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Everything posted by Dave_In_Norfolk

  1. No, I don't ever want to meet you. Sorry. But, exactly what did you find so offensive in what I said? Obviously it touched a nerve. A non-retard would be able to explain.
  2. Don't worry Conservatives it's only free market corruption. Probaly Barney Frank's fault
  3. I watch CNBC also, and I'm not so sure "they all" are blaming the President. They really speak out of both sides of their mouths. Half the time they say there should be more stimulous. As to the money sitting on the sidelines, I have a hard time believing haelth care reform here is making multi-national companies not hire. It's the housing market. Consumer spending has taken a kick to the groin and will not recover anytime soon. I'm sure the business owners see profit in that by blaming Obama who wants to see their taxes go back up. Oh, and by the way, the financial sector wants Obama to do more for housing, not less As to where do we go from here, I'm open to hearing anything at this point
  4. New? wow! You must be a happy guy Or use there excessive lobbying to kill what's in the public interest. This stuff should have been started and well funded 40 years ago
  5. Great points. Let's look at it from another point of view though. If the bubble sustained local jobs, where will the jobs come from in the new normal? Really, how much more can the middle class take, with automation, outsourcing and now elimnation of local government jobs. 11% of all workers in the country work for local governments. We want to eliminate those, too? If the implied argument is that cutting local jobs will help create more jobs elsewhere, would you blame me if I were a little skeptical? In the end, people need jobs, and if that means taxing the wealthy, well, what must be done, must be done
  6. Proven? Nothing can be "proven" until money is spent to see if it works. You are basically saying do nothing. *This next statement will be met with indignation* I think you throw money around around knowing that 90% of it will be of little value, but that the 10% will spawn an energy revolution, or at least pay for everything else. Was it "proven" that Columbus could cross the ocean blue? No, did the queen spend the money anyway? Yes.
  7. http://news.yahoo.com/s/time/08599201368300;_ylt=Aop8RM2qI9hSJfpg46t3Lzqs0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTNnY2JlbDFmBGFzc2V0A3RpbWUvMjAxMDA4MjYvMDg1OTkyMDEzNjgzMDAEY2NvZGUDbW9zdHBvcHVsYXIEY3BvcwMyBHBvcwM3BHB0A2hvbWVfY29rZQRzZWMDeW5fdG9wX3N0b3J5BHNsawNob3d0aGVzdGltdWw- Try that. Great piece, and it shows why the GOP hates it so much. Obama is doing too many good things to be tolerated by the oil and coal barons. This stimulous has the makings of a transformational affect. This is one thing I love about team Obama so much, they believe in technology, reasearch and that things can get done. We have elected a technocrat, much like Alexander Hamilton, and I love it!
  8. Paul Krugman was saying from the beginning that this would be a long, long recession. I don't see how we climb out of this with home values so disasterously low. Remember when all the bailouts, TARP, stimulous, etc. were going on and people were screaming about inflation? Wow
  9. This post was edited because it contained copyrighted material. Stop being a dumb ass, Dave.
  10. The biggest difference is the size of the two movements. The birthers are a huge chunk of the Republican party, whereas the so-called truthers are a lot smaller and not really affiliated with either party.
  11. Go for it. The GOP will probably win the House. Happy days to them. We can have the tan man as speaker of the House. Is that going to make you happy?
  12. Will you do the same? http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/instruct/guide...ces.html#before
  13. a) This clown is not across the pond, he is in DC b) He's a clown c) He's a funny clown Obama doesn't believe in American greatness! Oh no!
  14. And Lincoln promised he would never interfere with slavery. So what? Things change. Ahmadinajad is the target of bomb attempts now and needs to look like a legitamate leader, which many in his country do not consider him to be. Things change, politicians say things they don't mean...again, so what?
  15. http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0810/40644.html And a vast majority of those 25% are the crazy base of the GOP. It's even worse if you just look at the South: This is no secret. I suppose Fox didn't mention this much, but most other news outlets did mention it Yes, impeachment will be hard to hold back once the Media Stars of the Conservatives get moving on it. Obama will forget to salute the Marine when he gets off a plane, and BINGO!! "The worst crime committed against the Constitution EVER!!"
  16. They will impeach Obama. They have no program, no ideas and nothing to govern on. Almost half of Republicans think Obama is not a citizen and people like Rush Limbo are saying he is a communist. Ya, they will try.
  17. Drats!! Not even China is safe from Obama's anti-business regulations! Doomed were are, doomed!
  18. Did they need? Yes. Did they get, yes. That's all you need to know. You are so absolutly brainwashed, Mr. Shake Down, that you will believe, invent or lie to yourself about whatever you need to. You cannot be reasoned with.
  19. Ya, he will be the new Ed Reed! Gotta love the pre-season, when no team has lost a game..................yet
  20. Are you suggesting capitalism can't have failures or have flaws that lead to bad things? And, has there ever been a country with a truly free market? Or, are you just arguing in the world of impossible theories?
  21. Touched a nerve, eh? Ok, why did the financial sector need bailing out then?
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