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Everything posted by Dave_In_Norfolk

  1. http://news.uk.msn.com/odd-news/articles.a...entid=150368086
  2. Some of it was based upon native american history. Trail of tears, little big horn, etc. with a helping of the Iraq War for good measure I didn't like it too much though
  3. The only ones that seem to be seriously debating Obama's "failure" in this is the partisan press. MSNBC is salavating over the attack by Cheney and Fox is orgasmic over the chance to brand BO a surender monkey but I don't think anyone is really paying attention. Oh, and Pearl Harbor was 1941. People actually got killed there, too. The Undie Bomber didn't kill anyone
  4. It was close, but I think the play was legal. And the time it happened I was 100% convinced it was a forward pass, but after seeing it on replay real close I thought it was a good non-call.
  5. I know that 1 in every 11 workers works for local governments. I read that somewhere. I'd bet something like 50% of all workers work for the government at some level. And all the other workers dependent on government contracts and you have a heck of a lot of people dependent on government.
  6. Except that RJ wasted away the whole first half doing nothing
  7. Isn't that right? Johnson came in for the meaningless game against the...Colts? Or was it the Saints? Whatever, he threw for four TDs and Ralph demanded that Phillips play him in the playoff game. Is that true Ralph did that, or is that just a story?
  8. Happens all the time with a player doing badly in one place and starting over in a new one. Not saying Bulger will be great, but I'd toss a third round pick at the Rams for him. Roll the dice
  9. The country has always been partisan but we have still had great presidents. Part of Lincoln's greatness was his abilty to deal with partisanism
  10. He's played behind some pretty bad o-lines before and is probably pretty banged up. I bet if he has a good line he could be an well above average QB. Get Wood and Butler healthy and pick up the LT like you say and we could have a decent offense. I wouldn't trade about a 2 or third round pick for him though
  11. I wouldn't mind seeing him here for a decent price to compete for a starting job
  12. Bin Laden tried in 2001, I'm sure he agrees with you
  13. Anywhere there is money there will be corruption. My brother's electronics firm was making a killing selling specialized electrics equipment to business and government, and then suddenly the company's profit started slipping and he couldn't figure out why. We brought in an accountant who checked the books and found nothing. We looked over everything several times and just couldn't figure it out. My brother knew something was wrong. He was being ripped off he felt but couldn't figure out by who or how. Don't ask me how he knew, but its his business and he knows it like a mother knows her child. So we just went to the bottom of it and started looking into every last detail of the operation. We had five family members working on this for two weeks and my cousin figured it out. Our supply manager knew someone at another electrical supply firm and they cooked up this scheme together to charge us for "heavy duty" transistors and diodes even though they would just be shipping us the regular equipment and they kept the extra amount off the top for themselves, which amounted to several thousand a month. If this had been a larger company the guy never would have been caught. I just bet this goes on all the time
  14. The point is, if he is doing something the people support he's chasing after the polls If he does something the day by day polls are against he is thwarting the will of America. Can't really win
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