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Everything posted by Dave_In_Norfolk

  1. Better than choosing your boys hanniyy and limbaugh,
  2. And Bill Gates is part of this vast mmgw conspiracy also. Poor little conservatives, everyone is out to get you, lol
  3. This report is typical of the misleading information and down right lies that are told on the right about global warming. The report they are talking about fully supports their concluion that global warming is both happening and man made, they are just criticizing points about some the the smaller conclusions. Welcome to science! They believe its such an important issue that they want it studied in the best possible way. To say that any criticism of the scientists from other scientists is proff that global warming is fake is to only show you know nothing about the scientific method Here is a more accurate article: http://www.boston.com/news/science/articles/2010/08/30/report_climate_science_panel_should_be_better_run/?page=1 ~smug
  4. Dern! Conner's got all you morons running around chasing your tails!
  5. Really? I grew up then and never heard about that. Can you point to some non-Rushbo links to prove people were pushing this?
  6. Resonable people that I trust are believrs in it, people like Bill Gates, so I'm inclined to think its real. Plus all the solutions seem so sensable and positive, that even if it were not true I'd support the measures to fight it because they are so benefitial for other reasons. The deniers just seem like baffoons and jack ares or oil people
  7. Bill Gates on Global Warming, alternative energy and carbon taxes http://dotearth.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/09/02/bill-gates-on-rd-a-carbon-tax-and-chinas-climate-role/?hp
  8. Let's see.....Bush slashed tax rates and the government went into the red. Bush launched two extremely expensive wars and borrowed to pay for them Bush pushed through several major entitlement programs just for the elderly--not the undeserving poor, so no complaints from the older voters--all on credit Obama bailed out the financial system when the whole economy was going to crash Who is maily responsible for our structural deficits?
  9. What would have happened? A whole bunch of older voters that now hate 'government' would be dead because Medicare wouldn't have been there to pay for their medical bills No Civil Rigts act No voting rights act Probably no world, as that idiot would have started a nuclear war
  10. Speaking of Global Warming: http://news.yahoo.com/s/yblog_upshot/20100728/sc_yblog_upshot/noaa-past-decade-warmest-on-record Hottest decade ever, steadily rising temperatures, yup, nothing to see here, move along
  11. Gees, Cal Thomas can almost be taken seriously, but it would be easier if he didn't cry about the debt and letting the Bush tax cuts expire in the very same sentence.
  12. Oh no!!! Wall Street is angry because they can't buy off Obama. This really does make Obama evil! A real President would do what the Wall Street money tell's him to do! You are funny!
  13. Does this mean you are giving me the point that WW2 government spending helped the economy? As did the Marshall Plan's massive spending?
  14. WWII was a massive government works program. Factories, day cares, housing, jobs as soldiers....and on and on. The New Deal was too small, that's the point. and look what happened in 1937 when they ended many new deal programs, the unemployment returned Not to mention the fact that so many New Deal programs bolstered the economy for decades Great point! And where did these ruined economies get money to buy out goods from? Hint, you will hate the answer Big government not only saved our econmy, but Europes and Japan's as well Lovin it!
  15. Oh, so massive government spending on the war didn't usher in prosperity in the 40's? Facts
  16. Did it work in the 40's? Just for fun, I'll argue that these two systems are almost identical a) Supply Side= pump money into the economy with tax cuts and borrowed money like Reagan b) Keynesian=Borrowing money and using it to invest, build and directly create jobs
  17. Ummmm hello? We are in a recession. That's what happens during a recession
  18. Oh please, this is all politics pure and simple. The GOP wants Obama to get credit for nothing. These small business want the credit and they would help get the economy moving. If these Republicans cared about the budget they would start cutting money for military spending or in some other area. They cried not at all when Bush spent tons of cash for prescription drugs, etc. all. Anyway, this doesn't look too good: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/09/01/business/economy/01econ.html?hp
  19. Not a player but a coach, I hated Jimmy Johnson when his Cowboys were beating the Bills in the Super Bowls. Then he went to the Dolphins? He was so talented it was hard for me not to like him. He was so great
  20. Did you see this? http://www.usatoday.com/money/smallbusiness/2010-08-30-smallbizloans30_ST_N.htm I mean seriously, they call Dems anti-business?
  21. 6 months? Until something either replaces housing in the market or housing values suddenly increse for some miraculous reason these conditions are here to stay for a few years. Where does this number 1.8 trillion come from? I mean if the stimulous and the financial bailout are taken into account and we still have a crappy economy, why should these businesses spend this money when it might not even be enough to get the economy back and pumping again? If consumer confindence does not increase I don't see business confidence returning. Maybe if the news media just played down the bad economy it might just improve, lol
  22. I have a novel idea. How about letting capitalism work? Businesses need workers and workers need jobs. If someone comes here and gets a job put them on the road to citizenship
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