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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. judging from the critiques of their post season/pre draft moves and our wiser course of action of sitting on our hands I consider the two games against the jets and dolphins in the bank. Lions and Chiefs and Bears should be a piece of cake with Spiller running unhampered by having a decent offensive line ahead of him. Jaguars foolishly drafted a qb so their down...I think we have a minimum of eight wins and split with New England gives us nine....Hence we keep Nix and company!!! GO BILLS>>>>>>
  2. I agree...if this crew gets nine wins with whoever next season I'm on their bandwagon. Nine wins isn't much of an improvement over last year but it will show that they know what they are doing and headed in the right direction. Fewer than nine wins? The hell with them.
  3. Right..but it does mean that the guy you already have can't cut it and you are going to have another losing seasoning if you don't get someone who can.
  4. I didn't say the bills did. In fact other people did and picked him earlier. But let's say he was available and the bills felt he was the best player available. Should they pick him? Even if there is a very good OT, QB or NT available?
  5. I'm just saying that sooner or later you gotta get some of the players you are trying to get....I'm seeing a lot of talk of labor pains and ain't seen any babies lately. Others seem to be getting at least some ofthe players they are going after.
  6. oh...and if that were another safety? Should we have picked Eric Berry if he were available?
  7. Clausen, McCoy, Mt. Cody, Brown,Bruce Campbell...any one of the four would be a good second round pick. I think the bills might want to sit tight and take the best NEEDED player at their pick. I'm not seeing anyone worth a trade up, unless you could actually get a second rounder for Lynch.
  8. you could have called the pick a "waste" or a "joke". We'll have to wait until tomorrow before we know whether the draft was a joke or waste.
  9. hmmm....tried to get mcnabb, tried to get bradford, tried to get dan williams....and failed in every instance. Sure makes me hopeful!
  10. it was crazy to take a third running back and a third kick return specialist. Sorry....we have arterial bleeding in both lines and we're wasting our time and effort putting a bandaid on an area that isn't even bruised.
  11. I want to see the entire draft package before I reach any final conclusions. I'm not impressed (at least not favorably) with the Spiller pick.
  12. maybe it is what it is. They wanted McNabb...didn't have the follow through to get him. They wanted Tebow, but didn't manage to get him. I don't think either act bodes well for the existing front office.
  13. Unless the o-line gets fixed the only thing the qb is going to see is the sky or the turf. All the fast running backs and TO aren't going to right that situation.
  14. yup...he'll run the route and turn quick enough to actually see the quarterback get knocked on his ass. He's like TO. Ineffective without a front line.
  15. show me the baby...if he gets nine wins next year with spiller, fine. I don't know how he expects to do it with an offensive line that's a joke and new defense that doesn't have the personnel to run it, but as long as he wins, who cares about the labor pains?
  16. I agree. I think NT and LT are going to be the way to go. I suspect there will be an LT in round 2 (Campbell?).
  17. I would too. We could go a long way toward solidifying the offensive and defensive lines with those picks.
  18. You had me at "OT would be the preference".
  19. For us the trade up/trade down situation might gel right after the seventh pick. Blue chippers who might be there and be more attractive to someone other than the Bills might be Eric Berry/Clausen. If Trent Williams or Dan Williams are there I don't think we will trade down, but if they are gone and we don't see an OT we like, it might be a good idea.
  20. soooo,,,,we're going to the superbowl this year with Clausen or Tebow? Come off it. We aren't going anywhere on offense until we fix our p-poor offensive line and we need a couple of tackles and maybe a center to get started on improving the offense.
  21. India...never been there and would like to see it. Of places I've been, probably Istanbul, Kiev or Vietnam.
  22. sorry for your loss. My dad died many years ago, but I find him in a lot of the sayings I use and when I retell his jokes, and when in crisis I rely on a lot of advice he gave. I thought he was gone when he died, but he seems to stay around and has a habit of being here when I need him.
  23. he is looking to win. He'll pick the player that will help him win sooner rather than later. This is a draft strong on first round tackles and defensive linemen and those are what he needs. I see him getting his nose tackle on D and his LT in the first two or possibly three rounds. So...I think he'll probably go with a LT or Dan Williams at 9 and depending on who he chooses go for an offensive or defensive lineman in the second. He might take a flyer on a qb in the second and go for the other lineman in round 3, but I think he should go to fill in the trenches before anything else. Depends whether he wants years of labor pains or wants the baby...winning 9 games.
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