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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. yeah yeah...he must be a winner at linebacker because he was a bust at defensive end?
  2. Oh well..now we know the coach can talk about a good offense. Now lets see how he does it with the existing talent.
  3. I have watched the Bills since their first game and they have a very very proud tradition, from Cookie Gilchrist, Jack Kemp, Sestak years and AFL championships to the OJ years through the Kelly era. The last decade has been a nightmare because of foolish coaching assignments, poor personnel planning, and the responsibility for that rests at the top, with Mr. Wilson. I could be wrong, but I'm not seeing any indication that things are changing.
  4. We will get a premium offensive tackle or defensive end and maybe a great OLB at 9, any of which would greatly improve the team. I suspect that the "trade down" opportunity often arises on draft day when someone covets a player who has slipped to nine who we aren't all that interested in, and we see a gem of a player a little lower in the draft (Iupati for instance or Mt. Cody.) and we think it worth the trade. I would really be surprised though as I think we will have a chance to great a really great player at nine in a position of need. However everything is pretty fluid on draft day.
  5. I think you make a very good observation. It seems that the present administration believes that all it takes is a little coaching to make our existing offense viable. I disagree, and think coaching is the least of our problems. If he's thinking he's going to coach the existing offensive line into a quality pass protection scheme, and coach Trent Edwards into a playoff contending QB, I think he's delusional. But hey...let's wait and see.
  6. To paraphrase that famous line from the originator of the hokey pokey.."AND THAT'S WHAT ITS ALL ABOUT" http://tunedin.blogs.time.com/2010/03/24/h...r-duet-at-last/ John boehner you are so cool!
  7. i wouldn't be shocked if the didn't pick Colt McCoy or Tim Tebow in the second round, as we have so many line needs. However they are two interesting options and I wouldn't be absolutely shocked if they did pick one or the other.
  8. The trenches back. We've passed on Oher, Ngata, and a ton of very good offensive and defensive linemen for players that have not made much difference (including a couple of qb's-Losman and Edwards) It is pretty clear that you are operating with a significant handicap without a quality o-line and d-line. Hopefully the people in charge have finally realiazed this fact. s
  9. They have a lot of tape and should know by now whether the answer is currently on the roster. (hint-the answer is no). They don't have a "throw-away" year which is the big problem. They have to hold together what amounts to a fair to middling team, cure the offensive line and get a qb. I don't think there is a great qb in the draft and it seems from the pundits and the reports that there are a number of quality offensive and defensive linemen in the draft. This 3-4 idea is confusing as it requires personnel moves in addition to those already needed in order to create the "in" defense in competition with all of the other "in" 3-4's which offenses have seen and played against and defended often enough that it doesn't promise much...but they have decided to go that route. Even with this hare- brained idea to fundamentally change the defensive structure, it is possible to get better quite quickly by a few aggressive personnel moves. McNabb would be one of them. They failed to move on any of the other real opportunities so I'm not all that optimistic about them being able or willing to pull this one off.
  10. hmm...was peters or wasn't peters better than the revolving door we had at left tackle this year? That's a rhetorical question for those of you who didn't watch any of our football games this year.
  11. I heard the commentary as well. Lombardi made a statement that seemed to criticize the Bills for not moving quickly and decisively on this opportunity.
  12. Our bottom line might very well be the second round pick. We get an offensive tackle in the first round and a good gaurd or center in the third, Wood heals nicely, Levitre comes back, and we just have to find a good starting offensive right gaurd (Cut me a break those who think MR PENALTY who was such a great star for Oakland -even THEY-were happy to see him gone-is going to be the answer at right tackle). and we have the makings of a very good offense. Evans is excellent, Hardy will have to step up and we have the making of a good running attack. The third receiver and tight end situation is a huge question mark. I guess we could actually create a quality offense this year. I was listening to Mike Lombardi on the NFL network yesterday and he commented that he thought Buffalo was a little slow on the draw in this negotiation. Ya think? I think a lower round pick and/or a free safety or Schobel might be doable, but I don't think McNabb will be agreeable unless he has assurances that we will fix the offensive line.
  13. I've got it and will watch it later. Don't tell me the ending! Is this a sequel to WWI?
  14. Interesting. Bet the show is covered six ways from sunday with releases and waivers although the fact that she was only 16 might play into it. I smell a reasonable settlement and the young lady lots of much wanted publicity as a result. Isn't America a great country?
  15. Besides...we just signed a brand new overpaid bum RT from Oakland. This one is better at getting penalties.
  16. let's see...a guy cut from the ravens and who flunked physicals for the seahawks and broncos is the best we've done so far...but Algae Crumpler isn't worth a look cuz he has nothing in the tank. At least he'd probably pass a legitimate physical. Edwards will probably provide a leadership role for all of our injured players, I guess.
  17. okay...so obviously the new england patriots don't know what they are doing and they made a huge personnel mistake in signing such a crummy prospect, which is why they haven't made the playoffs in ten years? oh...wait a minute...its us who haven't made the playoffs in ten years....
  18. According to some news reports its us and the Raiders that are doing the negotiation. If McNabb knows his time in Philadelphia is limited and that he may not even start, of the two teams I would think Buffalo the better option. The issue then is to stay in Philadelphia possibly as a third qb, or retire. I think we look like a pretty good option in that scenario. I also agree that we should look for an actual trade or a draft choice lower than two as the ideal way to get him.
  19. http://bleacherreport.com/articles/367207-...-for-the-eagles If the Eagles are looking for a defensive end, and if Schobel is reluctant to move into a linebacker spot, is this an approach that might work? It would be nice to get him to go somewhere if he doesn't fit into the new defense but wants to play in a 4-3 defense. The phil. eagles were apparently quite interested in Kampman who went to the Jags.
  20. I like a number of possible scenarios in this post. Trading down on one and giving a fourth sounds doable A third round pick would be terrific. A second round pick would be a stretch, but I'd be willing to go that far. I wonder if they are looking for a safety or other player where a trade and/or a very low round draft might work. 33 isn't that old, although he has been banged up a lot. His stats aren't bad, and if he's got two to three good years left, I'd say go for it as long as we can still address the o-line.
  21. Are you a real bills fan...? We just don't compare Jim Kelly to ANY quarterback. He is the quarterback of quarterbacks, the best who ever played the game, the guy of guys... Well...at least to us.
  22. Coulter is pretty typical of the right wing journalists...racist and mean spirited. Its not like the school in Ottawa should have been surprised.
  23. and 33 isn't all that old. Warner is 39, Collins 35, Farvre, Garcia et al. It is so hard to know when a qb is no longer in his prime. McNabb might be good for up to 3 or 4 years. I'd take a chance on him as he needs no training and could improve this team from the get-go. In the interim we could evaluate and deal with the issue of whether TE or Fitz or the new guy are the guys for the future (I'm doubtful, but we'd have the chance to assess them) and to probably draft a qb from a much stronger draft year for qb's than this year. I'm leaning more and more toward this option.
  24. The guy is thinking of retiring and then we advise him that IF he comes back he'll have to play linebacker instead of defensive end. I don't think the response at his age and given that his playing days are numbered is going to "OH GOOD>>>>LET ME LEARN A NEW POSITION. I think retirement or a trade to a 4-3 defense are the more likely options.
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