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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. If we are going to ban performance enhancing drugs, we certainly should ban unfair reliance on a higher power. I think we should make sure the NFL is a "Jesus free" zone. The last thing we need is Tebow being the Mark McGuire of baseball winning the superbowl pumped up on the Lord. Actually I would think the Big Guy worries about a lot of things but the status of football in America isn't one of them. On a serious note its nice to see a guy giving thanks to the higher power. I liked it when Frank Reich was interviewed after the comeback game and gave thanks to God. I sure don't do it as much as I should.
  2. I think that if we keep the probowl this would be the way to go, as far as possible fan and viewer support. Coupling it with the hall of fame awards kind of enhances the viewerships as there will be players from almost every team playing. I don't know how it would impact pre-season, but the consensus seems to be that early preseason is to evaluate the rookies and fringe players more than the vets. Might work and might justify keeping the pro-bowl. Great idea.
  3. There will be one of two choices at 9. Anthony Davis, the OT from Rutgers or Brian Baluga. If Gailey and Nix have any brains at all they will pick whichever one is available at 9. Nothing else makes sense. It will be a bigger mistake than failing to pick Ngata, then failing to pick Oher. The Jets did great with a rookie qb because they spent the earlier drafts building a quality offensive line. You aren't going to build a great building without building a great foundation. First choice Davis or Baluga. Write it down and start thinking about your second round pick, Chan and Buddy.
  4. The better and best players who could play the pro bowl are either still playing (New Orleans and Indie) or hurt from the season and playoffs. What would be better is to have a "blow bowl" comprised of the better players from the teams that sucked so bad we neve got much chance to see them. Ok...the teams probably sucked BECAUSE of the players on them, but what the heck...we're starting to get to suck players even in the pro bowl. Let's embrace the challenge. Fitz at qb...the bills offensive line. The defensive backfield of the rams, the lackluster passing game of...well..you pick'em. Have these guys in the same city and same week as the superbowl. They have been resting since the season ended and would be fresh. Also after actually seeing them play bad football (Coached by Jauron and Cable) we could really appreciate the teams and players in the superbowl.... Blow bowl. Instead of getting performance bonuses for the pro bowl, there could be disoincentives in their contracts for being selected for the blow bowl.
  5. The pro bowl is good, as it does recognize achievement, but I don't see any point in actually playing a game. In the very old days the championship team played the all pros in a game (kind of interesting). When the AFL/NFL hatred lingered it was a chance to man up against each other. Now...it doesn't mean anything. If you just finished a season and are hurting (and are getting your bonus for making the pro bowl whether or not you play), you may not want to risk your "day job" to an injury in a game that means nothing. I just don't see any point to continuing it.
  6. Lets really look at the Bills current situation. We need an offensive left tackle (pick 1) We need a right tackle (pick 2) we need a defensive tackle (pick 3) we need a defensive end if AS retires...and probably even if he doesn't retire (pick 4). These picks a must haves. Is Tebow going to drift down into the fifth round? I don't think so. We don't have the luxury to take a flyer on the guy. Some team in the late first or early to mid second will take him.
  7. Best ever in the history of college football this year. In the SEC. East.
  8. We can only do so much with the draft and free agency. NEWSFLASH. Our offensive line sucks which has been the reason we have no passing game and an anemic running game and that our qb's seem like a bust. One thing at a time. Fix the offensive line which could easily be our first three picks in the draft and our biggest free agency acquisition. The big question for the defensive side of the ball is whether Schobel will retire and if he decides to do so, we will probably have to give passing thought to a 3-4, although I don't see how we will fix the o-line and restructure our entire defense in the off season. This is going to take some time.
  9. he'a not for us...he teared up after the loss in the SEC championship game. We don't need a guy who gets upset over losing. We've worked hard to build a team that is okay with losing and doesn't get all excited about it. Pass on Tebow...he doesn't have enough character to be a Bill.
  10. My son? I find it hard to conceive the bills being in the superbowl in the next generation. Maybe my great grandson? Actually at that point the Bills will be in Los Angeles and I'll have been dead for many years so I don't give a shyt....
