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Everything posted by Dave_In_Norfolk

  1. Sure hope this works. Would be great to see a robust recovery pick up steam heading into and through 2012.
  2. I think AA has outlived its usefulness, for the most part. But I would do a lot more to stop all this human wasteage going on. We could rebuild neighborhoods, communities and familes to make sure this generation of kids is the last one to have many slip through the cracks. No child should be brought up in an environoment that stunts his/her human development. The government should do more to protect these kids growing up arould violence, drugs, neglect and exploitation. Sorry, your ignorance is too deep to be reasoned with. You are just an idiot
  3. In other words you would just make the poor suffer miserably. Your Conservo nonesense that simply assumes--incorrectly--that welfare is making the poor poor and that cutting them off will inspire them to suddenly become middle class is so beyond stupid that it only shows that you are a tard. You have no solutions at all. Rambling Rush Limbo junk. I'm sure DCTom agrees, though
  4. What?? Am I posting too much for you ? Oh the irony! Mr. 24/7 on the board wants a poster to go away! Seriously DCTom, what year was it that you went a whole day without posting your ignorant rants here? I'm guessing early 2000's. Hold on, stop right there. This is why people call you stupid all the time. Earlier you didn't want the president making the decision, you wanted Congress too. So make up your mind
  5. So, while Quadaffy was getting ready to murder thousands of people you would rather have waited for Congress to vote? Really, why do you want a declaration of war for? Why would that make you feel better?
  6. You would have let the whole banking system collaspe? That's just stupid
  7. Why can't businesses have the freedom to hire whoever they want? I hate this anti-free market xenophobic movement in the country. Racism is bad for business
  8. So what would your government policy be to end poverty? It's easy for losers like you to whine and moan and rub your little spot, but what's your solution? No, I'm Dave!
  9. Yes, remember how before LBJ we didn't have poor people? I feel so sorry for the people that wake up every morning cursing the poor. What an empty existance
  10. This is such an idiotic argument. If ifs and nuts were candy and nuts, everyday would be Christmas. Sure, if this was a full employment economy they wouldn't be fighting deflation, but it's not. @maggox, demand, demand demand, that's were the inflationary pressure is coming from. I read one estimate that said by 2023 a majority of world citizens will be "middle class." I've owned Deutche Bank Commodities for a year now...
  11. Of course you will, that way you have to defend nothing and can complain about everything while pretending their is some magical third way to hapiness. Cowardly. Go Obama in 2012!
  12. Let's see....economy improving leads to higher energy costs which leads to slower economy...yes, Jimmy Carter and Al Gore are right, we need alternative energy sources to create jobs, to have a stronger economy and to stop Global Warming. That's all.
  13. All presidents are novices. And Obama is doing a fine job
  14. When you make such a stupid point, you cannot expect, nor do you deserve a decent response. It is hyperinflationarybut it isn't. Beautiful! Gees, Tom--Tom!!--hasn't even defended you yet, and it's been over 15 minutes!
  15. Understand our 'hyperinflation' problem? I think the Weiner thread has you hyper, keep up the good work, stupid.
  16. What crap! Hyper inflationary? TPS seems to have hit his target! How can anyone have a long term dedication to the dollar when we will not always been the number one economy? Nothing last forever you idiot.
  17. Yes, and her child, too. Tying her? Sounds like you been listening to too much Rush dude. There are a whole lot of people out there that can't work because they are dysfunctional, there are no jobs in their areas, child care issues, etc. Targeting them for drug testing is just harassment. We should be spending more money to ensure there are fewer dysfunctional people so we can really cut welfare at it's source, reducing the amount of people that need it. Of course who would the Right wing hate then? Oh ya, the immigrants, I forgot
  18. Speaking of Florida, I see they are targeting the poor for drug tests. ACLU is going to fight this, from what I hear. What happens if they find a mom is smoking a joint? Starve her? Is this smart public policy?
  19. http://www.nytimes.com/2011/06/03/us/politics/03congress.html?nl=todaysheadlines&emc=tha2 I guess Conservatives could argue that if they ruined the economy by not raising the limit it would be "proof" that government is bad for the economy
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