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Everything posted by Dave_In_Norfolk

  1. Wow, what a stupid post! So, after the financial crash the government isn't suppose to make changes to try and stop some of the worst aspects because business leaders may or may not be perfectly clear on exactly how the changes will pan out? And when all else fails, blame the health care bill! This sounds like business leaders trying to pass the buck to government for the failures of the free market.
  2. What got us out of the Great Depression? Do tell us!
  3. Yes,if it wasn't for medicare the elderly would never get sick You guys are funny!
  4. What would the Libertarians do about medicare if the American people actually put these clowns in power? How would they "get that government off our backs"?
  5. They? No, him. The emperor, IMO, is 100% fully responsible all the deaths. He was just trying to save his own skin. How in the world could he have not surrendered after the firebombing raid? I understand there were some attempts to talk about surrender as long as poor his majesty was not tried and convicted of war crimes. It's interesting to note that the preliminary war crimes trials had already been set in motion in May of 1945 for the Nazis. Did this affect the emperor's decision?
  6. Money really is just paper -- and a some coin
  7. Inflation had been a problem throughout the 70's, Carter is the one that ended it by appointing Paul Volker to the Federal Reserve, he cranked up interest rates to squeeze inflation out of the system and it worked. Reagan, the not so bright but well meaning all-American, got credit for that.
  8. But where are people working now? I believe--someone can check?--that something like 51% of all people now work for the government or are dependent on government contracts, etc. for employment. I think I heard that 11% of all workers in the country work for local governments. So it seems to me that we are moving away from private employment to more of government providing jobs system. It's the "slow-calism" process that the left so bemoanedand and the right was screaming about, but it is happening for better or for worse. That's the adaptability you were talking about happening. And yes, our standard of living has gone up while this was going on. Technology has really provided more with a lot less back breaking labor.
  9. Reagan's economic record was heavily influenced by Jimmy Carter's decision to appoint Paul Volker to the Federal Reserve. Carter paid for that decision at first, because he is a principled person,and Reagan gained all the long term benefits. So goes the world
  10. The savage bombing of Cambodia with its massive loss of civilian life for no good reason excludes him from the top of the list , IMO. The overthrow of the democratically elected government in Chile was pretty evil, also He was also our last drunk president Kissenger had more to do with our foreign policy than Nixon did It can be argued that Nixon/Kissenger won the Cold War because after his trip to China, we had more Communists on our side of the Cold War than the Russians did. Still, that was mostly Kissenger As to Nixon being a Republican today? Wage and Price controls, created EPA amd Dentente all would have excluded him and made him a RINO in Conservative eyes
  11. A long, long term trend continues: This is why communism in some form is inevitable. Someday, all work will be automated. These unskilled jobs are never coming back, so where are the jobs going to come from so these people can work? http://www.nytimes.com/2010/07/02/business...l?th&emc=th
  12. So did the communists. Just because both systems of government understood how to use steel and concrete doesn't make FDR Hitler.
  13. Local and state governments are going to have to keep cutting back on police, teachers, parks and everything else, so don'tlook for consumer confidence to be all that high, I see gas prices are actually falling! We could just be rolling right back into recession. Things not looking good at all.
  14. Sure, why not? Both great Presidents, as was FDR. TR, was pretty good,too. Your point about Bush is very valid, but judging from the headline in the NY Times today about Iraq, where all the leaders are slowely being assassinated, it doesn't look to good for him. Plus he was stupid idiot I'll wager a bet that Reagan will not rate all that high now that de-regulations uglyness is showing itself in bank collaspes, oil gone wild, tax cut induced permanent deficits and did I just see a headline that the stupid, near useless B-1 is being fazed out? Thanks Ronnie! Truman was pretty good at the start of the Cold War I think Eisenhower deserves some bad marks for his nuclear policy of sticking nukes everywhere and on everything.
  15. Why that's just wonderful!! Perhaps the Robert's court can just get rid of that silly requirement so every criminal that wants one to shoot up a school can get one. I'm sure the NRA is working on that right now. Thank God!
  16. Oh, Booster, I so agree,if only these people had a tax cut,things would have been ok. Governenment must have contributed to violence because violence never existed before liberal big governement. And if only the NRA uses this gun friendly court to get submachine guns legalized, things will only get better! After all, banning a Thompson Submachinegun violates my second amendment rights, right? I have to defend myself, don't I?
  17. Oh great, and we have wasted how many trillions of dollars trying to stop this sort of thing in Iraq and we can't even stop it here?? You know, if we just got government out of the way these things wouldn't happen. Right?
  18. The coming fiasco! This is going to be great. http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archiv...strategy/58854/
  19. We are "lucky" because not enough capital is being borrowed, so money is cheap. When the rates go up it will be because economic activity is picking up, hopefully more people will be working and tax reciepts will pick up as well. That's the thing most people either ignore on purpose or are simply ignorant too, the deficit is being fueled by the slow economy in two ways, not just higher spending, but tax reciepts are down with so many out of work and business lagging. Obama's "deficit cutting" is all politics. He's a good politician, and with the American people so ignorant, he has to be.
  20. The government. Without Medicare these companies would be small fries in the corporate world
  21. Yes, sounds just like when the put the Constitution into operation and no one was sure how it would work. What a disaster that was, huh?
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