  11. I always thought Sarah Palin WAS on amphetamines...you betcha!
  12. I followed him through his college career at Tennessee and knew all along he was something special. However he is one of the very few decisions by the front office that I understand. At the time we had McGee and McKelvin and Greer would be a nickel back here. Greer was more than ready for a bigger role in the defense, but there wasn't any immediate opening for him. The choice the Bills had was to pay top dollar to keep him or let him go where he would have an actual opprtunity to earn the top dollar he was going to be paid. Contrast the Jason Peters debacle. Rather than renegotiate or make a run at keeping him (after we had pretty much alienating him by the stupid decision not to renegotiate) we let him go with NO left tackle to take his place. Then when we have an opportunity to draft a good left tackle, we choose Maybin as a tweener (Tween sucks and stinks, I guess). Jabari will be around for a long time and will be a fine defensive back.
  13. The coach and front office make the entire list as far as I'm concerned. Evans, Reed, and McKelvin don't deserve to be on the list. McKelvin was hurt, and left after one bad play that cost us a big game, so I'd have given him a pass. Evans and Reed's production were a direct result of the FO's unwillingness to do the obvious and build an offensive line. Before we give Rex Ryan and Mark Sanchez all the credit for the Jets season, look at how they built an excellent offensive line BEFORE they drafte a qb. A bad offensive line makes everyone look bad.
  14. Jason Peters. Nate Clements. Ted Washington Go back to the beginning Jim Dunaway, Ron McDole, and Tom Day.
  15. Wood Levitre and Incognito are fine at gaurd, assuming a good recovery for Wood. Hamgartner is okay at center, but we should be on the lookout for better. The two areas we have nothing are the LT and RT. Draft a free agent LT and use the number one pick on Anthony Davis and play him at RT for a year or two. Now THAT is pretty much a good offensive line that will protect our qb. Of course we should look to free agency and the draft to make sure we have some quality depth as well.
  16. Whoops...Wood at the other gaurd, although I'd have to consider a Lebitre Incognito at gaurd possibility if God forbid, Wood isn't recovered. In such a case I'd probably draft another gaurd.
  17. Because we want to continue the mix and match offensive line play we had last year Left Tackle Chad Clifton Free AgentCenter Hamgartner Right Gaurd Incognito with Levitre Right Tackle Anthony Davis (number 1 drat shoice) Don't see us picking a qb until round 3 or 4 Jevan Sneed of Ol Miss or Bill Stull of Pittsburgh. Too many defensive line and linebacker needs, although if Tebow gets into round 2 I'd have to give it some thought. Many would disagree with picking Tebow at all.
  18. jeez...a guy has a nickname "The Pillsbury Doughboy" and hasn't been mentioned...Alex Van Pelt. Slow, not agile, soft. Hmmm..maybe he should be our offensive coordinator?
  19. I rememember my dad taking me to the parade when the bills came to town. However I think I've invested enough time, energy and money to warrant voicing my opinion. Might Chan Gailey be a good coach? Maybe. I have the same reservations I had about Dick Jauron. Actually I have more reservations than I did for Dick Jauron. Sorry, I can't get excited about this guy until he takes steps to fix the offensive line and improve the defense against the pass rush. Chan, if you want my admiration and respect go earn it. I don't care whether you coached Dan Reeves or he coached you as a little leaguer and could care even LESS what Herm Edwards says about you. Do something to merit admiration and you'll get it.
  20. sign michael vick. It would get people riled and if he's still got it could get us to the playoffs in the same year that we finally fix the offensive line. Next year draft a qb with our number one, but this year its two tackles and a good defensive lineman and/or outside linebacker.
  21. when other coaches start saying nice things about you and giving you awards it usually is to a loser who they are trying to help keep or get a job. I'm just saying take it with a grain of salt. Other coaches like the guy and want to go on record as being supportive. Doesn't mean that they would hire him if they owned the franchise. Look to whether teams win or lose under him. On the plus side was his head coaching stint in Dallas more than a decade ago, and to a lesser extent his coaching at Georgia Tech. On the negative, he's been on the shelf for a decade for an NFL head coach job and we're the first buyer.
  22. okung or davis. Clausen wouldn't be any better than TE or RF given our existing offensive line. I think Davis will fall to us. I would be absolutely stunned if Okung did, but would seriously consider trading up for him. Time to get this offensive line into a position that will work for us.
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