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Everything posted by Dave_In_Norfolk

  1. Because we are laughing at people like Limbaugh that act like fourth graders. Typical Limbaugh, going off on a rant about something he knows nothing about. No wonder he is so popular, his ignorance appeals so much to his listeners.
  2. Too funny! http://tpmlivewire.talkingpointsmemo.com/2010/11/motor-trend-editor-to-rush-limbaugh-driving-and-oxycontin-dont-mix.php?ref=fpblg More proof that the media is controlled by the educated--I mean Liberals--huh?
  3. My favorite is Senator John Kyle of Arizona holding up the START Treaty so that he can squeeze more money out of the deal. What a jackwagon! I've always said that the worst thing that could have happened to the South was that they could have won the Civil War. The same holds true for the crybaby GOP, the worst thing for them is winning. They cry very well, but governing is by far their weak point* *This was a partisan post and there will be no appologies for that
  4. Good to see patriotic Americans stand up for what's right http://www.fiscalstrength.com/
  5. The best deficit CREATION plan was made by Bush. His "pro-growth" tax cuts led to the worst economic growth for a decade since Wold War Two, we are still pissing away something like $10 billion a month in Iraq--oh, and New York State's budget deficit looks puny in comparison--and the expansion of medicare drugs all unpaid for. Thanks Bush! Schakowsky would cut defense programs by about $110 billion
  6. From Sarah Palin's greatness to appologist for Fox news.....lol Hey, you are hard core Conservative with the bias of such. Just admit it already And BTW, Fox 'news' took the bias angle and ran with it...they are way worse than anything else out there
  7. Ya, that's great! You must also love Bush, too. He gets us partisan leftist all fired up, too. The funny thing about this board is that all you far right, hard core Conservo nuts actually think you are fooling people into believing you are anti-partisan, moderate level headed thinkers. You have done a good job of convincing this boards right wing circle jerk committee of that, but no one else.
  8. What will be more fun is seeing how the Republicans deal with these anti government fanatics. All these older Americans on Medicare that voted republican, will they sacrifice or demand even more? I so happy we have some republicans in charge of something. Like giving retards a book and asking them to read out loud, lol
  9. How long can this voo doo economics last? Bush started it with the massive tax cuts which fueled the global economy, but still only got us down to 5.5% unemployment. That stimulous was then increased with war spending which further busted the budget, but the free market with all this gasoline tossed on it still couldn't create the jobs. Gees, wonder why there was a housing bubble? Toss in more health care spending stimulous/welfare with Bush's aid to older Americans and then Tarp, and Obama's temporary stimulous and you have got to ask, what if all this was cut off? Seriously, are we stuck on stimulous?
  10. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20101101/ap_on_re_us/us_immigration_audits I'm sure the blindness of Republicans...oh, I mean Conservatives, will not allow them to see this in anti-business terms because they can't see things like that, but that's what it is.
  11. That's just stupid not taking the fg there and the lead
  12. http://www.nytimes.com/2010/10/29/us/29spill.html?nl=&emc=a1 Oh dear, bet they are happy the Republicans will control the House next year! And isn't it pleasant to know this guys will be given the contracts to build new nuclear reactors!
  13. So what is this then? Is Global Warming the biggest conspiracy in world history? I mean countless scientist argue its real, Bill Gates is in on it, most governments say its real, the Catholic Church, many Protestant Churches, how do they all fit into the conspiracy?
  14. Too funny! http://abovethelaw.com/2010/10/the-crazy-carl-chronicles-was-paladino-a-law-school-paladin/#more-40771 Typical of this kind of person
  15. And miss out on drafting the next Ryan Lief??? Or defense is so bad I can't excuse passing up taking a great defensive plYer if he is the best. Not that I expect this team to evaluate tLent well
  16. Miami special teams are a complete disaster. Worst st game I have ever seen
  17. An old fat women running uphill would still average five yards a carry against this defense
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