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Everything posted by Dave_In_Norfolk

  1. http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/na...0,5193825.story Surprised this isn't causing more of a commotion on the right
  2. Actually its Jimmy Carter's fault. Well, according to maggot
  3. Nope. As I said, you people will move along and start barking at something once this is passed and basically forget about it. Mark my words on that. BTW, I think its funny you think a problem with this is that it cuts Medicare, lol
  4. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/conte...id=opinionsbox1
  5. So, since society has not imploded we are suppose to just sit here and take this? No me!
  6. When I first saw it I had no doubt it was a forward pass, but I agree with you now that it was a lateral
  7. I actually don't care about that. All I know is that this bill will extend coverage to people that can't afford to go now. I know people that can't go. I just look at all the excuses being made to try and stop that is all so much partisan, ideological and even racist clap trap. After this is passed the outrage crowd will completely forget about it--just like the anti-medicare crowd of the 1960's did--and move on to the next thing that will "destroy our freedoms" and yelp and bark about that. So be it
  8. Tea bagging in Nashville with Sarah Palin http://www.surgeusa.org/actions/tea/nashville.htm I know the GOP has been doing all in its power to: * Make sure millions of Americans will never be able to see a doctor for a check up. Evil? * Ensure there is more dirty air by opposing cap and trade * I imagine they will be against any financial regulations, even though the system just melted down--I know, I know, it was all gay Barney, big government and the poor blacks fault Gotta love the GOP argument there! Gays, blacks and bureaucrats, oh my! * Anything else Obama does, unless its spending more on wars But, will this be enough to appease these tea baggers? Will they challange any incumbanents like they did in the House race in New York? The GOP has eough problems already without the fire in their rear.
  9. Don't let me stop you from getting a bleeding head. You clowns can make those silly arguments all you want, you are still going to lose.
  10. http://www.buffalonews.com/258/story/912027.html?imw=Y An Olean man passed out and collapsed into a snowbank with his two children and a third child standing around him crying after Sunday's Buffalo Bills game in Orchard Park, authorities said. Jeffrey A. Miles, 34, was charged with three counts of endangering the welfare of a child, Orchard Park police said. Miles was transferred to an emergency medical station at Ralph Wilson Stadium for treatment. Officers called the children's mothers in Olean and made arrangements for the women to pick them up, police said. The harsh weather at Sunday's game did not curtail rowdy and drunken behavior on the part of other fans. Orchard Park police also arrested a Toronto man on charges of reckless endangerment and assault after he threw two propane cylinders into a bonfire. Two people sustained burns and required treatment at Erie County Medical Center.
  11. The Health Care reform is slavery? Maybe those 12 AGs can argue it violates the thirteenth Amendment then?
  12. Yes, they can argue anything they want. Big deal. This is almost as stupid as the search for Obama's "real" birth cirtificate
  13. Yes, its clear that from a constitutional point that the AGs have no case. The point about taxes doesn't apply in this case to reimbursements. If you use emotion, your argument fits, but that's the only way
  14. That was not my point at all. What preacher boy Bret Hume did is ok in my book. I could care less if Fox news becomes the new 700 Club. But its funny how he says one thing but the reality is totally different
  15. Yes, I'd like to live forever. The future sounds great . All the great discoveries and inventions. Sign me up for that!
  16. After FDR, Truman, JFK, LBJ and Clinton all have tried to get comprehensive health care its about to get done. Cleaning up this economic mess will not be easy but the Feds seem to have stopped the worse. Obama is winding down Iraq war and it looks like he will impose the cap and trade with or with out congress. Rome wasn't built in a day
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