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Everything posted by drewfla

  1. Well prepare to be disappointed Vegas. Just like Vegas wasn't built on winners, the Gailey and Nix hee haw show won't be either. What an embarrassment.
  2. At least the Bills won't have to play the Bucs again till 2013. It would take a lot to actually root against them. I like to think of it as an amicable divorce after a long marriage. While I love my newlywed trophy wife I still don't want her to beat the hell out of my over the hill pathetic ex.
  3. I guess I'm a whiny B word for renouncing the Bills so flame away. I've been a hard core fan since 1980. I moved away from Buffalo in 1994 but still follow them on a near daily basis. My post number on !@#$ was in the 1000's. But. My children were born in 2003 and after. Time for us to be Bucs fans now that we live in that area. Funny thing is the Bills probably have more talent but it is just too painful when you don't see any commitment to change. All you Kool-Aid drinkers hoarding up the stuff from Wegmans can spare me the whole "Give Gailey a shot" nonsense. Nix was a joke of a hire who has no power and no balls for taking the gig. Probably just needs health insurance.
  4. Well frankly with the news of Gailey I would now LOVE Ron Rivera. Ridiculous.
  5. I'm done. Why did I check this board before going home! I was in a good mood ready to pick up dinner, play with the kids, etc. Now I just want to puke. Chan &*^&*& Gailey. You have got to be kidding me! Might as well have kept Jauron. People still behing the Nix hire?? What a joke.
  6. Don't worry the Drama Queen won't be retiring anytime soon. Where is Richard Seymour when you need him. Can't stand the sight of him. Give me Old Man Warner and Overachieving Drew Brees any day of the week. Favre is an egotistical pill popping drama queen.
  7. I thought the NFL players somehow existed before Madonna was popular. Seemed strange! Pre-Madona? Maybe before Diego Madona of Argentina! No that is actually Maradona. We'll have to wait another week at least for a HC but Frazier's D looks really good. On a serious note - anyone aware of any defensive free agents on the Vikings? I would like to see him bring a leader or two ala Sexy Rexy did with the Jets and Scott and Leonhard.
  8. Hopefully they don't completely low ball Frazier on the salary side. After being dead set against it I have turned the corner as many others have and think he should get the job. The fact that he has learned from Dungy and gotten to be asst. head coach in two organizations is a plus. The only concern i have is his connections to bring in a qualified OC and other assistants. Tomlin came from that job in Minnesota and had a little success.
  9. Beat me to it. No mention of Frazier except for the tidbit that when Dungy was considering Seattle GM job he wanted to hire Frazier as his head coach. He definitely seems to have the current momentum for our gig. I'm frankly hoping Grimm isn't interested.
  10. A couple of years ago he was the "hot" assistant. Jerry Jones, love him or hate him, even hired him as OC before actually hiring Wade. I highly doubt Wade is going to be given his walking papers even if the Cowboys lose to Minny tomorrow. I have heard his name bantered about but has anybody heard if he is a candidate? I haven't heard him give the Bills the "Heisman" like Schotty and others. Thoughts?
  11. On the relief front as well, the Bengals just re-upped Mike Zimmer for three more years as DC. Cowher, Garrett, Schottenheimer or Bust!
  12. No on McCoy. SEE: Rob Johnson.
  13. Anything from Lawrence Welk? Dust in the wind? All I can think about this geezer is when on Seinfeld all Elaine had to do to get Jerry's Dad fired from J. Peterman was schedule a meeting past 5 and it was over.
  14. It's hard to think this comment about a potential coaching candidate being upset with the offseason is off base. When a drooling corpse decides to hire Old Man River for the GM job it's really hard to get too excited. Nix might be the best scout in the history of the sport but he has shown nothing to think he is qualified for a GM job. For the record Parcells isn't the GM of the Dolphins either. Jeff Ireland is and like the other 31 GM's is not eligible for an AARP card or free coffee at McDonalds. Say hello to Brian Schottenheimer. Jets offense has been good. It might work out.
  15. No offense Brandon, but I reported an ESPN sportscenter story. I didn't claim to be a reliable source. I only have five posts because the site with Bills and Insider in the title don't work anymore. I have better things to do than make up stories from ESPN.
  16. Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe between them they have one more victory combined as head coach than I do? Very similar to my career NFL sack totals compared to Aaron Maybin.
  17. What time is the press conference tomorrow? The only people convinced he is coming are Kelly and Thurman. The little woman wanted out of Pittsburgh - I don't see Buffalo making her too happy. And frankly that is a big factor.
  18. It was lead story on 12:00 sportscenter. Everybody gone.
  19. I am sad to see April gone but his special teams were greatly affected this year with the "wedge" rule change. However, he will have no problem finding work.
  20. He said sources "this morning" tell him that Cowher is choosing CBS over the Bills.
  21. If wearing shoulder pads, helmet I'll take Johnson otherwise Bolt.
  22. Just watched the 12:00 sportscenter and Schefter said his sources say Cowher to go back to CBS. He and Mort were very delicate in saying that even though Wilson has shown he is finally willing to spend money that Cowher is in the end going to hold out for a better position. Don't kill the messenger just repeating Schefter and Mort. Schefter generally is pretty right on with his sources as compared to Mort and others guessing.
  23. This is fun to watch until you realize that these defenders on the Colts were working in car washes and selling insurance last week. Gotta love the snow. It is disappointing that they will fall a good 4-5 spots probably with this win for April. Claussen would have been nice.
  24. CBS halftime show on the Texans/Pats game was interesting. They gave Cowher the Bills highlight and all of the guys were joking with him about "how do you like the weather Coach?" He replied with authority "That's football weather!" They laughed at him like they know something, I really think this may be happening.
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