I am a native WNY'er having lived in AR for the past three years, I've become a Razorback fan and been to many games at Razorback stadium. I'll say Mallet is raw and makes mistakes however, over the last two years he has progressed in his thought process and skill set. He wins the games he is suppose to and has kept his team in tough games. The 65 points Auburn racked up wasn't due to the Razorback offense. They scored 45 themselves in an away game. Nothing to scoff at. My main concern with him being in a Bill's uniform is whether he can take a pounding behind a porous O-line. Beef up the O line and put him behind center. We will once again have a winning team.
I watched the kid play here in AR, I would be happy if the bills built something arond him. He has the height, weight, mobility and smarts, along with a helluva arm!