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Everything posted by Dave_In_Norfolk

  1. Good? Are you a social Darwinist or just a regular jerk? Also, doesn't it show that the sacred free market isn't doing enough? If you call this plan "being responsible" you are just being stupid. But I already knew that about you. I love your non-partisan stance here, too, btw Probably better than all the Conservatives who predicted Bill Clinton's tax increase would "kill, I telling it's going to just KILL the economy!"
  2. Say, what a great idea! http://www.economy.com/dismal/article_free.asp?cid=197630&src=bb Almost as if they want to hurt people to further their anti-Obama agenda
  3. Lol, put the Fox 'news' Rush limbo down man! Obama fubarred GM? You are stupid
  4. So if there are not enough jobs produced by the sacred free market, screw those who are left behind. That's sickening. You clowns can get away with that hateful notion in the short term, but the people will not put up with it forever. And look here: http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/nation/la-na-gop-cuts-20110224,0,2687045.story.
  5. Thank you! Exactly, and of course I have serious issues with that. It has zero social responsibility at all. It recognizes our nation in no way, humanity none at all and compassion still less. As to your point about opportunity, that is relative, government also offers opportunities to rich and poor alike The tax cut revolution of Reagan and Bush is a failure. Where is he free market utopia we were promised? All these tax cuts and we have to live with 17% unemployment? Fail Only you would call a person's job 'waste' What a low life you are. How will cutting all those government jobs create free market jobs stupid. Please answer stupid
  6. So if the free market can't provide for everyone then tough luck, enjoy poverty, it simply cannot be helped? Is that your point? Answer the question stupid
  7. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/us_wisconsin_budget_unions Not just a corporate stooge, but a really ignorant one at that! The list a items this guy wants passed just goes on to prove how we are being driven down to China's level of consumer protections.
  8. Has anyone studied the same problem in the NHL? I'm thinking about LaFontain here, hope all is well with him. But so many players now are getting head injuries. You are joking, right?
  9. I would tax the wealthy to spread the prosperity, yes. Following your "logic" we are headed towards third world status, massive poverty, the roads not getting fixed, infrastructure left to its own, dirty air, no "shake downs" of polluters, etc, etc...
  10. Lol, keep dreaming! You guys are so funny. Go back to your fake birth certificates
  11. That's a lot of jobs! So my question is how will throwing all these people onto unemployment help create private sector jobs? Can anyone answer me that? GG, your complete and total BS is welcome here
  12. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2011/02/11/AR2011021102747.html?hpid=opinionsbox1 Trump [the next Conservative celebrity?] gets the appluse but the crank Ron "Gold Bug" Paul wins the staw poll. Great mention here also about the splintering of the GOP Obama is real good, but he is also very lucky to have this group of complete s%%% heads to run against
  13. Ha Ha, only mentioned the tea bagger to see your idiotic knee jerk reaction! Thanks! You are still non-partisan, right?
  14. Fox news will probably give him a late night gig, right after Huckabb
  15. I can't wait for the Republican Primaries!! If the tea bagger trash dominates the process--as they sure will--the GOP will only nominate someone who declares they masturbate with their guns, will eliminate the Federal government and make Nathan Beford Forrest's birthday a national holiday. Hey Palidino, why not run! And of course, the celebrity driven nature of the Republicans means some savage of course will do all he or she can do to win the nomination and not worry at all about actually winning the general election, but the nomination is worth $ millions. Look at how Palin has cashed in without being the least bit serious. Let the fun begin!!
  16. http://www.nytimes.com/2011/02/11/us/politics/11congress.html?nl=todaysheadlines&emc=tha2 House GOP demans $100 billion in job cuts. Hey, they shipped the private sector jobs overseas, now its time for many of those with government jobs to join the underclass. How does this make America better?
  17. I hope we can at least agree that taxes are at historicallly low levels, or do you all follow the teabagger line that we are dying of over taxation?
  18. But Not Obama....you partisan lacky! That's for sure! But that's what his spin is all about. And your's also, for that matter! Ya ok, our GDP is lower than in 1950? Ummm...ok. Yet all the GG's horses and all the GG's men fall into line. Wow!
  19. http://finance.yahoo.com/news/By-one-measure-federal-taxes-apf-2871207111.html?x=0&.v=6 Spin away "non-partisan" right wingers!
  20. Careful, or you will get called out by you know who for making a partisan post. Can't have that!
  21. "...the mere status of being without health insurance, in and of itself, has absolutely no impact whatsoever on interstate commerce (not "slight," "trivial," or "indirect," but no impact whatsoever) -- at least not any more so than the status of being without any particular good or service." Did this judge get his law degree at Bob Jones University or Oral Roberts? This is so idiotic and blantently ridiculous. The cartoon court?
  22. It's a very good idea. The government should be doing much more of this sort of stuff. The anti-government cranks of course hate this idea simply because, but we as a society can't listen to them. Maybe we can invent a pill that actually makes those losers happy. Doubt it, but you nver know
  23. Even the mouth piece of capitalism is admitting this to be a free market failure. Nice Are you being sarcastic? Seriously? Maybe the government should roll up a newspaper and go around swatting those bad old home buyers?
  24. Imagine if someone developed something like this to screw with the international financial system?
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