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Everything posted by berriesandcream

  1. Agreed, he's going to be a superstar in the NHL. Hopefully the Sabres are smart and lock him up in a 12 year contract that seems to be all the rage. Its incredible what a great skater he is for a guy his size.
  2. Ha, click the Youtube links in my signature, and that will answer your question.
  3. He already said it wouldn't be big names and that it would be guys we likely never heard of. I believe that is almost exactly what Gailey said at the press conference. For a guy would be better suited as an offensive coordinator, its disappointing the Bills are going the cheap route with the staff as well.
  4. No they certainly aren't. Bills fans deserve better considering how we have stuck with them despite the 10 year long playoff drought. Unfortunately, I think that the Bills organization (Ralph) thinks they are doing the right thing with Gailey and keeping the front office intact, and that is pretty scary and frustrating.
  5. The good is that he likes to run the ball and we have two good RBs. The bad is that our offensive line sucks balls.
  6. The fan base will never disappear. I mean we made it through the Levy/Jauron era, and Jauron is one of the worst NFL head coaches in history. I continue to believe we have a chance. If that makes me an idiot, so be it. I was born and raised in Buffalo and as long as the Bills are here, I will root for them, for better or worse.
  7. There is no evidence that the franchise is "bleeding fans" because a few idiots on a message board claim that they won't ever watch the team again. No one takes you bandwagon jumpers seriously. There is one thing to be angry, as I am and alot of people are. But if you don't want to watch the team, spare us your lame "letters" and just disappear.
  8. Or LBs that can get to opposing RBs.
  9. I want a World Team Tennis franchise. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_TeamTennis I hear the Boston Lobsters are going to tough this year! I'd love to destroy them, the *Patriots, and the Bruins all in the same year.
  10. I have every intention on getting season tickets this year. I can't wait to sit outside and drink massive amounts of Labatt Blue in 20 degree weather on a Sunday morning. Do everyone a favor and stay in St. Louis and find some bandwagon team to root for. I hear the *Patriots are an up and coming team. Go Bills!
  11. Not a bad read. I think Bills fans have a right to be disappointed though. Is Chan the best person for the job? No, because the Bills had to settle.
  12. I hate Tedy Bruschi as much as the next Bills fan, but he's 100% correct. Ralph has officially turned the Bills into a joke. An old meddling owner who makes questionable personnel decisions. We still draft better then them. Russell and Heyward-Bey are two of the biggest busts in the last few years. Russell could be the worst QB to ever play.
  13. I disagree. I think this is exactly the coach the Bills want. He fits he criteria. He is a guy that won't demand a huge say in personnel and other football decisions. He won't cost alot of money and he'll be a yes man to Ralph and Russ. I like the fact that he wants to run the ball, but I am reserving judgement until I see who makes up his staff.
  14. Cowherd is definately awful. Some idiots filling in for Rome yesterday were even worse. I don't know their names but I had to shut it off. Mike and Mike suck as well.
  15. Yeah, because signing free agents to enormous contracts they don't deserve is the key to winning in the NFL. Instead they should use that money to get some real personnel guys in here, but that looks unlikely.
  16. This thread will be closed in 5.....4.....3.....2.....1.................
  17. You get the billboard, and I'll send you money sometime later. I promise.
  18. No, that logic means that Marv Levy was a terrible GM, which I think everyone agrees. I'll reserve judgment on Gailey until I see who his staff is going to be.
  19. Bill Polian has always had a knack for finding guys like that.
  20. Why is that a nightmare scenario? There are two former head coaches out there with Super Bowl experience that have expressed interest either publicly or behind the scenes in Billick and Mike Martz. Its not a complete disaster just yet.
  21. Pete Rose was a player/coach, look how he ended up.
  22. Douchehamster is the word of the day, thanks!!
  23. I didn't know front office people were able to get fired when they've sucked at their job for 10 years. I wonder if Ralph knows this.
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