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Everything posted by berriesandcream

  1. In my opinion great post. However, what indications are we as Bills fans getting that the Bills organization is going to improve? Early indications were that we wanted an experienced head coach with an offensive background and the only two candidates for the job are DCs with ZERO head coaching experience (excluding Fewell's stint last year). I don't see the promised changes and its worrisome.
  2. So tomorrow is 01/15/2010. Anything from Thurman about this or is it dead?
  3. They absolutely need to change the way rookies get paid. Its ridiculous the amount of power a player has who has never played a down in the NFL.
  4. That makes no sense, why would a fanbase WANT a QB to fail? Signing TO was supposed to help Trent, and he regressed and refused to acknowledge his role in the offensive failures of this season. I wouldn't be upset if he got another chance with the Bills this year, but its past the time for him to start making some plays.
  5. That was pretty funny. Thanks!
  6. Not only do they get a free pass, but two of them get promoted!
  7. I'm fine with the Bills taking their time, but I'm disappointed that the entire Front Office is still intact, with the exception of two promotions. There is no indication of this house cleaning Ralph promised. Also, in regards to Sanchez, if not for the great running game, offensive line, and defense, Sanchez would be worse then he already is. Schottenheimer did nothing with Sanchez, he sucks. He might good someday, but so far he's terrible.
  8. I wouldn't neccessary say mentally incompetant, but his ideas are stale and his decision making has resulted in 0 playoff appearances in 10 years. Its time to hand the team over.
  9. Wasn't Losman's first play like that when threw a garbage time pick against the *Patriots?
  10. The Bills may have already had Buddy in line to be the GM when they hired him. They essentially interviewed only him, as the John Guy interview appears to be a sham. What is worrisome, is the lack of changes thus far. I know its early and the playoffs aren't over, but I don't see why there hasn't been a real front offic shakeup that was promised.
  11. Agreed. They can't afford to hire a guy like Leslie Frazier, as they will alienate the fan base. At some point Bills fans, will only be able to take so much bs from the Bills front office. They promised changes, and so far the biggest change (excluding the coaching staff getting the ax which was obviously going to happen) was promoting a GM from within. Modrak and Guy are still employed, and they appear to be ready to hire another DC with no prior NFL head coaching experience, which will not help them with their issue of legitimacy.
  12. Unfortunately, we haven't contacted him yet. I think we get Frazier.
  13. Not one of those guys had to go to a situation where they were rebuilding. All three went into a very good situation with the talent level already high. I think all three are fine coaches, but bring any of them to the mess in Buffalo now and they would be in over their heads.
  14. Good, hopefully they get him soon, so the Bills don't.
  15. Modrak and Guy are still employed, it didn't work the first time. Hopefully there is better luck this time.
  16. Jerry Sullivan as well.
  17. Has he even brought this up since Nix got hired? I can't imagine this January 15th announcement has to do with ownership situation, because settling that issue may help them land a coach.
  18. I'll believe that someone is telling him these things, but it doesn't mean its true.
  19. A cheap beer and boxed white zinfindel combo called a "Carmen". 1/2 beer, and 1/2 wine. Its good for a hangover and helps obtain one as well.
  20. Only if it was Tecmo Super Bowl Bo Jackson. He was unstoppable, and would likely be as good at coaching as he would at not getting tackled in TSB. Seriously though, I'm pretty sure they are going to talk to Frazier. Childress confirmed the Bills were interviewing him.
  21. I'd be more scared going into the season with Bell starting at LT again. In my opinion, LT should be the number one priority in the draft, if possible. What's the point in drafting a new QB, just to watch him get killed. I wouldn't be surprised if all three current QBs are on the roster next year with no one new being brought in. I don't want that to happen, but I think it might.
  22. Exactly. Why would any Bills fan want a coach who has never coached before at any level? There are no positives. I love Jim Kelly, but its ridiculous how many people think he'd make a great head coach at this point.
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