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Everything posted by Dave_In_Norfolk

  1. The sad thing is that no one on this board will point out the obvious stupidity of this point. A ship of fools
  2. Obama is killing this economy! The excrement eaters will have to find something else to complain about soon.
  3. Sarcasm, man. Just pointing out how the right wing agenda has its very anti-business side. We had a Mexican restaurant here that everyone loved, except that they had some Mexicans working there. The local Tea Party scum flooded the immigration police with calls and the place was raided every other week and now they are closed down. Anti-immigration is anti-business.
  4. Heads I win tails you lose? So if economy is bad its because Obama is anti-business, but when things are good don't look at the Prez. What effects are you talking about Darin? Some nebulous far off danger we should all be afraid of? You should work for Fox News you scare monger you. Boo! Leftistlation? Oh cute. Libertarians with humor, now that is funny.
  5. Those Democrats trying to kill business again!! Luckily the Republicans are standing firm on political firm economic grounds to stop this socialist, anti-business measure
  6. The NAACP's new stance: This is the same Jealous who said Monday he was "appalled" by Sherrod's "abuse of power." Good for the NAACP for admitting a mistake. Does this win Fox News the Joesph Goebberel's award?
  7. That darn Obama!! His anti-business policies are to blame for this disaster!
  8. No, but bailing out the banks sure does! And by "anti-business" are you actually implying he is trying to destroy the business community?
  9. You are an idiot. Do you understand that to get to 10 you need to get to five first? Oh, that's right, you also think Obama stole money from BP
  10. This guy isn't buying any of Obama's lies! A http://tpmmuckraker.talkingpointsmemo.com/...c.php?ref=fpblg
  11. I was also wondering if this heat wave means global warming is real? I mean if a cold winter with snow means it isn't...
  12. This is an awesome post! Even tops the Obama was shaking down BP nonesense you posted. So, you have personally read the reports--the actual reports!!!--of the energy crisis, and surprise surprise, its all the governments fault for those rolling blackouts that happened back when Enron was in control out there. Bad government! And you think someone else needs to get a clue?
  13. De-regulation allowed those corporate crooks to rip off the state big time, raise rates and even to see California's power out of the state to create a "shortage." Of course in your mind, this is all a lie. But that's you
  14. You mean the government officials that Big Oil has bought up in all the governments?
  15. Now this is some good news! More people will lose their jobs, fewer young people will behired to work for local governments and--hopefully!!--there will be no money to pay heating bills for the elderly some winter real soon! Who said recessions are bad things? I mean happy small government days are here again! Let the misery begin.
  16. Anti-business? http://www.nytimes.com/2010/07/10/us/10enforce.html?hp
  17. Bad news for Libertarians: There goes that completely fabricated "anti-business" propaganda circulated by the human excrement eaters. Oh well.
  18. Come on man, Obama is spoiling the fun. The right wing cheerleaders think they have something to run on with this "Anti-business" angle. Just look what Obama's anti-business policies have done! This attitude and policies have caused the greatest financial crisis since Great Depression, the greatest environmental disaster in our history and his bailouts of--ummmm, socialisim, ya that's it!---have caused the huge deficits! He's bad. Everything was fine untill this Obama came along. He's done nothing for business! Forget that corporate profits are rising and the stock market is doing well, that's all Ronald Reagan's doing.
  19. Carter's policies with Paul Volker did bring down inflation. Take off the partisan glasses for once. Reagan even kept Volker on. What you posted was very select quotes from sevearl articles and didn't provide links, when I found the stories anyway it was clear why you had done that. You just want to fix the story your way, and hide little facts the article were actually pro-stimul;us, or that the Verizon CEO was actually saying that his plutocractic salary was going to be taxed at a higher rate and that that was "anti-business." He works hard for the millions ya know! And if you are actually too stupid to think that "policy leaders" and microeconomists are above the partisan fray, you are obvioulsy too ignorant about how the world works to be taken seriously. Basically your are being fooled. Corporate profits are great. Corporations were made to make profits and the world looks sweet to them right now. They are not made to produce jobs, and any CEO will tell you they want to get rid of jobs, not make more. I'm very dubious of the idea of the corporations riding to the rescue to save us.
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