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Everything posted by DFL

  1. Anyone have the presale password? Tix on sale tomorrow at 10a and havent received an email from the band site yet.....weak.
  2. why was my post deleted?
  3. small hands.....like a carnie
  4. was she giving him a blumpkin?
  5. thats a funny post considering....
  6. depends on the settings but i'll go: 1. chris johnson 2. a. peterson 3. d. brees 4. r. rice 5. a. johnson top risers: l. mccoy, k. moreno
  7. snoooze. please, look at what 'experts' say on espn all of the time....its a joke.
  8. i bet hes better than keith ellison
  9. you know they want colt mccoy soooo bad, just to say his name at the presser
  10. lol, youre a loser. i'm guessing youre poor, thats what a poor person would say.
  11. i agree 100%. no thank you, you rapey-mma watching-mullet rocking-dip chewing-scumbag.
  12. Why is it some people use one moron's stupid acts as justification for another dumbanus? Who cares who else did what, use common sense. ML has done ridiculously stupid things, be honest with yourself. Lynch won't be a Bill next year, does it matter? Probably not.
  13. i personally prefer the moniker, "roethlisraper", tomatoe tomato, i suppose.
  14. although this topic is being covered in a different thread, i'd still like to say that jason campbell sucks. one teams first round BUST is not another's gold mine. not when "another" is the bills. we lose games we should win, SB XXV, SB XXVIII, MNF, etc....
  15. then kiss another 3+ seasons goodbye....
  16. you ended your 3rd sentence w/a preposition, so clearly, we're cool.
  17. i'm sorry but you have a white rb listed....must be a typo
  18. best post in this thread...nicely done.
  19. hahahha. excuse me if i dont consider a .gov a go-to source for legitimate marijuana conversation. btw, youre awful clever with your regurgitated marijuana stereotype.
  20. is legality the question or the effects of the plant? the one thing i will say, as a head, is that it shows a lack of intelligence to smoke within 2 mos. before you know youll be tested. that tells me you either feel entitled or are just dumb. i, however, dont believe that marijuana has any effect on your playing ability.
  21. i just smoked a nice fat bowl and couldnt care less. its neither detrimental nor enhancing to a players performance. if you believe it is, you are naive.
  22. i always like to ask. cool.
  23. do you mind if i share this on facebook?
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