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Posts posted by earthtobrint

  1. My assessment of the OL is more pessimistic than that.


    I think we are forgetting that Butler playing RT was an experiment that was never finished because he was hurt so early. It is not as if he was moved there from guard because of the quality of his play. That move was one of necessity. Whether or not Butler can play RT well enough is an unknown, even more so now that he has to recover from a serious injury. Moreover, I think Hangartner was, at best, mediocre. You'll know this line is truly improved when a guy like Hangartner is no longer good enough to start on it.


    Yes, we do need a LT but we may very well need a RT as well as a C too before we can hope to be respectable. As for Wood and Levitre, I think they played well enough, for rookies. They need to take a sizeable step forward next year or they will end up being young Jeff Hangartners, ie, back-ups on good teams and starters on crappy ones.


    I was frustrated that Hangartner was the only guy on the OL NOT to get injured. I wasn't rooting for an injury, but I was hoping all year that Wood would be moved to his true position of center so Hangartner, who shouldn't be considered our future at center, could be relegated to bench.


    In addition to Butler at RT being an experiment, Butler can't seem to stay healthy for a full season and the OT's on the depth chart behind him aren't worthy of being backups on a decent team. We need at least two OT additions this offseason.

  2. Cribbs wants out of Cleveland a he believes they view him as only a kick returner...I think he was severely underutilized. Parrish will likely not "fit" into anyone's, who comes here, scheme and Josh Reed will likely not get a new contract. Cribbs could fill a void, both returning, and on O...just sayn' :D


    For some strange reason teams are not inclined to trade their most talented player for a player that is an unrestricted free agent.

  3. The comment about Nix came unexpected to me and sounded like a pretty low shot. I don't know much about Nix sans he used to coach right here in Chattanooga. I took King's comment as a shot at Nix's age, though 70 isn't all that old -especially when your talking about the Bills... From what we've learned, Cowher had some history with him and nothing negative was said.


    Anyone have any insight about Buddy that some in the league don't like?


    It wasn't a shot by King. It was a shot by King's source: one of the Bills coaching candidates. He said the source is a coaching candidate on other teams lists as well, so it must be a prominent one.

  4. I disagree with the approach of having a top-to-bottom list in order of preference. Seems to me you conduct the interviews FIRST and THEN you rank them. This way, a coach who is interviewed 4th doesn't assume he was the 4th choice, and so on. I say you make a list of guys you want to speak with and then you interview them ALL -- in no particular order -- and then make a decision.


    I agree, but from the way things are transpiring and according to Buddy Nix interview with Chris Brown, it appears that's the way they've chosen to conduct their search. I hope we hear word of interviews this week so we know the plan isn't Cowher or bust.

  5. As much as I like McClain, big guys over smaller guys...Mount Cody!


    And how much of McClain's success is attributable to Mount Cody keeping 2-3 guys tied up? Not saying McClain isn't good, but give me the point of attack guy.


    And Draftek should consider that the Pats* pick right before us, not Oakland, due to the trade of Richard Seymour.


    The Patriots received the Raiders' 2011 first round draft pick in that trade, not this years.


    I agree on your point about Cody. We need to start drafting big in early rounds.

  6. also in the list should be the Rutgers LT, Anthony Davis, a junior. Scouts Inc has his as the 2nd best left tackle prospect (since Trent Williams is a mediocre pass blocker)



    and Bruce Campbell, OT, Maryland


    As of now, one of these would be my pick. The poll list is missing too many players. Out of that list everyone is going to select McClain

  7. Cushing did have a monster year and had Byrd started from the get-go, I think the results may have been different.


    Congrats to Cushing.


    Byrd has ball hawking skills but is poor against the run. I have no doubt he can become great, but as of now he is not yet a complete player. Cushing was NFL starter ready the minute he was drafted and is an instant star in this league.

  8. Ralph's age creates a lot of uncertainty regarding the future of the franchise.


    I still believe it's mostly due to our personnel. We have no QB, no OT's, and an aging and ineffective defensive line. Quarterback and continuity on the offensive line are the most difficult positions to develop and take a long time to do so. We're just not very close to being a winning team.

  9. He replied with the typical "in the right situation with the right people" he'd like to coach again. He added that there weren't going to be as many openings as initially indicated. It seems like Billick in the same boat with Cowher and is hoping for more attractive opportunities to become available if he were to leave the analyst business.

  10. I disagree with most of your points (The fact that he is a southerner doesn't seem relevant at all) except the one about Ralph's comfort zone. This most certainly was a comfort zone pick. Ralph didn't want to hire anyone he wasn't already familiar and friendly with. The fact that Modrak and/or Guy were even considered and for the GM job is what's most disturbing. I have to think those were just token interviews, which means there was really only one candidate, and that's just poor business sense. Outside candidates should have been interviewed.


    All that said, I don't think the Nix selection was all that bad. He has an impressive track record with Buffalo in the 90s and San Diego in the 00s when it comes to scouting and drafting.

  11. Overall draft strategy - F---


    They failed to address the offensive line, completely neglecting it in the early rounds. They drafted small players and small positions. Even their defensive line picks were undersized players. They focused on the secondary and running back positions. Both of which were reactionary picks to the recent/impending departures of McGahee and Clements, respectively.


    I'm normally not one to look at players drafted behind us and use hindsight as justification, but passing on Ngata was inexcusable and will continue to haunt us until we draft a dominant DT. It seems every draft expert, mock draft, and fan, before the draft had Ngata or Bunkley as a need position and best players that would be available. Instead, they drafted a safety that would've been available in the spot that they traded up to get McCargo.

  12. Houston would be a good fit actually, very close to his home, and a winning team.

    What would they offer in trade though?


    Houston has Mario Williams. They just drafted Connor Barwin with their second round pick this year, in addition to signing Antonio Smith to a 5 year $35 million contract. Those two combined for eight sacks with Mario Williams adding nine sacks from the other side. Their DE situation is set for years to come.

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