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Everything posted by Dave_In_Norfolk

  1. +1 I'm reading a book on this very topic now, 'The Rise of American Democracy from Jefferson to Lincoln," by Sean Wilentz, and what really surprises me is how normal and common were for arguments to be so openly class based, rich vs. poor, etc. With the French Revolution broiling in the background and feeding the frenzy of class warfare, it really scared people. And it was all so new. When during the Washington Administration an "interest group" sprang up to publicize a greater pro-democracy point of view, Washington and company were terrified of it, not knowing what to make of something we take for granted today. And yes, the level of vitriol and heated rhetoric was intense. So John Adams, why did you sign those Sedition acts into law?
  2. Not yet,but did you notice a whole lot more kids were comming to school now that the place was safe? That's results that make a difference. Institutions performing that poorly in our own country because of a lack of resources is totally unacceptable. Undereducating these kids now only means we pay as a society later in lack of productivity and in incarceration.
  3. Damn right! I'd rather "waste" money making sure these kids have safe, decent schooling than throwing it at some neato new bomb for blowing up some village in Afganistan. No argument there
  4. We are going to invade Iran?? Now that would be the mistake of mistakes, and for so many reasons.
  5. Looks like spending money in a good way does accomplish some things. http://www.nytimes.com/2010/06/25/educatio...l?th&emc=th If this was a defense program no one would say a word, and congress would probably increase the funding on it just because, but to help our young, especially urban youths, and its way too expensive.
  6. Yes,largest army,but couldn't fight? Whatever. Talk about nonsense, they won the war by killing the enemy of freedom. Couldn't march? Sherman's glorious march? They marched pretty well through Georgia Listen to it!! What a great song Couldn't resupply? That's completely wrong, the Union army was VERY well supplied by rail, by wagon and by steamboat
  7. Not to mention Kennedy. I read this book last summer http://www.amazon.com/One-Minute-to-Midnig...k/dp/B0018QOYWA And it made me respect Kennedy so much. The Generals were demanding an invasion of Cuba, screaming, stomping their feet and crying for one, but Kennedy called for patience, and thank God! There were tactical nuclear weapons on the island ready to go and wipe out Guatanamo (sic) and the invasion force, and our guys didn't know about them. Kennedy saved the world by not listening to his generals. If the nukes started flying in Cuba....well, ya.
  8. That is a matter of opinion. Do you have the right general? Maybe you were thinking of that cancerous scab McClellen? Meade never had overall command of the Union armies, he had command of the Army of the Potomac, and stayed on in that capacity after the conquerer of Vicksburg was appointed as overall commander of all Union Armies. And it was Grant that wanted him in that position. As to Lincoln's incompetence, that's debatable, yes he made mistakes,but he was let down time and again by generals who really were incompetent. In my opinion, Lincoln was our greatest President, and moved heaven and Earth to win a war, while holding together the war party politically, while overseeing the revolution of emancapation--at just the right moment--and dealing with massive incompetence, the largest domestic riot in our history, an Indian uprising in Minnesota and a huge economic mess with inflation.
  9. Kind of reminds me of Lincoln's incompetence in choosing generals before 1864
  10. One thing is for sure, no matter what happens to him, it won't make any difference in turning Afganistan into a stable country. That is a lost cause.
  11. The government's policies of prohibition are driving the price sky high now. So the government could legalize it, tax it to half the overall cost it is now and still make money. And even if it was taxed outrageously, who cares, it would still be a win-win to not have prohibition
  12. They do a better job than the idiot libertarians would. What is the Libertarian policy on public unions, anyway?
  13. Thank you for proving my point for me, though you didn't mean to. Environmentalists are for banning drilling, like in Anwar, while the tourist industry takes the nimby approach.
  14. I gotta disagree here. The system for inspecting these wells had been so weakened or just non-existant that it would be foolish to allow drilling to continue. If this well was so recklessly pushed forward, no doubt others were as well
  15. So true. Looks like Obama may get through an energy plan after all. A chance to do the right thing http://news.yahoo.com/s/ynews/ynews_pl2693...GZzcGlsbGNvdQ--
  16. You are just a mindless tool. This post is just so incredibly stupid. Extortion? Really? How many times has the mob picked on someone that actually deserved to pay? If you actually believe this crap you are the dumbest SOB in the world.
  17. So,basically, it's ok to to scream "constitutional violations," when you have no other ground to stand on. Ya, when you are wrong, free speech is still free. And be careful about saying "broad" constitutional issue in this case,people that actually know the implications of that term will laugh at your obvious ignorance. I did. Oh,and the executive branch didn't make any laws by having the "guilty" party agree to set up an escrow account. They just reached an agreement. Is the Constitution against agreements,too?
  18. They are going to pay, no doubt about that. We all agree about that. So why are you so angry they are actually paying, is my question. ***Everyone agrees they should pay,they are paying,and Conservatives are freeking out that they are paying** What part of that picture does not make sense?
  19. I think its great Barton is sticking up for the little guy! If the Gangsta Obama could only see the justice of allowing this to get bogged down in the courts to drag out for years, these morons that were hurt by the oil spill could give up, some would die, others would lose hope and take a lower settlement and then the appeals process could start and an oil friendly judge could in the end save BP billions by summarily reducing the so-called damages. That's the American way! Not this redistribution of wealth crap
  20. One of my favorite drives is right up route 5. Its pretty nice up that way now. But I get your point
  21. Now why are you upset? I thought you would completely agree with me. Let's get those Libertairian ideas out to the public because they are so obviously great ideas,lol. Let freedom ring! Or do you actually believe you are smarter than the rest of the voters? Your "partisan" crap is just that,crap.You haven't chosen sides? Why do you pretend to be above the debate?
  22. By all rights the GOP should be poised to re-take the Senate this year. Voters are furious with the President for saving the banking system, saving manufacturing jobs and giving 30 million Americans health insurance. I feel your pain! But then the Tea Party got the nominations they wanted. Angel wants to phase out Medicare and Social Security, and Rand Paul will not talk to any media anymore--ok, he talks to Fox, if you consider that media--unless he gets the questions in writing, in advance. Yes,he wants to be a Senator I'm actually thrilled the Republicans have proposed going after popular government programs, I just wish the whole party would get behind those efforts. I've been reading about these ideas for years on websites like this one and finanlly someone has, err, had, the balls to try and air them, and that's about all it took to make the cockroaches scurry back into the dark. Too bad Unfortuntly, the Tea Party may fade away before the 2012 Republican nomination. Darn!
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