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Everything posted by Dave_In_Norfolk

  1. That is such a good question! What are we going to do when all the jobs are moved overeseas or automated? Where will people work? And when it becomes necessary to create more government jobs how will it be paid for? And of course there is this: http://news.yahoo.com/s/yblog_thelookout/20110316/ts_yblog_thelookout/chart-shows-low-tax-burden-for-rich;_ylt=AiV27KxAkaPsCSaVlP3_lzdH2ocA;_ylu=X3oDMTQ1czQ4ZmMwBGFzc2V0A3libG9nX3RoZWxvb2tvdXQvMjAxMTAzMTYvY2hhcnQtc2hvd3MtbG93LXRheC1idXJkZW4tZm9yLXJpY2gEY2NvZGUDbXBfZWNfOF8xMARjcG9zAzQEcG9zAzQEc2VjA3luX3RvcF9zdG9yaWVzBHNsawNjaGFydHNob3dzbG8-
  2. I hope he isn't biting off more than he can chew. I love that he owns the Sabres, but I wonder if this isn't all too much?
  3. You are from Western New York??? Oh, I forgot, its all the government's fault!
  4. http://www.nytimes.com/2011/03/16/us/16ohio.html?_r=1&ref=us Interesting article on how the lack of private jobs over the decades has made government jobs look like the only way into the middle class
  5. Oh go back to your ball licking of St. Tom. I'm sorry for upsetting you
  6. You'd be hearing some knocks on your door pretty quick if that were the case. Anyway, are you crying because your tea partiers couldn't muster more votes to shut down the evil government today?
  7. When I first read this I thought you almost sounded reasonable, but after looking into exactly what happened I have to ask you if you are insane? We don't even know where this is going yet, now we know they have been using weapons grade plutonium and that those cells might have already melted down? And don't forget--or just know--the earthquake didn't hit the plant, it just cut its power off, and the generators only had eight hours of back up. And as a matter of fact the worst earthquake and Tusmni are good benchmarks for this because we have to be prepared for things like this happening. Should we aim even lower? What if its a friggin terror attack? That could never happen!! I'm no "anti-nuke" environmentalist, I'm just seeing this for what it is, a real f-up. You pro nuclear at any cost nut jobs are wacked. And I love your comment about how clean nuclear is. Can we store the spent fuel in your basement? Is that what Fox is reporting?
  8. Didn't take long for the nuclear apologists to jump to the defense of this perfectly safe power source. I'm all fired up about building more of these perfectly safe reactors. Meanwhile wind power is bad! The oil companies and fo news told me so.
  9. Probably just one of the many former Republican teachers that are now Democrats
  10. Stupid point. He didn't just fire them for negoitating, he did it because they went out on strike and were not suppose to. Do you ever think before any of your million posts a day? Anyway, here is my new Conservative hero. If going after the teachers wasn't political stupidity, going after the Conservative's benefits sure is. Go baby!! http://www.tnr.com/blog/jonathan-chait/85108/paul-ryan-slams-uninformed-conservative-colleagues Let's start with the banks! Oh wait...
  11. I'm sorry, I was wrong. The government is broke and we should all accept a tax cut to raise revenue. Remember how tax cuts were going to create a f'n free market paradise? The trash believed this stuff, add in banking deregulation and here we are. My neighbors kid can't play soccer now Now you have pukes like DCTom actually arguing that the people were just as much responsible for the housing crash as the people WHO SHOULD BE IN JAIL for their selling away the toxic mortgages they negotiated to dupes who had no idea the bankers were cheating them
  12. Oh yah! I just heard middle school sports and music has been cut from the local school budget, along with ten cops and a fire house! A victory for America! Tea party trash to hold celebratory rally! You partisans are pathetic
  13. I think this is a victory for Democrats. The anti-Islam stuff is an attempt to divert attention. But I don't think--short of a convient Operation Northwoods type of terror attack, it will fail.
  14. Just from a political stand point, this is a not very wise move and judging by the build up of anti-Muslim hate speech I think the GOP realizes that. The drive to divide and impoverish the middle class rolls on
  15. http://www.nytimes.com/2011/03/07/opinion/07krugman.html?_r=1&hp This is a really interesting op-ed. Forget the political slant and read about what is going on in jobs and read the artice he is referencing. Very interesting. More proof that if the government doesn't make jobs there simply will be no jobs. That Social Darwinist view held by many of the willfully ignorant just doesn't fit this paradige--as if it fits any.
  16. Oh! They're the ones that missed it! Gotcha! Santelli the Great was the profit warning us all along?
  17. I'm probably wasting my time trying to explain this to you, I'll try and write it so you can understand, here goes: Our government also enforces laws, protects property, invests in technological improvements etc, that allows for the economy to grow and for the rich to be rich, so its more than the fact they created the economy with the money they print*. So that government has a perfect right to tax higher incomes and distribute it as it--the people--see fit. That's a very basic fact of how government works. Nothing radical there. *Actually, only a very small proportion of the money is printed So funny! YOU calling someone ignorant! Man, the garbage you spew day and night, 24/7, on and on, is the very definition of ignorance! Go for a walk some day. Get away from the computer for an hour man. Income tax, you mean? And you consider that bad, right? Do you want to abolish the income tax so the wealthy can keep more? Is that what you think is a cure for societies ills, or is your attitude society, the people like Bush and Forbes and Koch bros. earned every dollar they have and its theirs and society! Even if you go so far to the point of saying everyone should pay the same percentage, isn't that still unfair? A millioniar will still pay more than a janitor, is that still punishing the millioniar for being successful? Please, discuss Oh no!! He watches CNBC so he is VERY informed!
  18. http://tpmdc.talkingpointsmemo.com/2011/03/rasmussen-poll-almost-six-in-ten-wisconsin-voters-disapprove-of-gov-walker.php?ref=fpa Oops! And this is a Rassussen poll, so the numbers are probably worse. This guy is a complete stooge. They pushed this little boy out there as a trial balloon and its completely being blown up. Go after muslism, works. Go after welfare people, works. Attack a faceless and skin colorless "government," works. Gays, check. Anyone with dark skin, check. But teachers are a majority white and many of them are Conservatives, no check Wonder how the Fox News guy who is governor of Ohio is doing? There goes another bump in the road towards impoverishing the middle class of America. Next topic, the Bush tax cuts
  19. Wouldn't that be great! No government to bother us. We would be totally free and could just go jump and skip and do whatever we wanted . I know they call you a little dreamer Tom, but you're not the only one. Someday they'll join you and all the world will live as one
  20. The government makes the money that everyone wants, that's true. And the government can take as much back as it wants. As it is becoming more and more clear that the tax cuts for the wealthy are going to mean more poverty, crime and pollution for the rest of the nation, this opinion will be more widly shared. Get use to it
  21. http://tpmdc.talkingpointsmemo.com/2011/03/wisconsin-dems-pushing-recalls-of-gop-state-senators.php?ref=fpb Trying to take out the trash
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