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Everything posted by Dave_In_Norfolk

  1. Is BP too big to fail? Honestly, I could see them just declaring backruptcy, selling off all their assests and dumping this all on the government
  2. Perhaps we can run the wishbone offense this year
  3. Bureaucrats exist for a reason,someone has to make records of crap of other people will steal everything. But this begs the question,if government doesn't employ people, who will? The idea that if you simply cut taxes and eliminate regulation--like on oil rigs or financial institutions-- jobs will suddenly grow on trees. That's an ignorant assertion endlessly mouthed by the right wing idiots. The government has just been getting bigger and bigger since the free trade agreements basaically killed our manufacturing sector, and the world has not ended. Heck, even the crime rate has dropped significantly....again! I would guess that no matter who is President and whoever controls congress the government will continue to play a larger and larger role in society
  4. Libertarian is a soundbyte. It's made for simpleminded idiot like you who blame everything on government. Oh!! I stubbed my toe! If only I didn't have to pay taxes I wouldn't have done that!! Bad government! Bad!
  5. Cancer happens normally, also. Therefore cigarettes don't cause cancer. See, its easy to be a corporate tool! Oh that's right, corporations are not government so they are always right Corporations
  6. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/conte...0052602334.html How funny, Paul had to dump so many of his sick Libertarian views to not look like a complete idiot, the Libertarians are now angry at him for doing so. Too funny! Gees, why didn't he stick to Libertarian ideas?
  7. Yes, he's right on there, isn't he! Yoy use to be a Democrat? Why? What did you like about us?
  8. Ya, keeping their boot to the neck of a company that is ruining the entire southern coast line seems pretty smart to me. What would you do, give them a tax cut to make them feel better? It's the Libertarian/Retard way, afterall! But criticising a company that totally f*** 's up after buying all the politicians is totally un-American! God Bless those oil men! Yes, I am painting the Libertarians as retards because that's what they are. Morons with an opinion. Just as bad as the Commies, except Libertarians actually win votes. They are for Free-Dumb ya know! Oh boy, Rand Paul is gonna be fun!
  9. Oh, and Heart of Atlanta Motel vs. The United States did settle the issue http://www.law.umkc.edu/faculty/projects/f...tofatlanta.html
  10. I think this brings up a great point. Rand Paul's view are VERY 1870ish. We left that thinking behind for a reason. Industrialization changed the world and the political system had to change also. Mr. Paul longs for a world that most Americans were glad to leave behind, the evils of the Jim Crow system being just one of them. Paul looks at the spill in the gulf and says "so what?" while most Americans see it as a disaster. He's a few sandwhiches short of a picnic. As are all Libertarians
  11. I'm glad a Libertarian is finally getting national attention. Time to expose the complete idiocy of that group
  12. It's unAmerican to criticize a British oil company!
  13. He is alittle niave if he actually believes that not outlawing discrimination in private accodations is fine. I guess he is just so much a white anti-government fanatic he can't understand why its so important for black people to be allowed to have the right to food, shelter and other accomodations when they are traveling. I doubt he is a racist, but I think he just is about as niave as any libertarian on this issue. The 1964 Civil Rights act is one of the greatest accmplishments of an activist Federal government. Things have improved in race relations tremendously since the Federal government began imposing its will on the racists. I'm very interested to see how this libertarian presents his views on marijana and other drugs to the state electorate. Will the marijuana lobby get behind his campaign in the hopes of having a pro-decriminalization Senator in Washington? Just on that issue alone his winning and pushing that issue would be a real change on that issue. And as a libertarian shouldn't he want to end medicare? Does he agree with his dad about 9-11? Does he want Fort Campbell closed and Federal troops withdrawn from the state? Will he bring the Federal pork home to Kentucky? Seems like he is off to a rocky start, and he should not be doing interviews on NPR and Rachael Maddow show. Conservative Kentuckians will not like that. Does he have national abitions or something? He is an interesting candiadte though
  14. Is there a free market solution to cleaning up this oil mess or is it socialim to the rescue again? Perhaps a tax cut on oil spills will do the trick? Eh?
  15. Would you look for ways to use less gas if it were more expensive?
  16. I'd start by slapping a $2.00 tax on every gallon of gasoline. That would be the best policy of all. Yes, excrement breaths like yourself would explode in anger, but you usually do when someone does the right thing
  17. Environmentalists are wackos! There is obviously no such thing as an environment. Drill here! Spill Now!! Oh ya!! Come on, say it with me! USA! USA!! USA!!! USA!!!
  18. Those on Medicare were some of the most vehement opponets of Obama's plan.
  19. GREENVILLE - Lt. Gov. Andre Bauer has compared giving people government assistance to "feeding stray animals." Bauer, who is running for the Republican nomination for governor, made his remarks during a town hall meeting in Fountain Inn that included state lawmakers and about 115 residents. "My grandmother was not a highly educated woman, but she told me as a small child to quit feeding stray animals. You know why? Because they breed. You're facilitating the problem if you give an animal or a person ample food supply. They will reproduce, especially ones that don't think too much further than that. And so what you've got to do is you've got to curtail that type of behavior. They don't know any better," Bauer said. In South Carolina, 58 percent of students participate in the free and reduced-price lunch program. Later in his speech, Bauer said, "I can show you a bar graph where free and reduced lunch has the worst test scores in the state of South Carolina," adding, "You show me the school that has the highest free and reduced lunch, and I'll show you the worst test scores, folks. It's there, period. http://www.thestate.com/local/story/1123844.html
  20. I'm starting to hate the Hawks because VS. has them on every week. I'd rather watch the Sharks play myself. That Dan Boyle is something else!
  21. This is shaping up as one of the best seasons they have ever had. Myers is just so great. Miller is amazing and the rest of the gang are pretty good, too. Myers just doesn't play like any other hockey player I've ever seen. He gets compared to Chara but is not like him at all. He's way better, IMO, and only going to get better. So tall yet skates like he was born to skate. They just were fooling around with the Leafs last night it seemed. If Toronto had tied it I bet the Sabres would have turned it on again and got another. The trade deadline should be an interesting time!
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