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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. Graham is good, but he is an undersized defensive end, and we have lots of those for the 3-4. We also have Maybin trying to make the move to OLB, which is probably what Graham would do. A run stopping nose tackle is the missing key to our 3-4 and we might as well get the guy who can plug it up from the get go.
  2. I couldn't agree more. I think you can look at almost any of the qb's picked without an o-line and receivers and pretty much predict what will inevitably happen. Carr is another guy who comes to mind. If insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results, I suspect we can legitimately call a qb pick at 9 in this draft pretty much insane. I suspect we might take Clausen if available, but I suppose we'll expect different results! I'm convinced we have to fix the lines this year. The draft has a lot of talent from the trenches.
  3. The best OT available or Dan Williams of University of Tennessee. If you're going three four you need a stud nose tackle run stopper, and he's the guy. The team gets better, assuming we go 3-4, from day one with this pick. We still need to dress a lot of O-line problems with the rest of the draft.
  4. 95. Tim Couch, Cleveland Browns (No. 1, 1999) It was the first pick for the new Browns, and while Couch wasn't awful in his five seasons with Cleveland, you wonder what would have happened if the Browns had selected the guy who went second, Donovan McNabb. Maybe we would have been spared the whole Rush Limbaugh Affair … and the Dry-Heaving During the Super Bowl Affair … and the T.O. Affair … You know, let's just get 20 years' worth of quarterbacks out of the way: 94. Joey Harrington, Detroit Lions (No. 3, 2002) 93. Akili Smith, Cincinnati Bengals (No. 3, 1999) 92. Cade McNown, Chicago Bears (No. 12, 1999) 91. Jim Druckenmiller, San Francisco 49ers (No. 26, 1997) 90. Heath Shuler, Washington Redskins (No. 3, 1994) 89. Rick Mirer, Seattle Seahawks (No. 2, 1993) 88. David Klingler, Cincinnati Bengals (No. 6, 1992) 87. Dan McGwire, Seattle Seahawks (No. 16, 1991) 86. Todd Marinovich, Los Angeles Raiders (No. 24, 1991) 85. Andre Ware, Detroit Lions (No. 7, 1990) 84. Kelly Stouffer, St. Louis Cardinals (No. 6, 1987) 83. Chuck Long, Detroit Lions (No. 12, 1986) Combined Super Bowl titles by those teams after drafting those QBs: Zero. Mamas, don't let your sons become first-round quarterback selections. http://sports.espn.go.com/espn/page2/story...oenfield/060427 Golly Trent and JP didn't even make the list..although TE wasn't a first rounder, come to think of it.
  5. If he said that he'd be right. I'm not sure Bradford is all that either. A legitimate first rounder though and the only one in this draft. Clausen/McCoy/Tebow are all about the same. Get any one of the three in the second round assuming you think you have to get a qb this year. I don't see any of the three being a big improvement over Edwards and think we'd be better off getting high quality OT's and defensive linemen in this draft.
  6. he wants to build value for trade or free agency. I suspect he'll be a new an improved Marshawn this season to show that he is worth trading for. I suspect his agent is all over him this year to clean up his image and provide some performance on the field. Okay okay...maybe its just wishful thinking.
  7. McCoy is a good second round shot, assuming with get an OT in the first round. Then we go back to fixing the O-line with another OT.
  8. This line? I think spending the first, second, third and fourth might go a long way toward fixing it. That's assuming that tackle we picked up from LA has learned to actually play football and can avoid penalties. Actually Levitre and Wood may make pretty good guards so spending picks one, two and three might do it.
  9. finding daylight behind the Bills offensive line.....that says it all. Fix the offensive line.
  10. yeah..but I doubt if he could pleasure himself here.
  11. Actually OBD has done nothing this off season, and I don't expect them to do anything about this option either.
  12. Silly jets....they are really in trouble now. Wait until jason taylor meets Cornell what's his face the offensive tackle we stole away from the Raiders (didn't the Raiders play in the AFC Championship game behind old Cornell?) Yup...once Cornell figures out how to avoid those off sides penalties we'll mop the field with Trent Edwards throwing bombs to Lee Evans (well...Lee may have to come back to catch a few) and that guy we got off Tennessee's taxi squad will rip through the AFC East. I can't wait for the season to start..where are we playing the superbowl next year?...
  13. Biggest boom in the draft first rounders Nakomuh Suh Eric Berry Baluga Trent Williams Biggest Busts Anthony Davis (who I was very big on earlier this year.) Clausen Surprise boom pick... Colt McCoy.
  14. We have a good solid running back in Jackson and perhaps the "beast" who will be extremely effective in the bad weather in Lynch (assuming he gets his head on straight). Spiller would be nice, but not necessary and consequently almost as crazy a pick as Eric Berry would be if he were available, great safety that he is. Clausen isn't going to take us anywhere in the near future. Not with this offensive line. That being said Clausen wouldn't be as insane a pick as Spiller or Berry, just a repeat of the same tired old non-working philosophy as to how to build the Buffalo Bills. Go for the best tackle available. Trent Williams or Baluga, or go for a great defensive lineman. Great teams build from the trenches back.
  15. I see us going through four phases, first being a winning team (9 wins) next year Second getting to the playoffs (10 or more wins generally) 2012 Winning the division (lots of luck this year...3 years of improvement) Serious playoff contender 2013. Some people seem to think goal 1 is "lofty" right now. If they are right we are probably looking at five years. I think we can follow the plan above and get a serious playoff team by 2013.
  16. hooray...we are 100% improved. We are going to the superbowl. We have that great running back from Tennessee's practice squad...we have an offensive tackle from the great Oakland Raiders....Superbowl here we come!!!
  17. I've been pretty puzzled by everything they've done so far so it wouldn't surprise me if they pick a defensive back.
  18. Depends. Lets see what they have when the season starts. I'm expecting that they should get nine or possibly more wins, although I have not been impressed with any of the personnel moves or the decision to go 3-4 given our existing defensive personnel.
  19. I like his number one pick, but would probably not go with Tebow, not because I don't think he'd be successful, but more because there would be some remarkably good bargains on offensive and defensive line at the second pick, and perhaps the need for a great OLB. The third round would be a wide receiver and the fourth and on would ones where I might possibly consider the best players available for the other needs. We could have a good draft, but I don't see us going the Kiper route.
  20. I'm expecting nine wins, and Gailey and Nix should be fired if they don't get there or better. I agree that the team we already have is in fact a nine win team with one HUGE gaping hole...LT. We should get nine wins with the guys coming back off IR and Wood coming back even with Trent or Fitz at QB. I'm not impressed that N and G have failed to make any significant moves to improve the team to date, but I'll wait until next season. Nine wins or the hell with them.
  21. Finishing last in the division would be unacceptable. With 9 wins we should be third or possibly second place.
  22. suck as bad as the Raiders? Now there's a lofty goal. After all we did sign one of their offensive tackles.
  23. And those two solid starters are? I hope you aren't counting the guy who flunked two physicals and left the Ravens because he refused surgery they believed was necessary.
  24. let's set a "lofty goal"...how about 5 wins? that's only two fewer wins than we got last year. If we finish in last place for three or four more years we'll have wonderful draft picks and then can readjust our "lofty goal" to maybe even seven or (o my god!) EIGHT wins!!!!
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