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Everything posted by Dave_In_Norfolk

  1. Oh ho ho!! Via Fox news and brought to you by Exxon corporation, no less! Brit vomits out worthless Conservative platitudes and it gets posted here. Set the bailed out banks free! How will we ever bail them out again if we don't allow them to overlend??? Why didn't he mention how Obama wants to cut payrole taxes for a time but Conservatives hate the idea because it might work! Fair and balanced, yes sir! What type of tool would post that crap?
  2. http://www.csmonitor.com/World/Backchannels/2011/0628/Libya-not-a-stalemate-anymore And Obama continues to pad his foreign policy resume! If he gets Quadaffy's head on a pike that's two major terrorists he has taken out that have bothered the United States for many years.
  3. There you go again. You have a very inate pro-Republican bias. Republicans are the ones instigating this, not Democrats. The Democrats are trying to stop the Republicans from sabotaging a very necessary step for our country. The very fact you mentioned "Brinksmanship" tells us there will be a winner and loser. Right, follow the logic: Brinkmanship=Competition, Competition=Winners and Losers. You could be right about the outcome, nothing much gets done. But that would mean the Right Wing's demands of "cuts, cuts, cuts or we go nuclear!" would have to have been abandoned. Surrender monkeys http://s3images.coroflot.com/user_files/individual_files/original_211182_vChnlJgBk3cBZPJw5u0oR_Pda.jpg
  4. Yup! So this whole thing is just blowing up on Cantor. He stormed out of the meeting the other day because this whole bambit is leaning towards a huge political win for Obama. Conservatives love the military and hate taxes and those will be two results of this and it HAS to pass the Republican controlled House. They have to swallow this. No way around it, some/many Republicans will have to vote for this. They can't let the debt limit expire, that would be insane. It would be so counter productive and harmful that there is no way.
  5. But in our world, doesn't proof count for anything? Time has proved Carter right and Reagan wrong. Why can't you understand something so simple? What type of world do you live in that proof and facts are to be excluded? But, the penatration bomber idea? I mean really? Leaving aside all the technical problems it had, what the heck is the point of that bomber when we had a missle fleet based in subs and ICBM's.
  6. It never replaced the B-52 which was 30 years older than it. Your turn!
  7. 1 Agreed, it will not matter much in general election, but it might keep away tea partiers or it might make him take on a savage Conservative like McCain had to do 2 So well??? 23% is so well? And look at the trash he is running against! If Pizza Guy, Newt, Santorium and Paul drop out, I think its far more likely Bachmann will garner their supporters, not an insider, Northern Governor, Mormon who passed Obama/Romneycare. He may be the best by far, but that will not matter in the GOP primary. Not saying he won't do it, but it still looks like a tough road ahead for Romney. Look at it this way, I think he is a decent candidate would would probably be a decent President. What does that tell you about how Tea Partiers view him? 3 I do not agree with that. Obama may have some economic problems right now, but America is growing more comfortable with him by the day, IMO. But Romney is the only one that can beat him now
  8. Tell that to the tea party, if he was so great more than 23% of Iowa Republicans would support him.
  9. And having screaming Iranians on TV every night before the election is what got Reagan elected. Reagan then kept Paul Volker on--Carter's choice--at the Fed and took all the creadit for the economic turn around that took place. Carter all made the right call on the POS B-1 bomber. What junk
  10. Which would be funny in its own right, with his health care plan he passed and all. I don't suppose he wins one Southern State with a majority. Palin's done. Too many other fools out there doing what attracts ignorant Conservative voters, namely, yelling "Freedom, Media bad, cut government--just not that government that goes to me--and liberals bad." Her fifteen minutes of fame is up.
  11. Looks like the Pentagon is on the old chopping block here. I guess when push comes to shove, the military has fewer voters supporting it than entitlements. http://www.washingtonpost.com/business/economy/gop-compromise-on-debt-cut-military-spending/2011/06/25/AGPrGBmH_story.html?wpisrc=nl_headlines
  12. Ignorance of your ignorance is all. Come on, tell me about Teddy and Lincoln and war. Wus
  13. I bet you have never read a good book of history in your life you uneducated boob
  14. Bachmann has a real chance of winning there! http://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/with-michele-bachmanns-surge-comes-fresh-scrutiny/2011/06/26/AG75u2lH_story_1.html Will 2012 really be this easy for Obama?
  15. Of course they are, you need Libya to be Iraq to attack the president, really, do you ever think at all? Scary cat, scary cat!!!! Try me boy! I bet the point you were trying to make was real dumb!
  16. Of course health care costs increased, the government increased the market by giving all the elderly health care, you really want to take away there coverage to reduce costs? I don't Cap and trade has already proved it's use and effectiveness. Remember acid rain? Where did it go? Cap and trade on silver emissions. Do I really have to explain everything in the world for you? Do you even care that if the government didn't provide health care many people could not get it?
  17. That's easy, I already have. If they were crackpot we wouldn't be in a recovery. Why waste more time talking about increased money supply ?
  18. So, you actually believe Obama's policies are "crackpot"? Really? Wow
  19. So you are making the argument that this is Iraq all over? Thats just stupid, this is a different situation altogether. How many American soldiers are on the ground in Libya? How many American lives have been lost? How dare you accuse us of hypocrisy when you need to make people believe this is another Iraq. You are a stupid moron, you know that? You do realize that don't you?
  20. Why would it be better for Obama to follow Teddy than Lincoln, if that is what you were saying, if not, what was your point about them?
  21. Why do I even need too? If they were such crackpot ideas we wouldn't have come out of recession and improved on the situation that the "non-crackpots' got us into. Nice try on the question, though Oh, Keynes is a crackpot? Why didn't it destroy the economy then when it's been practiced? Sounds to me like you are nothing more than a right wing drone
  22. I can't decide if that sounds more like a Federalist snearing at a Jeffersonian Republican or a White Redeemer ordaining that the Freedmen could never be trusted with democracy? Prey, do tell how you know they will never get their act together? What does this mean?
  23. Munich! Qadaffy is cheering! Will he send his supporters in Congress another letter of praise? So much for giving new born Egypt some breathing space. After Qadaffy is done butchering his people you know he will send his terrorists to Egypt to fix that country's new government. This is a shameful, cowardly act by a bi-partisan band of bozo's. I wonder how they are reacting in Lockerbie at this news?
  24. So crackpot ideas have pulled us this far out of the recession, saved General Motors and helped see stock prices rally?? There is a cracked pot I see, but it ain't our President
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