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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. A mobile quarterback to compensate for a bad offensive line? I think fixing the offensive line and going with a qb who will operate from the pocket might be a better way to go. Trying all sorts of things to compensate for a bad offensive line seems somewhat bizarre to me.
  2. Tragic, but other than it involving lacrosse players it is a standard run of the mill domestic violence death. Thousands of them every year. Every one is terrible, but hardly major news. The UV/ athletics part is the only thing making this particular tragedy something that new outlets will pay attention to.
  3. Against our offense? Any defense would be impressive.
  4. What he said. Move it around but do it quickly...you don't have any pass protection.
  5. Adams might not be a bad signing in its own right. He is experienced and could play RT if we did sign Gaither, The guy from Oakland would be okay to have at RT with Adams as a backup for either. No way to lose on this one. I think the signing of Adams would probably get Newsome to realize that it is not "essential" to sign Gaither and get him closer to reality based bargaining. Newsome didn't get where he is by being tremendously generous in trades.
  6. Wasn't tom brady a sixth round pick? I suspect that the odds are against L. Brown for sure and if you were to get odds it would be TE as the first choice, Fitz/Brohm neck and neck for the backup and Levi fighting to get on the team or even the taxi squad. On the other hand TE and Fitz have both had their chance leading an offensive unit without adequate pass protection, and L. Brown might be better at leading an offensive unit without adequate pass protection. I would have thought the more obvious course of action would have been to strengthen the pass protection and see which qb could lead the team.
  7. Brown is in a very good position to shine. Edwards/Fitz have about the shakiest hold on their positions as anyone in the NFL, Brohm may or not be "all that" but didn't impress all that much on his former team. Brown is in a kind of no lose position, and if he has a rocket arm and quick delivery, he may get a chance to star very early on. I'm pulling for the guy, although anyone who improves the qb position (including TE or Fitz) will be a real key to turning this team around. Mobility and quick decision making will be a real premium unless we bolster the pathetic offensive line.
  8. My doctor of 20 years just retired, and sold his practice to a new young GP. After two visits to my new doctor, and exhaustive Lab tests, he said I was doing 'fairly well' for my age. (I just turned sixty-something.) A little concerned about that comment, I couldn't resist asking him, "Do you think I'll live to be 80?" He asked, "Do you smoke tobacco, or drink beer, wine or hard liquor?" "Oh no," I replied. "I've been told I can't have any more tobacco or alcohol!" Then he asked, "Do you eat rib-eye steaks and barbecued ribs?" I said, "Nope... my former doctor said that all red meat is off my diet!" "Do you spend a lot of time in the sun, like playing golf, boating, sailing, hiking, or bicycling?" "No, I don't. I try to minimize UV exposure." I said. He asked, "Do you gamble, drive fast cars, or have lots of sex?" “No." I said... He looked at me and said, "Then, why do you even give a ****?" =
  9. Bills moving to Beijing? Now THAT would be a road trip.
  10. Getting Gaither would be a good move and a big improvement at left tackle (do we actually even have ONE acceptable left tackle? I would consider this the best move made by the new administration INCLUDING the recent draft.
  11. "we're not trying to make a splash?" Hmmm...that's the spirit. Are we getting discounts on the "not making a splash years" to follow?
  12. nine wins. Do that and the commentators are stupid and should be fired. Fewer than that, I would think the GM and Coach should be fired. Let's wait and see.
  13. the right guys we are in deep deep doo-doo and I think a different coach and gm will be doing the finding, and probably not in Buffalo.
