instant improvement. Which coaches have built a playoff contender from scratch? Not Shanahan, not Cowher. M. Schottenheimer has as has Billick. Coughlin has done it. This is really a POS team, and the Bills have to find a turn around specialist. The younger coaches, offensive and defensive co-ordinators might be energetic and dynamic enough and with the guidance of an outstanding GM might be able to do this...but I think if we want "instant" improvement we probably should be looking at M. Schottenheimer and Billick if available.
  23. I said it last week, and I'll say it today...Marty is probably the best choice for the Bills of the experienced coaches being considered. some things to consider: 1. Marty Ball is not a bad way to play in cold weather, and Marty ball has consistently gotten teams to the playoffs. Playoffs, by the way, is the thing that other teams get to do after the regular season sometimes. 2. Marty is the only coach burning to get a superbowl trophy for his team as much as we want to get one. Further he has actually turned bad teams around. 3. Interesting but Marty was once a Bills linebacker. I remember when he shone in the East West College Bowl game played in Buffalo and backed up the very strong starting group of Jacobs, Tracey and Stratton.
  24. whooops...he cried after the loss to Alabama.... http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/12/05/t...i_n_381572.html
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