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Everything posted by Dave_In_Norfolk

  1. Jimmy Johnson shirtless? Can it get any worse?
  2. I think Edwards will settle in, I just hope it's not too late
  3. This guy wants to cut state spending by 20%, that's 27 billion dollars, and that's a lot of jobs. So he would seriously increase unemployment in the state if he gets his way. Of course, the sacred free market would immediatly step in and create a capitalist utopia in the state This guy is cartoonish. I just wonder why the Libertarians are not jumping up and down in support of this fool
  4. Do my own research into your complete bs? LOL,whatever. I love how you call other people partisan, yet your dogmatic libertarian bent is so brainless you won't even attampt to back it up because you know its nonesense. Its like Rush Limbo saying the other day that for every government job you cut you create two private sector jobs of equal pay. Huh? anyway: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/09/11/business/economy/11tax.html?_r=1&pagewanted=2&th&emc=th
  5. Whose old narrative is that? Versailles never cause economic collaspe, what it did cause was a nationalist backlash against the Center/Left coalition running Germany under Weimar Constitution. Even the hyper inflation was not caused by Versaille directly,it was a result of actions taken by the German government because of the occupation of the Rheinland. But, Germany recovered fromthe hyper inflation years before the Depression swept in. And Obama's policies are the reason job growth is lagging Tariffs were populist measures? Maybe Smoot Hawley was, but not traditionally, and Progressives did replace them with an income tax because populists hated the tariffs which they saw as making goods more expensive to make the wealthy wealthier. Were they effective? Well, behind a high tariff regime we had a little thing called the Industrial Revolution, not that I am supporting them today, I just posted for debate
  6. You are such a tease! I really wish you would connect the dots for me. That would be funny. I love reading Libertarian nonesesne. Come on, YOU said it, now spell it out. No. The evaperation of easy credit from the United States because of the financial crisis maybe, but not Smoot Hawley
  7. Here come the protectionists! http://www.nytimes.com/2010/09/10/opinion/10Tonelson.html?th&emc=th I would love to see a few more economists debate this issue. I believe something like 51% of people work for government now or are tied to the government for employment indirectly. Just sayin, that's how it is
  8. In other news, the baby boomers are still getting older ..... I also see the new Gallop poll has deme and GOP tied in a generic battle for the mid terms, will media give this as much attention as the one that had the bad guys upby ten?
  9. Don't hold your breath waiting for the "jobs machine" of the private sector to get us out of this. In Florida alone there are almost half a million houses in foreclosure and this report today is pretty gloomy as well: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/09/07/business/economy/07jobs.html?th&emc=th
  10. 1) You are ignorant. If you actually think priming the pump is simply raising taxes you are simply parotting the right wing trash line. Save that for your hero Larry Kudlow when you are watching him and talking to the tv. 2) Do they? Like taking money and investing in China? Great! A global corportion has a goal of earning money, not creating jobs in America. You totally miss that point in all your posts. I suppose if the corporations had another tax cut they would simply ignore weak consumer confidence and invest in workers, machinery and surplus supply just because they can, right?
  11. Jimbo cheated on her http://www.wkbw.com/news/local/Wife-Of-Bills-Hall-of-Famer-Tells-All-In-Book-102232004.html
  12. What a tremendous benefit to the country Lindsey would be if he could achive a Libertarian party that actually had voting clought. His scathing criticism of the wildly irrational and misguided Conservatives is right on. I just wish Libertarians like himself could attract voters, which he can't. There then might be serious challaenges in GOP primaries that address big government issues like NASA, Medicare, EPA, FDIC and the FDA. Can you imagine Lindsey winning voters by his pledge to "expand individual liberty," as he claims his goal is, by eliminating those government agencies? Wow! Really, what liberties does he feel we are lacking right now? Anyone?
  13. Wow, I actually looked at the link, and yes,it is a Fox news hatchet job on the truth. Those deficit figures are misleading because the Iraq War was never in the budget! It was funded by supplemental spending. Do we have that short of a memory? What the hell is the source "US Statistical Abrastract" anyway? Left out of the "analysis" was how the war caused oil prices to rise,hurting the economy, the medical costs of the soldiers that will live on long after the war ends and the fact we still haven't left Iraq yet. And how about the fact that Bush's economic policy flooded an already decent economy with boat loads of cash in tax cuts, military spending and cheap credit? And people wonder why we had a crash! Voo Doo Economics
  14. Oh,now they are not even scientist,but "scientists." Real science men like Newt Gingrich know the truth BTW,cigareets do not cause lung cancer, that was another liberal"scientific" conspiracy to enslave us
  15. not the point moron, you are trying to argue that the great Bill Gates is involved in a massive conspiracy to trick you little fools, and his co conspirators are the the brilliant scientist doing the research. That's insane. You deniers are the ones being led around by the nose
  16. Classic Conservative statement, what Does intelligence have to do with anything? Lol
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