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Everything posted by Dave_In_Norfolk

  1. Find it? You mean where it's labeled "Israel' you !@#$ing idiot®(tm? All apologies !@#$ing idiot®(tm, I know this is your little trade mark, but I'm sure you can sue me
  2. Oh HA!!! Now that's a hoot! What a perfect trade mark brand name for you! You should get it tattooed onto your forehead! And Booster can show his love by getting it on his lower back. Thanks for the laugh !@#$ing idiot®
  3. Dems will re-take the House in 2012 and increase their majority in the Senate. Obama will crush whoever the GOP vomits up to run against him. Imagine a sissy-wimp like Pawlenty being the nominee? Ha ha, the guy that got Osama against a nothing like that!
  4. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20110528/ap_on_re_mi_ea/ml_gaza_border He sees the new reality for Israel. They do not hold the cards like they use to. Time for Israel to surrender its position and give up some land
  5. Yes, let's raise tariffs and cut off trade. Bring back Smoot Hawley while we are at it. Isolationism worked so well
  6. Crybaby! Face it, you lost in one of your safest districts. Sit in your own sh..it and spin all you want, but your party still lost
  7. Tom, you are very ignorant about the history of this country, so try and stay away from commenting on it, ok? And you lived in Buffalo and say that?
  8. Imagine that, the National White People's Party doesn't think the dark skinned president is a legitimate citizen??
  9. Money is ineffective?? Ha ha, I love how much of a moron you and your suck offs are!
  10. Thurman didn't do much his first year, just lik Spiller.
  11. Still recovering from a history of slavery, segregatrion and oppression, we SHOULD spend more on black students. You don't overcome almost 400 years of oppression in a few decades
  12. http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/04/21/us-texas-wildfires-idUSTRE73K7WY20110421 Ya, that will help, a rain dance to make things better
  13. Well that was a quick crisis! My stocks already closing in on pre-crisis levels. And yields on treasury bonds actually fell, lol. The "crisis" in the dollar sent investors running to the safe dollar for safety. I also can't help but think this s &p thing was meant more as a warning to the Tea Party over the debt limit, but that's just my hunch
  14. On April 19, 1995, a truck bomb exploded outside the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, killing 168 people and injuring 500. (Anti-government terrorist Timothy McVeigh was later convicted of federal murder charges and snuffed.)
  15. The only problem is that most people do not see the government providing health care as bull crude, that's only you anti-government ninnies. I'm glad you do see your argument as stupid though. And, btw, you are really slipping badly. Then why did it create a money supply?
  16. Commodity prices are going to rise in a growing economy no matter what the dollar does. I'm not sure if you are saying--I didn't watch that video--that its the dollar policy driving those inflationary trends, but if you are I would have to disagree. Why is inflation so low here on non-commodity items if this is the dollar driving it? As you have pointed out, there is a world boom going on, THAT'S what's driving the commodity prices higher, not the dollar. On top of that, higher commodity prices are not all bad, its all some countries have to trade, so its actually helping them.
  17. I know, isn't that so troll like to compare health care to porn? Oh, were you talking about me?
  18. Imagine if they catch "Democracy Fever" from the Middle East? Turn out the lights on the global economy for awhile
  19. Just crap on the floor--you can provide the crap--and sleep in that
  20. Go back to bed you idiot Not as easy as cutting budget busting tax cuts The Zealots have arrived in force!!!
  21. Because health care and other things government's provide are things people like, so we will pay for them
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