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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. I agree...the only way I might keep TO is if we brought in a qb who could maximize his use. It was pretty pathetic this year as our offense only emphasized TO's weakness (dropsies). That's not to say TO was in any way a bad part of this team, and from what I saw he was a real professional all the time here in Buffalo. I just like your point that we have to evaluate the young receivers and move on. I'd concentrate on signing Josh Reed and hope one of the young guys steps into the number 2 role.
  2. Interesting in that the conversation probably about "Should I pursue the possibility of your coming to Buffalo" "If you were to pursue that possibility I would probably not be interested." In the course of whatever happened after that there were probably things posited by Schottenheimer as to what might be conditions if there were efforts to pursue him for condidacy and a decision by Nix that we probably wouldn't meet those conditions, and the two amicably parted. Hence the informal conversation led to a conclusion that Schottenheimer would not be pursued as a candidate. Sounds like a very professional way to gauge a potential candidate's interest and move on without making a big stink out of it. Very professional. Good going Mr. Nix.
  3. My best friend a career coach won his conference 9 of 11 years running, had any number of all americans and two championships in a division 3 school, but never got named coach of the year by the coaches in the conference. I asked him about it and he said...when other coaches start saying nice things about you and giving you awards it usually is to a loser who they are trying to help keep or get a job.
  4. RW doesn't "owe" buffalo anything. Its a business and when he goes I suspect the family will unload it to whoever puts up the most financially attractive package without any significant regard for where the franchise goes. That isn't as bad as it sounds because in my opinion Buffalo is not that bad a site with a loyal fan base, connections to Toronto and Western New York as far as Albany etc. Given the failure of a number of LA NFL, AFL and other pro football teams in LA I just wonder if one will be put together.
  5. kc OFFENSIVE STATS 2008 Yards per game: 314.6 (#22 in NFL)[99] Total yards in season: 4,719 (#22 in NFL)[99] Points per game: 19.0 (#25 in NFL)[99] Points in season: 285 (#25 in NFL)[99] Quarterback rating: Tyler Thigpen (11 starts) – 75.8[100] Rushing yards in season: 1,779 (#11 in NFL)[99] Rushing yards per game: 118.6 (#11 in NFL)[99] Passing yards in season: 2,940 (#19 in NFL)[99] Passing yards per game: 196.0 (#19 in NFL)[99 Remember the chiefs opened up 1 and 10. They weren't exactly on everyone's radar that last part of the season and even then their performance was, simply put, BAD. And CG was the co-ordinator. He hung out for three preseason games got a good once over by the new coach...and got fired...again. Maybe he'll be a good coach and in his experience at Dallas and at the college level seemed to be pretty good (although Dallas was a LONG time ago.) Hope he does well..just noting that there is nothing in the recent evidence to support the assumption he will. CG = DJ
  6. As long as we pick a left OT in the first round, I think we can go a long way toward solidifying the right tackle position with round 2. I might want to take a flyer on a great defensive lineman with the first and go to finding tackles in rounds 2 and 3, but that would be pretty risky. The problem that is crippling us is the offensive line.
  7. Very good point...A 3-4 would require a major overhaul and probably drafting a nose tackle with our number 1 and probably concentrating the draft on getting to this defense. Right now we have a huge problem on the offensive line that has be addressed this draft. I'd recommend staying with the 4-3 for this year.
  8. Off the top of my head, Tony Gonzalez, Dwayne Bowe and Larry Johnson. Face it...the 2008 season was not a good season for Kansas City. I'm not saying Gailey was the problem..but he certainly wasn't the solution. http://nfl.fanhouse.com/2009/08/31/todd-ha...ve-coordinator/
  9. Bottom line...Vick's quarterback rating is far better than TE 73 or Fitz (high 60's) and he has taken Atlanta to the playoffs, and he is very mobile. I saw his pass in the last Philadelphia game and he seems not to have forgotten what to do and how to move around. Bottom line..he's not expensive..will improve the qb situation...will allow us to fix the area that hurts us the most...the offensive line. Get er done.
  10. Herm Edwards brought Gailey in as offensive coordinator last season, after Gailey was let go as head coach of Georgia Tech. With the Chiefs in 2008, Gailey took an offense that had been miserable in 2007 and made it slightly less anemic -- K.C. went from 31st in points scored in '07 to 26th overall in '08. http://nfl.fanhouse.com/2009/08/31/todd-ha...ve-coordinator/ I'm not seeing a lot of appreciation for the guy. Maybe he can make our offense "slightly less anemic" SDS..is there something about that firing I'm not seeing?
  11. Are you saying he didn't get freaking fired in Kansas City? Look at the record. He was a head coach at Dallas ..got fired and nobody has hired him as a head coach in the decade that followed. You all are making such a big thing about his work at Kansas City (I missed their superbowl play that year and Tyler Thigpen going to the pro-bowl.) I wish him success, but I'm not seeing him as any great find, nor do I see him as the guy who can turn the team around. I had pretty much the same reservations about DJ but held my fire for a few years to see what he could do. I am not in the mood to hail this appointment. If CG goes out and takes us to the playoffs I'll jump right onto his bandwagon..but I don't have a lot of hope for that happening.
