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Everything posted by Dave_In_Norfolk

  1. If you are going to buy it you gotta pay for it. And let's see, if we increase taxes we borrow less, and therefor we don't look like we are completely living off our credit card, so yes, it will solve a lot of problems. I haven't run across--yet--any Conservo morons who are calling for more and massive tax cuts to get us out of debt, but the day is still young Also, where are the anti-government zealots yelling about how this is proof government doesn't work?
  2. http://www.nytimes.com/2011/04/18/business/global/18yuan.html?nl=todaysheadlines&emc=tha2 this isn't so good either, economically or politically--as in Chinese political stability. If China can't soak up the world's commodities this world will be in for a world of hurt
  3. I agree! Why this country followed this guy's advice on invading Iraq, the Bush tax cuts and not paying for the prescription drug plan is beyond me....oh wait... So, this happens and you blame an op-ed guy???
  4. http://finance.yahoo.com/news/Instant-View-SP-revises-US-rb-2897658395.html;_ylt=AqR.uSbAthwe92.yP5JE6Qi7YWsA;_ylu=X3oDMTE1NGJyNHRlBHBvcwMzBHNlYwN0b3BTdG9yaWVzBHNsawNzYW1wcHJldmlzZXM-?x=0&sec=topStories&pos=main&asset=&ccode= Either taxes go up, the poor get starved or we kick grandma out of the nursing home, but something has to get done
  5. Well, here ya go, this from the tea partyist state in the Union: http://www.nytimes.com/2011/04/15/us/15ttnursinghomes.html?src=recg This is the GOP version of our future, it's happening first in no tax Texas
  6. Great win! Tyler Myers was a beast out there. Future Norris winner potential there! Stand on his head? He didn't face that many tough shots. Heck, your vaunted offensive players didn't even create a decent chance on the 5-3. Buffalo's young--and banged up-- defense is handling the Flyers
  7. Not only has Obama's speech totally chased the Ryan puppy back into his hole, but the deal that was struck by the GOP leadership and Dems seems to have tricked the Tea Party trash--that was difficult --and actually been a lot of accounting gimmicks. http://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/deal-includes-86b-in-cuts-that-likely-would-never-have-been-spent/2011/04/12/AFFbG4bD_story.html And this is the glorious charging army promising its supporters to eliminate health care coverage for millions of Americans? Ha ha ha!!
  8. Ha ha, you are so ignorant. How many people can be farmers? You understand--what am I saying???--ok, you are an idiot, but maybe others can understand that machines are doing so much work that there isn;t enough for everyone to do. All those industries have bought big machinery that do the work of many men/women.
  9. The Republican party would disappear! There is a reason this moron ia actually polling well with Republicans
  10. That's the basic Republican position. They want less abortions but once the baby is born they expect him/her to either work hard or starve.
  11. If you call me an idiot, at least please have the bravery to answer the question. I mean wow! Your CNBC logic of just throwing out "Tax cuts= Jobs" is not an answer. Yes, I understand you are completely brainwashed, but still, explain yourself so I can show you how stupid you are. I noticed the usual suspects are absent the debate here. Where are the anti-government garbage people to "prove" this will make the world better? I mean wow, Alaska, Tom and GG should be cheering this!
  12. Two One observation ands two questions: Observation: This is a total joke. They know this will never happen. You people calling this serious are just mindless droids. It's about as serious as Obama's saying we are not involved in Libya anymore because NATO is taking over Question 1: How will Medicare--which affects those old people that vote a lot--not suffer draconian cuts to its service without all this funding? Question 2: How will this create private sector jobs?
  13. This is simply great! Proof positive that propaganda works--as do the rest of these right wing posts. So they owe nothing to the country that enforces the laws, provides the infrastructure and education to produce workers that make their business possible? The dream land you live in is just incredible. And can you please tell me exactly what a company owes it's workers?? And boo hoo for a complicated tax code. You guys are simply mindless anti-tax boobs. Little spoiled brats that's want it all for nothing. Why don't you trashy people go find a place and found a no tax country and live in a cave. This is more what I expected, the Fox news zombies actually complaining about the messenger. That is funny. You guys are exactly like doctrinaire Marxist. Except you just live by the word of Rush/Hannity instead of Marx Do you know how the government puts money into circulation?
  14. http://tpmlivewire.talkingpointsmemo.com/2011/03/jon-stewart-corporations-cant-even-afford-to-pay-negative-taxe-rates.php?ref=fpblg Interesting, they not only pay nothing in taxes, but our evil, socialist government actually pays them money back.
  15. Does this mean the savages have given up painting Obama as a communist/socialist/fascist/anarchist/anti-imperialist Kenyan with a colonial mentality? This is a serious step down from that!
  16. World order is always in our best interest especially when a democracy is being born right next door
  17. Fresh meat for the GOP attack machine to smear. Ah, I love Republicans attacking Republicans. I almost feel sorry for this one, though, he seems like a decent man, which of course means he stands no chance unless Newt, Palin, Bachman and the rest of the wacko screwballs with deep support from the Republican base split the ticket enough for him to win.
  18. The international community led this and Obama is joining in on a United Nations effort to crush a crumbling dictatorship on the same day that the Eqyptian people are VOTING on a new Constitution. Leaving the terrorist in charge while his own people are fighting him at the Same time democracy is sweeping across the region isn't very pragmatic. The idiotic comparison to Iraq is pretty weak
  19. I already knew you were ignorant, no need to demonstrate that ignorance Ya, he did such a fantastic job of obstructing Sherman's 1,000 mile long logistics.....not. He failed and Atlanta burned
  20. Yes, the right wing garage doesn't get it's way and the world will end, or worse, taxes will go up
  21. Ya, guess you missed the fact that in our coutry many people actually believe the south didn't start the civil war to maintain white supremacy. Did you see Mississippi wanted to put a murderer of American soldiers on their license plats? Nathan Bedford Forest is actually the name of some schools in the south.
  22. Will the large an extremely shot group of Republican "presidential" field--Newt, Palin, Trump, Bachman---begin searching for an Irish birth certificate?
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