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Everything posted by Dave_In_Norfolk

  1. Looks like there might be more and more working poor, capitalism seems to be doing what it does best, eliminating jobs http://www.time.com/time/business/article/0,8599,2040966,00.html#ixzz1AjqU3FPa
  2. Fitz had a group of nobody wideouts and made them look decent. He makes good decisions, is tough and will probably get better. Is Sanchez of the Jets better than him? I don't think so. Put Fitz in with that offense and have him backed up by that defense and he would still be playing now in the playoffs. Fitz looks good because he has done something with almost nothing. I hope we get to see what he does as the rest of the team improves Statistics are for losers
  3. Actually it was perfectly relevent. It was a comparison of two books and actions that supposidly flowed from them. How DC Tom read politics into that I'll never know. I suppose he was just drunk
  4. Because Democrats back then were the Conservatives...Jesus is a person and not a party One of Tom's suck offs is angry, OMG! Ha ha! Sounds like a gold bug loon. The right wing has been reaping the harvest of economic ignorance. He's been fed anti-Fed propaganda from the right, no surprise
  5. That's blatent politicizing of religion! Shame on you! Besides, Jesus never spoke out against slavery. You call that liberal??
  6. The Liberal Media is just part of the big conspiracy. Everyone is out for us. We Conservatives have a target on us. The Liberal Media just churns out the lies and people buy it, that's why we are slaves. You can't trust anyone.
  7. You are also no economist. The national debt is no big deal at all. It's just money we basically owe to ourselves and will not repay, we just roll it over every 90 days or so and will continue to do so forever.
  8. The farmers basically are one big union. Farm susidizes are a huge deal. No, he totally busted you there man. You did say "itself" as if the market fixed everything, well, by itself. Squirm all you want, but you are still busted
  9. Meanwhile, in the name of reducing big government and taking a no nonesense approch to budgets, states all over the nation are unemploying people. Our state has a $1 billion deficit. While this is going on, we are blithly throwing between $9 and 12 Billion a MONTH into Iraq! Six months of Iraq money would fill all our states coffers to over flowing. So, Bush not only slashed tax rates to create the defict, he took it a step further by institutionalizing a bleeding wound with Iraq which will require a drain on our prospereity into infinium. Mission Accomplished!
  10. So many Conservatives admit that Rush Limbo, probably the most powerful Conservative in the country, is nothing more than an entertainer, that its hard to deny that politics has, at least to Conservatives, been reduced to celebrity group think. Look at Palin, she's living the life of a rock star by simply repeating simple Conservative platitudes and blathering on on Fox "news"
  11. http://tpmmuckraker.talkingpointsmemo.com/2010/12/ky_creationist_theme_park_gets_preliminary_approva.php?ref=fpb
  12. That Ronnie Brown td really shows how much we need a linebacker that can run sideline to sideline
  13. Yeah, the people that pay the most to buy the government? Those people? The people that get most of the government's money? The people who benefit the most from the government's bought up laws? Them? The poor, poor, wealthy people! They NEED a tax cut, haven't you heard about the investment opportunities for that added capital in China?? Why waste it on Americans?
  14. Nope, you are absolutely right, the state decided the tax payers were more important than this child's life. We are living in a time period where the rich really are getting much richer--much richer--and everyone else is starting to get left behind. So a kid is left to die and you instead attack in a partisan manner? You are a partisan are you not?
  15. SARAH!SARAH! SARAH!! Nothing like a Palin supporter to put this into perspective!
  16. You are a totally brainwashed tool. You are told what to think and then you repeat what you are told to say.
  17. http://news.yahoo.com/s/yblog_thelookout/after-budget-cuts-indiana-baby-denied-life-saving-treatment
  18. Well, these grapes must have been sitting around for awhile, they are so sour over this good news
  19. Happy days are here again... We all hope for that, right? http://finance.yahoo.com/news/Stocks-rise-sharply-on-signs-apf-3761778494.html?x=0&sec=topStories&pos=main&asset=&ccode= So much for the big lie Obama's policies were holding anything back
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