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Everything posted by Dave_In_Norfolk

  1. Yes. Kudos to Bush for that massive government intervention
  2. TARP was created BECAUSE the economy was so bad. Hello? Do I need to explain more?
  3. Yes! I think Bush was right to do what he did once we were in the crisis and I have already given a thumps up to Bush for the auto bailout. But the economy is better now than the last months of the Bush presidency. So shove your 'wow' right up your rear-end. And to the part about "his sucessor," ummmm...no, the capitalist system was falling so fast even Bush saw it had to be saved by the government. Mission accomplished
  4. You have to explain that for me, not sure at all what you are talking about.
  5. Good thing Bush never vacationed while American troops he sent to die were, well, dying cry, cry, cry rightwing
  6. 1) I find it outrageous that you are allowed to sell gold on this site, but, hey, flavor it with some anti-Obama rhetoric and I guess the mods will smile. 2) Your argument for gold can stand at any time, not just now in these conditions, so why all the fluff? somethings rotten on ppp
  7. An improvement over the last months of Bush for sure. But I wonder what things would look like now if we hadn't had TARP. What if we went Libotarian/Retarded on the economy, what would things be like now? Much too early to judge Obama's policies now, though I see the ignorant American public is so short sighted that they actually buy the Fox News crap that Obama started the rececession. Never underestimate the ignorance and amnesia of the American public.
  8. So what is your point? You just want people to buy gold? Are you advising people not to buy stock? My investments in the stock market don't really look too far into unemployment rates. Seems like you are just trying to scare up gloom and doom instead of looking into stocks and such that can perform well in this economy.
  9. HA HA HA!!! Yes, because automobiles are out of fashion these days!!! Same with the banks, let them die too? You guys are great for a laugh!
  10. So basically I'm right, but you hate that so you just make up some total crap you pulled out of your favorite place and polute my thread with it. *Of course the crap is gobbled up greedily by the right wing lemmings, but that's to be expected
  11. Bigotry is back in style it seems: Just disgusting! A stigma attached to who and what?
  12. Oh, and more bad news this anti-business administration is visting to the world:
  13. Harley Davidson also. The banks, too. Big Government is basically saving the whole lot of these companies. Good. What's government for? To provide for the General Welfare. Good job Big Government! The Libertarians would have us living in a world of crap and say its good for us.
  14. Close the Veterans Administration!! Oh, that brings back memories of that horrid year 2003. The Republican House enacts a resolution praises the troops who had just attacked Iraq--and the President who sent them--and then later that same night they vote to cut VA spending. Wow.
  15. A success! Good job Mr. Bush and Mr. Obama in saving an American industry that is recovering nicely. Anti-business my a-hole!
  16. The bankers got a hold of it and loaned it out for high risk mortgagaes is my guess.
  17. Aside from banning the sport, or making them play without equipment, I don't see a solution. If they took those pads and helmets off would they be less likely to use their heads on tackles, etc?
  18. I see this at the high school level. These kids are getting concussions all the time. Concussions where they are seriously unable to funtion for a few days at a time.
  19. Lots of corporations are doing great. Profits all around! Bad bad!!
  20. No, you are letting your blind hatred of Obama blind you to the fact Obama is trying to help small businesses but the GOP is blocking him. I hope you are not some financial advisor or something, that would be sad
  21. Who is the anti-business party that's blocking Obama's $30 Billion in aid in loans to small businesses? Who is that again?
  22. And people wonder why politicians act so stupid!?!? Look at who they have to pander to for votes! Yup, this economy is Obama's fault. He should have listened to those Conservatives that simply wanted to let the banks die. Brilliant!
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