  14. I'll believe in the coaching when they win a few games. I'll believe in the quarterback when he plays well, and I will acknowledge that we don't know enough about him now BECAUSE the o-line sucks. It still sucks, until maybe Mr. Wang and those great UDFA's show their stuff (If those UDFA's were so good...why weren't they drafted?) You are on the right track that we should get 9 or 10 wins this year. if it going to take three years after next season to "FIND"
  15. I agree on DB's and RB's, and think our receiving corps with Evans, Hardy Rosco Parrish might not be all bad at all. Tight Ends I just don't see being a real strength (average at best). DL we don't have a clue. New rookies, personnel not designed for the positions, and same with LB. I'd lean on the below average for this 2-4 for two or three years. Offensive Line is a mess (NO TACKLES) Levitre is fine, but Wood is coming off a serious injury and no bench. Probably the worst offensive line in the NFL. QB...who knows? Montana would look awful with the offensive line. The rookies and udfa's will make the team because there isn't any competition. Making the team for this team is not setting the bar very high.
  16. he added 16 players to the roster...everyone added about 16 or more players to their roster. The question is how many wins is your team gonna get next year with those players. If we get nine wins, I'll agree with you. If we get less, I'll be hoping we get a new coach and gm. Wait and see.
  17. Why on earth are you watching me and my ilk when you go to a game instead of what's going on on the field? If the Bills were playing well you wouldn't give a poop what other fans said. I've followed and supported the bills through good times and bad since 1960. I just don't have blinders on when they are bad. Until the Bills put me on the payroll I don't think its my "job" to support them. In fact since I pay for a ticket, I think it is their "job" to put a quality football team on the field.
  18. TRYING to get Donovan McNabb doesn't do anything for this team. We didn't get him. the personnel we have aren't right for a 3-4 defense. Reminds me of Greggo coming in and going 4-3 resulting in Phil Hansen retiring early and what happened thereafter. I don't believe that the first round options dried up with Williams. Bulaga and Davis were there. Even if they weren't, there were (assuming you have to go 3-4) really high quality nose tackles available and the ability to trade down if we considered them a reach. Is the team that goes on the field in September (based on what we have) BETTER than the team that took the field last September? Hell no. There is no "long term" project (five years? ten years?) in the NFL anymore. Three years is the most you get, and a full year of tear down doesn't even begin to cut it. As to Fewell and April, I suppose the Giants and Eagles are bottom feeders of the league based on their coaching choices?
  19. This is really disgusting. I've looked at the site ten or twelve times tady and just get angrier and angrier. I'm going to look it a few more times and then THAT'S IT. What is this board coming to?
  20. Wow...my feelings exactly. Didn't address o-line, qb nor were they active on the free agent market. I hope nix and gailey prove me wrong, but I don't think I've seen one thing that improves this team. I also think getting rid of Fewell and April was a mistake, but I suppose you want to give a new head coach a free hand. If they get nine wins I'll be supportive. Not sure how they intend to do it.
  21. I'm inclined to judge the guy more by what he does (and more significantly how he plays) than who his mom and dad were. I wonder what Ben Rothlenberger's mom and dad did.
  22. on its face a C would be a generous grade. Based on need (offensive line, qb) we didn't hit the major weaknesses. We used a number of picks to staff a new defensive system when we didn't have the personnel on hand to do implement it, which is a bit puzzling. That being said "on its face" and 75 cents will get you a senior citizen coffee ad Mickey d's (if you're a senior citizen). Time will tell. We get nine wins with these guys playing and we are going to get an A grade.
  23. geez...that is the lamest excuse or "mitigating factor" I've ever heard of. I hope the sob gets the harshest punishment available.
  24. I actually had a teacher at UB (kind of controversial guy, Leslie Fiedler) who was at Iwo Jima as a translator, and later worked for a guy who was a college president who was also at Iwo. I'm a vietnam combat vet but what they described was beyond anything I could ever even conceive of.
  25. I loved that movie. I actually rented it because I wanted to count exactly how many japanese soldiers the Nicholas cage character killed in the opening scene and throughout the movie. This one guy killed nearly one hundred!!! japanese soldiers. How those guys managed to last very long against guys like him is beyond me. I'm enjoying the miniseries, but don't anyone tell me how it ends. I sure hope the japs don't win!!1
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