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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. no no no...annoying is our quarterback getting rushed or knocked on his ass every time he tries to pass.
  2. we win nine games-good draft we don't win nine games-not so good draft, and hopefully new coach and new gm will do better next year.
  3. it might be the worst thing that could happen, but it is what I would expect, unless gailey want to throw games. Any competent coach (and some incompetent coaches) would get four to five wins with this team as it is at this moment.
  4. I'm afraid you're right. If that's the case three years to being anything close to above mediocre would be a huge stretch.
  5. nah...we should be at least in the middle of the pack. We really should have won more than six games last year, with a rash of injuries on defense. the offensive line changed every week, our qb's had an understandable crisis of confidence as a result. On the bad side, we haven't done much with the offensive line and we've gone to a new defense with a bag of new personnel. Many on the board have a lot of confidence in the new coach and gm (I'm not one of them..but a lot of people I respect do feel that they know what they are doing). I think with the talent we have and with the addition of spiller we should be somewhere between last year (6 wins) and 9 wins. Further I don't believe that the nix/gailey regime is done working on the o-line issue. Playoffs? probably not..but I think we could have a competitive season.
  6. he may not be the optimal choice but he plays left tackle pretty well and we could use someone who plays left tackle pretty well. He isn't skipping games or practices, is he? I had the impression he was hurt a good part of last year and came back to play left tackle well. We aren't going to get an all pro lt at this stage of the game. There really aren't any teams as dumb as the Bills to let one go easily.
  7. ok..i'll bite...what exactly are the work ethic issues with Gaither?
  8. When Nix took over we were a 7-9 team, which just finished a season with a plethora of injuries. There was and is plenty of talent. We needed a qb and an two quality offensive tackles to go to the playoffs. We could have used a DE. We had two solid running backs (one of whom is a problem character wise.) We had a not bad receiving corps, (Josh Reed could have stayed and Hardy might have panned out). Come off it...Nix had no reason not to address the weaknesses and go to the playoffs this year. He's let some pretty good players go, and hasn't brought anyone particularaly good in. He didn't address the two biggest weak spots on the team, and committed to whole new defensive scheme that will probably result in our pro-bowl defensive end retiring (Phil Hansen with Gregg Williams redux?). If Nix fails to get nine wins its on him, not on the talent this team has. He could have addressed the weaknesses, and so far he hasn't.
  9. why go out and get "washed up" pro bowlers when we already have "washed up" toilet bowlers? Faneca and Flozell may not be what they once were, but they would be an improvement over what we have right now.
  10. contacting and getting er done are two different things....I'm a little sick of all the contacting with no tangible results.
  11. Everything has changed so much that it is very very hard to predict. The team won 7 last year so I would hope we could at least do that, but we have a new defense and seem to have done little to improve the team in critical areas so far this year. I think we have to give nix/gailey some leeway, but with the actions they've taken I think we should expect performance when the season starts to justify some of their decisions. I am one to believe in setting forth goals, so nine is the number I'm expecting from them.
  12. If nix/gailey get nine wins they can do what they want in next years draft. If they don't hopefully someone else will be doing the drafting.
  13. That offensive tackle pick is looking pretty good/
  14. I'm as pessimistic as anyone on the board, but even I don't see any chance of us drafting number one next year. I think we will be well coached but dealing with a new defense and a minimum of talent, for the most part, on offense. I suspect we will between 6 and 9 games and be picking a little higher than we did this year.
  15. I can live with Trent as the starter, but I see him being successful (if at all) only with a much improved offensive line. Wood may not be full strength, and the tackles suck. I hope the new crew has something up their sleeve to improve the line, and with the trio of Lynch Jackson and Spiller doing a ton of running, we might be okay. There is still time and some options to improve the o-line.
  16. I'm wondering if the strategy is really run first last and only pass when you have to. If so, Lynch,Jackson, Spiller could be a very potent combination. A shockingly good run game can take a lot of pressure off the qb. This season could be quite interesting.
  17. Well..looks as if we are fairly active. Hopefully we'll find a gem or two there.
  18. oh shyt...for the first time I was optimistic about Nix and Gailey. Anyway I hope they are active in free agent signings!
  19. congrats, hope they stream on the internet so I can catch it. I think you are on the right track to ask for fan input. The call in shows I like most are on the NFL Sirius/XM station, where they seem to really reach out to people. Just a suggestion but you might want to have as occassional guests some of the more controversial print reporters if hey are willing to come on. Another good person to work with would be KRC and his broad knowledge of Bills history (where are they now people.) Good luck.
  20. http://www.nepatriotsdraft.com/2009/04/200...nings-list.html Sometimes there are real finds at this time. Glad to see the Bills being aggressive here.
  21. offensive line, qb, and the new and untried 3/4. The coach must see something in Edwards, and thinks Spiller will take a lot of pressure off him. The OFFENSIVE LINE needs work and I'm not seeing much getting done with it. We didn't run badly last year with the offensive line, and maybe we are going to a run first, run most of the time, pass when you gotta offense for this year. That isn't necessarily a bad strategy, but I'd have been more comfortable had we addressed the o-line i both free agency and the draft. I'm giving the coach the benefit of the doubt on his confidence in Edwards or Brohm or Fitz. There is still some opportunity to shore up the offensive line before the start of the season. Perhaps Faneca or Flozell
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