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Everything posted by Dave_In_Norfolk

  1. No way the supreme court will even hear this case. Passed by 60 senators, passed by the House of Representatives and signed into law by the President, no way will the judges get involved in a law like this. If they did there would be no end to arguments over which state gets what. Will Nebraska sue in court saying the space program shouldn't just be in Texas, Florida and California? No way will there be a consensus that this is unconstitutional
  2. Not long after reading that the televangelist Bret Hume had urged Tiger Woods to leave Buddism and convert to "compassionate and forgiving" Christianity I saw this news article about Christians in Uganda passing a law making homosexuality a capital offense. So much for being forgiving http://www.nytimes.com/2010/01/04/world/africa/04uganda.html
  3. If they figure out how to stop the aging process and we don't have to die. What a different world that will be. Will people stop having kids out of necessity? Will the government institute population control?
  4. I know they are not risks, that why I was making fun of you with them. Come on, what will a falling dollar mean? Last time I checked, a high dollar happened at the bottom of the economic mess as investors flocked to it as a safe bet. A lower dollar happened because investors felt safe to go out again
  5. Was it trying to convince you to convert to Christianity for forgiveness? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=szVYlDSb7nM
  6. Do you think China will stop selling us cheap manufactured goods and petro nations will cut off our oil over this dollar thing? The horror!
  7. Is this going to be a whiteout game? What's it like up there? Go Bills! and later, Go Sabres!!
  8. So, all these right wing celebrities on tv, radio, in print and all the websites didn't exist before BHO was elected?
  9. The Chamber of Commerce cares nothing about preserving jobs. Its goal is to reduce labor costs, period. That said, even you admit we need changes and I see this cap and trade as a way to push us toward change. Higher gas prices are a good thing in my opinion. They help the country. I don't care if that's unpopular. Most people want everything and don't want to pay for it. As for this bill being "disasterous," save it for a tea bag party. I figured you guys would move quickly from the health care bill being "disasterous" to completely forgetting about it to move to the next hysterical Conservative "cause." Namely, promoting pollution.
  10. I actually agree with much of that. The Feds should have taken a stronger role in regulating Wall Street, but when Wall Street got what it wanted, who had to come to the rescue? And a question. You Tea Bagger people, why are you crying now when we are spending money to prop up our domestic institutions, but all the billions and billions we were dumping into Iraq went totally unchallanged by you? No Tea Parties for that. Why?
  11. The undie bomber proves the Federal governmat has drifted from its mission? Why does wall street exist? Is she serious? I thought it was their to make money. And the Catholic Church only got caught in this decade, its been doing that stuff for, well, decades. How about giving the Feds some credit for helping wall street not drag us all down the Depression hole? I'd say that's a bigger deal than an undie bomber who didn't hurt anyone.
  12. A good OL can make a bad QB look good, but a bad QB can make a good OL look bad. And a good offense will just make life so much easier for the D. Play it by ear, if there is a can't miss QB or LT take them and run.
  13. The so-called "Independents" might be the worst of the lot, if you ask me.
  14. When did these CBO forcast suddenly begin to matter? Kind of interesting that we are suddenly caring about long term effects of spending. Change?
  15. Well, saving the banks saved us all a lot of problems. Had they not done that there might have been another great depression. I'm interested about the cap and trade. I believe in global warming, but even if it was totally made up I just don't see the problem with more clean air. How will cap and trade hurt America?
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