  12. Do you eat ham, turkey or chicken? Read Jonathan Safron Foer's new book "Eating Animals" Pigs are tortured for fun including throwing them fully conscious into fires, Chickens have their beaks ripped off for fun. Acts far worse than anything Michael Vick and his crew did. I can't get excited over his crime. He did it, he served his time... big deal. Actually I do eat hame turkey and chicken, but knowing what I know now about the industry, I don't get excited about what Vick did.
  13. WOW...I stand corrected. We were so much wiser than all of those teams since 1999 that ailed to hire him as head coach. Wait a second...didn't we hire Greggo, Mularkey, and Jauron over him? Didn't most everyone else who had an opening pass on him? Didn't he get freakin FIRED at Kansas City? This is the most misunderstood guy in the history of the NFL. Good thing we have two sharp top of their game guys like Ralph and Buddy with nearly 165 years experience between them to recognize the best of all coaching candidates.
  14. The issue is not whether Vick is better than Peyton or Eli Manning, Tom Brady, Drew Brees or Brett Favre. The issue is whether he is better than Fitz or TE. He is and he is probably available for a reasonable price. Maybe I'm wrong...maybe Gailey will rehire AVP who will mentor TE or Fitz to the probowl...but I kind of doubt it.
  15. Looks like the subjects and predicates are all in order. How is it not in English? Lets see if I can make it simpler for you. Essentially his offense even in the late 90's were too conservative. The reference to Barry Switzer was to the coach prior to Gailey. Since he was head coach the league has moved more and more to spread wide open offenses. From the statement comes the possible conclusion that maybe Gailey's conservative philosophy would be even more out of place in today's NFL. Which, come to think of it, might be the reason that NO ONE ELSE HAS HIRED HIM as a head coach in the last eleven years.
  16. Keep AVP. Hmmm. Let's start with the fact that NO ONE ELSE HAS HIRED HIM despite his being on the market for weeks. He did a great job as qb coach for TE and Fitz? I don't think so. He didn't show a lot of imagination with our offense throughout the year. Keep AVP...hell...why don't we just bring back DJ?
  17. The real issue I guess is whether we go next year with Fitz or TE. We aren't using our first three draft choices on a qb unles we are unbelievably stupid. We'll get the tackle positions filled and go for help stopping the run, and perhaps drafting with a view toward a 3-4. That being the case we can go for a "rebuilding" situation with existing signal callers or look for the available qb who we can get for a reasonable price, and who is mobile enough not to be killed in the first few games. Vick fits that bill. He did the crime and did the time. I'd rather we go with him than Fitz or TE. After all he has already taken one team to the playoffs and seems to have made at least some contributions in Philadelphia.
  18. Smallness may be an issue of some kind. I think the bigger issue is the fact that sucks at professional football. Otherwise he would have earned a lot more playing time or perhaps been moved to linebacker given the rash of injuries we had at linebacker.
  19. I love this quote: The Cowboy incumbents hate Gailey's more conservative offense that he installed post-Switzer in 1998. If it was too conservative then, what is it with the widespread spread offenses 12 years later? I guess we found out our problem on offense...we aren't conservative enough!
  20. Ryan is young and an up and comer, has really done great things with Cleveland's defense and has a star on the rise (not to mention a good bloodline). Gailey's career has been on a downward slope since 2000. There have been how many head coach openings since he left the headcoaching job at Dallas? And NO ONE hired him? I think Ryan would be have been a risk worth taking. Leach is an offensive genius used to developing an offense that wins. Would his college offense used at Texas Tech be successful in Western New York in the NFL? Almost certainly not. However, his strength is his adaptability. The combination head coach Ryan (defense mind) and strong and independent offensive mind is what we want. Vick...is the most mobile strong armed quarterback readily available at a reasonable price that would allow us to (finally) address the most glaring weaknesses on the team...a piss poor offensive line and a defense that can't stop the run in the draft.
  21. I do feel bad about the sour mash part of the thread, but the idea of bringing in an old guy who has not been offered a head coaching job this century is a little disconcerting. Rob Ryan is a go getter and defensive guy and Leach is an offensive guy. The team needs to win immediately so Vick looks like the best out there. The worst part of the bills is the offensive line and that should not be too hard to fix with Wood and Levitre looking okay and draft and free agency. Defensive line could use improvement and that cold be addressed. I just threw out one of the ways we might have gone.
  22. just positing the idea that we might have gone in another far more aggressive direction. Actually I like the pick. Gailey fits in the Bills operation. An old underachiever who will bring us to mediocre. We can weed out the players hung up on winning and draft a qb to get chewed up by passing with no offensive line (actually we have two who probably will do for now, but why not draft a third with our first round pick?) Find new assistant coaches from the garbage dump of "what's left" in the NFL reject pool. I'm sorry for the post. We have what we really want and Ryan, Leach and Vick would have rocked the boat. Offensive and Defensive linemen cost a fortune to feed in training camp...so let's go for a qb and few more db's.
  23. 2. Mike Leach Offensive Co-ordinator 3. Trade Marshawn for Michael Vick http://www.nationalfootballpost.com/Why-th...chael-Vick.html 4. Draft an Offensive Tackle in Round 1 or round 2 5. Draft a Defensive lineman with either 1 or 2 6. Load up on Defensive and Offensive linemen 7. Re-sign our own free agents Alternatively we could draft some old guy who hasn't head coached in a decade, who fits in with Ralph and Buddy. He's been a mediocre coach and our goal is to be a mediocre team.
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